Your Weekly Horoscope

By on November 9, 2015
The Astro Twins

Want to turn that lead into pure, shimmering gold? Open up to the magic, because this week could be downright alchemical! On Wednesday, November 11 the annual new moon in transformational Scorpio rocks the skies. What parts of our lives are ready for an extreme makeover? Bring. It. On. Scorpio energy is black or white. We simply won’t be able to tolerate any shades of grey…unless, of course, we’re reprising spicy scenes from the Anastasia Steele and Christian Grey highlights reel. No matter what we’re doing—or what we’re getting rid of—it’s time to bring sexy back. And what is more alluring than anything else? Owning our power and living self-authorized lives. Perhaps the biggest skin to shed this week is the addiction to people pleasing and validation from others. Give yourselves permission to be hot! (And yes, you get to say that you are so.)

There’s extra mystique to this new moon since it falls on 11-11—a master number and an enchanted date that is associated with “lightworkers” and oneness consciousness. (More on the 11-11 phenomenon here!) Don’t fear the shadows this week. Scorpio energy reminds us that without darkness there can be no light. Ah, the great paradox of life. Scorpio also knows how to plumb the depths AND soar to great heights. This sign is associated with three phases, after all: The stinging scorpion, the charming serpent, then the visionary eagle. Mind you, all three are predators by nature—and this new moon reminds us that there’s nothing wrong with radaring in on our “prey” then dive-bombing straight towards it…or hey, maybe seducing it into our lair. Don’t rush the process or expect immediate results. This is a new moon and the starting point of a six-month manifestation cycle. We have until the corresponding full moon on April 22, 2016 to nurture real deal results.

On Thursday the 12th, motivator Mars changes signs, zipping into Libra for the rest of the year—until January 3, 2016 to be exact. Warrior Mars isn’t exactly at home in peacenik Libra’s realm; in fact astrologers refer to this position as a “detriment” for Mars. We might feel agitated one minute and ready to go off, then worried the next that we’ve burned bridges or offended people by daring to bring up a conflict. But this combo can actually be an interesting hybrid. Mars has cajones but can get a little brash and domineering when unchecked. Diplomatic Libra tones down Mars’ destructive edge and help us learn the difference between being assertive and aggressive. The red planet is a motivator, so we’ll be pumped about all things Libra: planning parties, signing win-win contracts, supporting the arts, getting into committed relationships (do we hear plans for a NYE proposal?), and basically lovebombing the world. Hey, ‘tis the season!

Warning: The stress levels can rise in relationships and social situations while Mars tours Libra.  What doesn’t kill a connection can make it stronger—sometimes a good debate is just what’s needed to advance us along in the intimacy department. Hash it out, then hug it out.

PS: The last time Mars visited Libra was for an extra long phase—from December 7, 2013 until July 25, 2014. Issues that got churned up back then could repeat themselves now. But we’re older and wiser so we can revisit them from a new perspective, too. Let love rule!

– See more at:
for the week of Nov 9th-15th

Cosmic Love,

The Astro Twins


astrotwinsAuthors of Momstrology: The AstroTwins’ Guide to Parenting Your Little One By the Stars They say kids don’t come with a set of instructions. The AstroTwins, astrologers for Simply Woman, and TV Guide, beg to differ! Their new book Momstrology (Harper Collins) explains the kids AND moms of every zodiac sign, and how your energies mesh. From choosing a preschool, to picking hobbies and activities, to understanding what it means when your toddler gets clingy, or your big kid wants to quit soccer, or your tween talks back, Momstrology is a unique guide through all of the phases of your child’s life.

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