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Your Divine Blueprint
By Karishma Gill
Your Divine Blueprint.
What is it? It is a set of codes unique to your personal frequency that you bring into this Earth to bring manifest the glory of God.
Whoa! What a mouthful! So let’s simplify…
It is your Life Purpose.
What is your life’s purpose? Do you know? Have you found it? Have you woken up to it? Or are you still asleep inside?
Your life’s purpose is unique only to you. You are the only one who has the capability, abilities and talents for the job. No one is going to have what you have.
You are unique thus your life’s purpose is unique. It is meant to be shared with the world because you have come here to share it. To be of service. To expand the consciousness of society and to help make a better planet for our future.
Your beautiful soul is so full of Light. An energy that is unique only to you. Have you noticed the most used word here? Unique. Yes, I will say it again. Unique.
You are unique. You are special. You were born this way. Your soul/spirit is part of that Divine Spark/God/Universe/Source. And you are just an expression of that Oneness. Can you imagine what talents you have come with??? I believe you will be in awe of yourself once you start to explore…
So how do we get to our Divine Blueprint? Our life’s purpose? Ok, we know we have one but what is it?
Well, we connect with our guardian angels! Simple. They are here to remind us of who we were before we came into this physical life. They have orders to help us out and to guide us to fulfil our purpose with love and joy.
Some of you have already connected with your divine pals and are on your way to greatness. Some of you haven’t and that is why you are reading this. It is no coincidence that you are here reading this article. It was part of the plan to set you on course to discover your Life’s Purpose.
There are many ways to connect with our guardian angels. Doreen Virtue is the foremost expert of angels and she has amazing videos and books to help. I also have a meditation video on YouTube to help you get connected with your angels. Find a path that is right for you. It will come naturally as you ask for help from the heart or say a prayer and see what comes forth.
Discovering your Divine Blueprint is a journey. You will have your Divine Mission Statement as to what you are here to do. Your talents, life experience and faith will help you create what you are meant the share with the world.
So, are you ready to discover your Divine Blueprint? Are you truly ready to experience your own greatness? Will you take that step in finding out?
I would love to know what awesomeness you are about to create and share with the world. I would love to hear your insane ideas that has truth, honesty, beauty and wonder.
It just takes that one step to open that door to your purpose.
So what will it be…?
Let me know in the comments below.
Karishma Gill is here to wake people up to their life’s purpose, their Divine Blueprint. Currently enrolled as an Empowerment Coach in training with SWAT, she is also a Reiki Master, Intuitive, Light Warrior and is awakening her other latent talents. With her YouTube series, Spirituality 101, she brings joy exploring our spirituality.