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Your Weekly Horoscope by The Astro Twins

Your Weekly Overview May 11th – May 17th, 2020
Mic drops: incoming! Voluble Mercury throws a homecoming rager as he zooms into Gemini this Monday, May 11. Talk about a double shot of articulation! Make that a quadruple shot since the Sun, charming Venus and the destiny-driven North Node are also in the sign of the Twins. Wordplay could be foreplay during this brief cycle and intellectual repartee will be the ultimate glue for kindred spirits. There’s no time like the present to start working on your memoir, record a podcast episode, or post split-screen Instagram Lives with guests. When Mercury is in Gemini, it’s dynamic duos for the win!
Just don’t expect yourself to be in extreme productivity mode 24/7. This Tuesday, May 12, make-it-happen Mars floats into dreamy Pisces until June 27. Just as you sit down to focus after the morning home-schooling or Zoom check-in, you could get diverted to the Enchanted Forest…or onto some other random but fascinating quest. Mars in Pisces is not exactly directional—but it IS quite soulful. The next six weeks are ideal time for plumbing the depths, exploring life’s mysteries and bringing more compassion into daily interactions. In an increasingly divided world, this Mars phase can act as a healing salve and, since Pisces rules the feet, an invitation to walk a mile in each other’s shoes. It’s time to shift the collective conscience by choosing love over fear and hate.
Are you ready for a romantic revolution—or just a more reliable signal for when you need to tune in to the wisdom of your heart? That chance could come starting this Wednesday, May 13, as Venus falls into retrograde for six weeks. The love planet’s reverse shift takes place in communicative Gemini, offering a chance to review and, if necessary, rewrite the narratives of your love story. Gemini is the zodiac’s twin and could reveal new ways to divvy up, share and merge resources. With amorous Venus in reverse, we will all plunge into a deep examination of how we “do” relationships…and, uh, WHO we “do.” Are you a pursuer or distancer? Do you avoid attachments or get super anxious and clingy when you feel unsure in love? Or, are you a well-balanced soul who could afford to be a bit more passionate? Are you addicted to the thrill of “new relationship energy” only to bolt when things get boring (read: vulnerable and intimate)? How in touch with your erotic desires and power are you, actually? Questions like these could weigh on everyone’s minds as Venus’ retrograde pushes us to do all those “re” activities like reviewing, revisiting, reassessing and reconnecting. And no, it’s not gonna be a cakewalk. (Real love seldom is.) But those who are willing to do the work of self-examination and course correction might be rewarded with a fulfilling new chapter in love before 2020 is through.
Another planet joins the retrograde party this Thursday, May 14, as jovial Jupiter shifts into its annual four-month siesta. Until September 12, the red-spotted giant will be backing up through Capricorn, giving us a chance to review our expansion plans…yes, even more than we already have since the world shut down. Jupiter is in “fall” in Capricorn, which is considered its weakest position. For the coming four months, we’ll have to rely on knowledge and industriousness over luck, but that’s probably a good thing. “A wing and a prayer” has not been a recipe for success in 2020. Since Jupiter is the zodiac’s truth seeker, plan to dig even deeper in your quest for answers, and be careful about believing the hype, since it will be harder to tell a conspiracy theory from a credible study during this time.
Authors of Momstrology: The AstroTwins’ Guide to Parenting Your Little One By the Stars They say kids don’t come with a set of instructions. The AstroTwins, astrologers for Simply Woman, ELLE.com and TV Guide, beg to differ! Their new book Momstrology (Harper Collins) explains the kids AND moms of every zodiac sign, and how your energies mesh. From choosing a preschool, to picking hobbies and activities, to understanding what it means when your toddler gets clingy, or your big kid wants to quit soccer, or your tween talks back, Momstrology is a unique guide through all of the phases of your child’s life.
Offering charts for every astrological sign to decipher your child’s good days and bad days, likes and dislikes, and how your child deals with authority, limits, separation, and siblings, the AstroTwins offer real-world advice, from a cosmic perspective, that is always supportive and never overwhelming. With a section devoted to understanding your strengths and challenges as a mom based on your sign, and another section that matches you with your children to see how you all mesh together, Momstrology is a parenting guide like no other. Order Momstrology and get two free bonus gifts from The AstroTwins! Go to http://www.momstrology.com/