Why naughty is a sign of enlightenment

By on June 10, 2014
Colette Baron Reid

By Colette Baron-Reid

When I was a baby, my mom used to make creamed spinach and jello and feed me1 these re­peat­edly – spinach for din­ner and jello for dessert – al­most every night. I know this, be­cause she told me that these foods were the ones that worked in the be­gin­ning to quiet me down and get my at­ten­tion. Ap­par­ently, when they were first in­tro­duced, I would smile and gob­ble them up in my high chair; and since she felt these were nu­tri­tious, she made me eat them both, five nights out of seven. My mom told me that hav­ing a habit around kids where you could count on a re­ac­tion was im­por­tant to man­age them. You know the for­mula for re­al­ity cre­ation. Rep­e­ti­tion leads to con­di­tion­ing; con­di­tion­ing  leads to ex­pec­ta­tion, and ex­pec­ta­tion leads to au­to­matic re­ac­tion: smil­ing baby.

Ap­par­ently, one day in my in­fant wis­dom of notic­ing the im­print­ing of po­ten­tially neg­a­tive pat­terns, I began to add a new habit to the spinach/jello ex­pe­ri­ence. As soon as my mom’s back was turned, I would promptly grab the bowl and dump it on my head. There I would sit, green goo drip­ping down my face and beam­ing en­light­en­ment, as if I knew that my work around the im­por­tance of be­tray­ing old pat­terns would one day man­i­fest from that mo­ment on­ward.

“Naughty, Naughty Baby!” my mom would cry. Yet she would still feed it to me, still turn her back, and I would still man­age to swiftly dump it on my head.

Need­less to say, I was a de­ter­mined and very messy baby, and thank­fully, did not grow up with a head of green hair. That, of course, is not the rea­son I’m telling you this. The point is this – chang­ing the pat­tern and doing the un­ex­pected in­ter­rupts the norm, the ex­pected re­al­ity, the con­di­tion­ing of false cer­tainty. Even­tu­ally, when you con­tinue to re­peat the new habit and new thought processes, they begin to change the net­works in the sys­tem, and even­tu­ally the Quan­tum Field, Spirit, Di­vine, (or my mom), etc. takes no­tice and de­liv­ers a new re­al­ity co­her­ent to the new pat­tern.

It’s im­por­tant to be naughty and rebel against rep­e­ti­tion and the con­di­tioned mind. Why? For the sole rea­son that the pat­tern of thoughts and feel­ings is only a record of the past.

If you keep find­ing your­self at a de­fault place that threat­ens your well-be­ing or trust and soaks you in fear, it’s likely you’re re­ally lis­ten­ing to a record­ing of the past that got turned on and your ac­tions and be­hav­iors move into play be­cause you are on auto-pi­lot.

This week, think about what Pat­terns show up for you that keep re­peat­ing and keep­ing you in a fixed re­al­ity that seems like you landed in the film Ground Hog Day or the new one I saw this week­end with Tom Cruise called Edge of To­mor­row.

You want a bet­ter life? You want more pros­per­ity? You want to know your Pur­pose?

Do some­thing un­ex­pected. Don’t choose this thing you know over that thing you know. Do some­thing com­pletely new to you. In­ter­rupt the pat­tern, as often as you can. Keep choos­ing the Un­known.

Imag­ine what it feels like to be­come the per­son who lives the life you re­ally want.

Prac­tice that, every day.

Feel the feel­ings.

Con­di­tion your­self to be­come that per­son.

Apply, Rinse, Re­peat; Apply, Rinse, Re­peat….

If you don’t like your life, get naughty with your­self and be­tray your trig­gers. Dump the creamed spinach and jello of your life on your head enough times, and even­tu­ally you’ll get that vanilla pud­ding you re­ally want.

So here’s my pre­scrip­tion for us all this week. When the world car­ries on with its busi­ness, just start show­ing up as the other per­son – the ver­sion of you that knows Faith is real, God is every­where, and Abun­dance is yours in more ways than you can imag­ine. Act as If. Even­tu­ally the uni­verse will re­flect the life THAT per­son lives in full Tech­ni­color glory.

You know what hap­pened after I started doing the head dump? After a while, as I got more con­sis­tent with my self ex­pres­sion, my mom got the hint and stopped feed­ing these to me, al­though I did man­age to let her know that the new spaghetti habit was also not a good idea to re­peat ei­ther. Do some­thing often enough, and if you hang in there… you will get what you de­sire.

Back then I got vanilla baby pud­ding!

Today I get to be the Or­a­cle and write this for you to read.

I have the life I love be­cause I claim it, sur­ren­der it, and re­hearse it every day. And I most def­i­nitely still strug­gle with some of those old pat­terns too, but I want to change them more than I want to keep ‘em! How about you?

What do you want to change, and what do you want to man­i­fest in­stead?

Mer­cury ret­ro­grade is this week; good time for an in­ven­tory!

An­swer this ques­tion for me: “If you could change a pat­terned be­lief, what would it be? What would you need to be­lieve in­stead? And who would you need to be to be­lieve this some­thing dif­fer­ent? How would you show up in your life dif­fer­ently?” Ok that was more than one ques­tion… so blame the poor math skills on the jello that got in my ears.

Any­way… send­ing all of you so much love,

This is going to be a juicy ret­ro­grade. Watch the amaz­ing video in­ter­view I did with Robert Ohotto and check out his sum­mer class! Let’s enjoy the chang­ing to­gether.

I’ll be danc­ing with David Bowie in my head singing “ch ch ch ch changes”

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