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Your Love Life Reveals You to Yourself!

One of the easiest ways to recognize how we are showing up in life, something I call your Emotional Age (take the Emotional Age quiz here) is through our relationships—especially our most intimate ones.
If we are resonating in love, our personal relationships are loving. If we are resonating in anger, our personal relationships are angry. If we feel like an exhausted parent or a wounded child, we probably are.
But on an even greater, more collective, historical level, we’ve never experienced a world that allowed for empowered women, until now—and that is only in most of the industrialized, Western countries.
As a society, we aren’t entirely sure what it means to be an Empowered Woman, and that is why a large part of the work I do is an attempt to define what being an Empowered Woman means, and the answer to this will serve men, too!
Before we can have loving, intimate, empowered “love relationships,” we must understand what has happened and is still happening to women and, ultimately, to men because of women—especially in the last fifty years . . .
I think we can all agree that men and women have never before tried to navigate their relationships and love lives under the drastically changing atmosphere that has permeated Western society in the last century. Once we understand this phenomenon, we will better understand how we need to navigate in love.
In order for us to continue to expand our relationships into the beautiful, loving places that we so badly want and need, we must learn how to communicate in a way that empowers both us and our partners. We need to create a new Love Language (and there are many more than the five Gary Chapman lays out in his amazing book, The Five Love Languages).
As the Dalia Lama said, it will be the Western woman who heals the world, and this means our turning toward our partners with compassion, empathy, understanding, and a desire to elevate them.
At this stage in history, it is important for women to realize that we need to treat one another the way that we want, deserve, and demand to be treated. We need to show men who we really are—not the constricted, fearful, angry versions of ourselves.
For all the same reasons that women are in a period of enormous change, so, too, are men. As women’s roles have changed so radically, in that we really don’t have role models or blueprints to follow, men are experiencing the same thing. Not to mention, so-called patriarchal countries are watching those of us in the Western world, looking to see if “giving women power” will pay off in the long run.
When women collectively rise up and through the disempowerment that has permeated our gender for thousands of years, all of our lives will improve. We will feel expansive rather than restricted.
When women stop navigating their lives from passive or passive-aggressive archetypes, and when men start seeing women through the eyes of equality, dignity, and reverence, the world as a whole, including our love lives, will shift into a more empowered, accepting, loving place.
Men have always had the right to pursue their dreams, build careers without feeling guilty, have children without losing themselves, and still feel entitled to make love at the end of the day! Women are learning this now—for the first time in history. As we become more empowered, we will be better partners, not worse! Better mothers! Better negotiators! Better communicators! Better entrepreneurs! Teachers! Leaders! Better! Happier!
Anger will diminish as we stop blaming and “hating” men! Equality will flourish. Families will regain their footings. This is a good thing! But it’s up to us women to take the lead in creating a new Love Language.
#SimplyWoman #WomanEnergy #WomenEmpoweringWomen
Crystal Andrus Morissette, Founder
From life as a homeless teen to coaching A-List celebrities, from having abs of steel and the Miss Galaxy to weighing over 200 pounds after having babies, Emotional Age and Communication Expert Crystal Andrus Morissette is a worldwide leader in the field of self-discovery and personal transformation. A media darling, she has been featured numerous times on Oprah.com, the New York Post, Fox TV, the Daily Mail, CBS Radio, CTV, CityTV, Global TV, Slice TV, the Globe and Mail, and the Toronto Star. Crystal is the founder of the S.W.A.T. Institute (Simply Woman Accredited Trainer), an empowerment coach certification exclusively for women that she created with fellow female visionaries Louise Hay, Marianne Williamson, Dr Christiane Northrup, Colette Baron-Reid, and Sandra Anne Taylor among others. Established in 2009, the S.W.A.T. Institute is now in over 30 countries.
Crystal is the author of five best-selling books, including her latest release entitled, “Simply…Woman: Stories from 30 magnificent women who have risen against the odds!” She is also certified in nutrition, sports medicine, and yoga.
Crystal’s message of resilience, strength, and inner power has allowed her to grace the stage with speakers such as Dr. Phil, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Naomi Judd, Suze Orman, Marianne Williamson, Louise Hay, Dr. Christiane Northrup, Dr. Joan Borysenko, Debbie Ford, Sarah Ferguson—Duchess of York, and many more. Crystal has coached women from all walks of life including A-list celebrities, best-selling authors, scientists, doctors, dentists, and lawyers to stay-at-home moms and struggling teens. Her passion is to get down in the trenches and help people become the (s)heroes of their own lives.
www.crystalandrusmorissette.com | www.swatinstitute.com | www.SimplyWomanPublishing.com