When I was a baby, my mom used to make creamed spinach and jello and feed me1 these repeatedly – spinach for dinner and jello for dessert – almost every night. I know this, because she told me that these foods were the ones that worked in the beginning to quiet me down and get my attention. Apparently, when they were first introduced, I would smile and gobble them up in my high chair; and since she felt these were nutritious, she made me eat them both, five nights out of seven. My mom told me that having a habit around kids where you could count on a reaction was important to manage them. You know the formula for reality creation. Repetition leads to conditioning; conditioning leads to expectation, and expectation leads to automatic reaction: smiling baby.
Apparently, one day in my infant wisdom of noticing the imprinting of potentially negative patterns, I began to add a new habit to the spinach/jello experience. As soon as my mom’s back was turned, I would promptly grab the bowl and dump it on my head. There I would sit, green goo dripping down my face and beaming enlightenment, as if I knew that my work around the importance of betraying old patterns would one day manifest from that moment onward.
“Naughty, Naughty Baby!” my mom would cry. Yet she would still feed it to me, still turn her back, and I would still manage to swiftly dump it on my head.
Needless to say, I was a determined and very messy baby, and thankfully, did not grow up with a head of green hair. That, of course, is not the reason I’m telling you this. The point is this – changing the pattern and doing the unexpected interrupts the norm, the expected reality, the conditioning of false certainty. Eventually, when you continue to repeat the new habit and new thought processes, they begin to change the networks in the system, and eventually the Quantum Field, Spirit, Divine, (or my mom), etc. takes notice and delivers a new reality coherent to the new pattern.
It’s important to be naughty and rebel against repetition and the conditioned mind. Why? For the sole reason that the pattern of thoughts and feelings is only a record of the past.
If you keep finding yourself at a default place that threatens your well-being or trust and soaks you in fear, it’s likely you’re really listening to a recording of the past that got turned on and your actions and behaviors move into play because you are on auto-pilot.
This week, think about what Patterns show up for you that keep repeating and keeping you in a fixed reality that seems like you landed in the film Ground Hog Day or the new one I saw this weekend with Tom Cruise called Edge of Tomorrow.
You want a better life? You want more prosperity? You want to know your Purpose?
Do something unexpected. Don’t choose this thing you know over that thing you know. Do something completely new to you. Interrupt the pattern, as often as you can. Keep choosing the Unknown.
Imagine what it feels like to become the person who lives the life you really want.
Practice that, every day.
Feel the feelings.
Condition yourself to become that person.
Apply, Rinse, Repeat; Apply, Rinse, Repeat….
If you don’t like your life, get naughty with yourself and betray your triggers. Dump the creamed spinach and jello of your life on your head enough times, and eventually you’ll get that vanilla pudding you really want.
So here’s my prescription for us all this week. When the world carries on with its business, just start showing up as the other person – the version of you that knows Faith is real, God is everywhere, and Abundance is yours in more ways than you can imagine. Act as If. Eventually the universe will reflect the life THAT person lives in full Technicolor glory.
You know what happened after I started doing the head dump? After a while, as I got more consistent with my self expression, my mom got the hint and stopped feeding these to me, although I did manage to let her know that the new spaghetti habit was also not a good idea to repeat either. Do something often enough, and if you hang in there… you will get what you desire.
Back then I got vanilla baby pudding!
Today I get to be the Oracle and write this for you to read.
I have the life I love because I claim it, surrender it, and rehearse it every day. And I most definitely still struggle with some of those old patterns too, but I want to change them more than I want to keep ‘em! How about you?
What do you want to change, and what do you want to manifest instead?
Mercury retrograde is this week; good time for an inventory!
Answer this question for me: “If you could change a patterned belief, what would it be? What would you need to believe instead? And who would you need to be to believe this something different? How would you show up in your life differently?” Ok that was more than one question… so blame the poor math skills on the jello that got in my ears.
Anyway… sending all of you so much love,
This is going to be a juicy retrograde. Watch the amazing video interview I did with Robert Ohotto and check out his summer class! Let’s enjoy the changing together.
I’ll be dancing with David Bowie in my head singing “ch ch ch ch changes”