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Your Weekly Horoscope by The Astro Twins

Your Weekly Overview October 12th – October 18th
Lock down that data and soundproof the “war room.” (And hide the evidence while you’re at it!) This Tuesday, October 13, trickster Mercury pivots into its final retrograde of 2020. The backspin, which lasts until November 3, begins in secretive Scorpio, creating the air of espionage until October 27. Then, the messenger planet moonwalks through Libra, demanding justice for the final leg of its journey. And yes, you read those dates right. Mercury WILL be retrograde for the United States Presidential election, and all through voting season. We’re not remotely excited to share this news, especially with the reverse commute happening in such an intensely impassioned sign as Scorpio for most of the time! The last time Mercury was retrograde during a presidential election was during the divisive Bush-Gore fiasco in 2000 where the Supreme Court had to settle a recount dispute among Florida voters—and even to this day, it remains UNSETTLED for many. (For more of our astrological Election coverage, here’s a video.)
On a personal note, this Mercury retrograde throws relationship imbalances into sharp relief. Whether you’re collaborating for romance or finance (or some other purpose altogether), whatever feels “unfair” can no longer be swept under the rug. Ambiguity could breed all kinds of issues, from resentment to contempt. But how best to discuss these hot-button issues? During this three-week cycle it might be best to first brainstorm with outside advisors before bringing any “creative solutions” to the negotiating table. And with legal beagle Libra involved, consult an attorney if you’re wondering about what that fine print REALLY means in a contract. Still holding a torch for that Tinder date—or the one that got away? Exes have a funny way of popping up while Mercury’s retrograde, and with the reverse commute going down in relationship-focused Scorpio and Libra, don’t rule out a reconnection (or reconciliation). But if stirring this pot will dredge up toxic memories, leave the lid on it and seal it shut!
That might be easier said than done on Friday, October 16. As the annual new moon in Libra tickles us pink, it also drops a rose-colored filter over our eyes. Romanticizing is likely, but look out! This new moon locks into a turbulent tug-of-war with retrograde Mars in Aries and the stellium of Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn. Under this “Cardinal T-Square” power struggles are sure to erupt, especially in one-on-one bonds. One minute we’ll be eager to bond, the next minute, back-spinning Mars in Aries sends us back to our personal “autonomous zones” where we resent anyone who tries to merge us into a couple bubble. The Capricorn planets can also sweep us into the status game. Ditching the laid-back #LOYL’s for the big-talking royals may seem like a strategic move, but it’s likely to come crashing down under this formation. But good luck stopping yourself from pursuing those romantic urges! As Venus opposes obfuscating Neptune on Sunday, there’s even more hypnotic energy in the air. If you’re charmed and dazzled, enjoy the moment, but know that you’ll have some recon work to do next week!
Authors of Momstrology: The AstroTwins’ Guide to Parenting Your Little One By the Stars They say kids don’t come with a set of instructions. The AstroTwins, astrologers for Simply Woman, ELLE.com and TV Guide, beg to differ! Their new book Momstrology (Harper Collins) explains the kids AND moms of every zodiac sign, and how your energies mesh. From choosing a preschool, to picking hobbies and activities, to understanding what it means when your toddler gets clingy, or your big kid wants to quit soccer, or your tween talks back, Momstrology is a unique guide through all of the phases of your child’s life.
Offering charts for every astrological sign to decipher your child’s good days and bad days, likes and dislikes, and how your child deals with authority, limits, separation, and siblings, the AstroTwins offer real-world advice, from a cosmic perspective, that is always supportive and never overwhelming. With a section devoted to understanding your strengths and challenges as a mom based on your sign, and another section that matches you with your children to see how you all mesh together, Momstrology is a parenting guide like no other. Order Momstrology and get two free bonus gifts from The AstroTwins! Go to http://www.momstrology.com/