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Your Weekly Horoscope

[August 24 – August 30]
Expand those plans! This week’s directive is to think bigger, broader and bolder. On Wednesday, August 26 the Sun and supersizer Jupiter convene at the exact degree of Virgo, filling us up with can-do energy. Just two weeks ago-on August 11, to be exact-Jupiter embarked on a thirteen-month tour through Virgoville. Many of us have been busy in R+D mode ever since, devising strategies and best practices for building our dreams. With the radiant Sun giving Jupiter his blessing this week, it’s safe to take a gamble and get into action-on the first steps, at least. Swagger alert! In extreme cases, a Sun-Jupiter conjunction can make us rash, hasty or downright egocentric. But because both heavenly bodies are flowing through sensible Virgo, we’re more likely to take calculated risks than foolish dares. Think of it as a much-needed nudge out of the safety zone. While Virgo energy can be prone to perfectionism, transitions can be a little messy. Don’t resist the foray into disarray if it’s in the name of growth.
On Thursday, messenger Mercury swaps signs, ending a brief, three-week tour through Virgo and moving on to romantic, diplomatic luxuriating Libra until November 1. Let love rule! With the communication planet parked in the peacekeeper’s domain, petty squabbles could dissolve into long-overdue compromises. Giving an inch doesn’t mean letting people take a mile, though. Libra is governed by the symbol of the scales, so keeping a proper balance of give and take is essential. Cupid’s definitely in the house now, too. Libra is the sign that rules committed relationships, so talks could turn to “how about we” scenarios. Get ready to hear of engagements and wedding announcements!
Celebratory Mercury in Libra will extend our summer party vibes. Fete the fall with fashionable gatherings-signature cocktails, curated playlists (and guest lists) and whimsical decor are must-haves! Mercury will linger in Libra a bit longer because, yeah, there’s a retrograde coming from September 17 to October 9. Mark your calendar and plan ahead, backing up all that important data and making sure to finalize as many contracts as you can. If you want to get “closure” with an ex, don’t wait for the muddling retrograde to make peace-or bolt the door for good.
On Saturday, the annual full moon in Pisces will glow like a gorgeous orb in the sky. This enchanted moon is the manifestation of the March 20 Pisces solar (new moon) eclipse, so its harvest could be bountiful. Pisces rules poetry, spirituality, surrender, and dreams so some of our deeply held desires (the ones we are a little scared to say out loud) could come to magical fruition. Double fantasy! Web-weaver Neptune (the ruler of Pisces) will sit at a close degree to the full moon, guaranteeing that Saturday will be filled with heart-opening surprises. Mind-opening ones, too, as this Neptune-stoked full moon lulls us into letting down our walls and boundaries a bit. A willingness to be open-and to just TRY new experiences-could bring major life shifts. But that’s no excuse for casting good sense aside. Rocking the rose-colored glasses when our intuition is screaming, “Hell to the no!” is never a good idea, especially when the Pisces tendency for denial is flowing full force in the universe. And if there’s a snake lurking in the grass, la luna is going to expose the venom. Don’t sweep anything unsightly or offputting under the rug. As the twelfth and final sign of the zodiac, Pisces is also a sign that helps us let it go, let it go! Buh-bye toxic frenemies and energy vampires! Hello, to all that is good, true and beautiful…beyond the illusion of appearance.
Cosmic Love,
Ophira & Tali
The AstroTwins
Authors of Momstrology: The AstroTwins’ Guide to Parenting Your Little One By the Stars They say kids don’t come with a set of instructions. The AstroTwins, astrologers for Simply Woman,ELLE.com and TV Guide, beg to differ! Their new book Momstrology (Harper Collins) explains the kids AND moms of every zodiac sign, and how your energies mesh. From choosing a preschool, to picking hobbies and activities, to understanding what it means when your toddler gets clingy, or your big kid wants to quit soccer, or your tween talks back, Momstrology is a unique guide through all of the phases of your child’s life.
Offering charts for every astrological sign to decipher your child’s good days and bad days, likes and dislikes, and how your child deals with authority, limits, separation, and siblings, the AstroTwins offer real-world advice, from a cosmic perspective, that is always supportive and never overwhelming. With a section devoted to understanding your strengths and challenges as a mom based on your sign, and another section that matches you with your children to see how you all mesh together, Momstrology is a parenting guide like no other. Order Momstrology and get two free bonus gifts from The AstroTwins! Go to http://www.momstrology.com/