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Who’s Large and In Charge? - Simply Woman
Dearest amazing you,
This weekend while standing on my deck with hubby and the two fur babies I saw a most wondrous sight. We live close to the beach here and as it was the 4th of July, there were fireworks displays everywhere and so we went out to see the brilliant exploding lights soar above the trees that separate us from the water.
But what had me transfixed wasn’t up in the air, although the whole point of going out there was to watch the fireworks. Jumping across our property were hundreds of fireflies sparkling in the dark as if they were dancing along with the lights in the sky. At first I thought they might be sparks from the fireworks but then I realized what I was seeing and it was amazing.
It reminded me how miraculous and beautiful Nature is. It also reminded me that I might be intent on looking in one direction but something even more beautiful and amazing will call me that I wasn’t expecting.
This week in a spiritual sharing group I belong to the daily topic was Self Will vs. Divine Will. About half way through the meeting, a big burly man raised his hand and declared “I ask myself every day – Who’s Large and in Charge? I might be a little large but I have to remind myself it’s my Higher Power and not me!
When I do that everything falls into place.” We’re a democratic group of all colors and creeds only identifying by our spiritual directive to have a conscious contact to a Higher Power so that we can be of service to others. This question “Who’s Large and In Charge?” spurred a thoughtful conversation about God and what we believe about our relationship to the Divine Will.
Do we pick door #1 and wait for a rescuing God to fix things? Or do we pick door #2 take action and surrender the results to God?
I know intimately how many times I’ve gone on a secret stinky thinking bender where my affirmations are more like a demand of “I want what I want when and How I want it! PULLLLLLEASE????”
Followed by “OK thy will be done. Amen”
Thankfully that behavior lasts only so long and it’s not that often I indulge myself these days. What I’ve learned (when I can remember that’s how it’s supposed to go), is only when I’ve surrendered my willfulness to Spirit, and mean it, shifting into the right use of will—taking the next right action and praying only to be of service while “loosely” holding my desires and intentions has my life worked out like magic.
Oh and it has, yup even with the temporary bouts of spiritual amnesia when I think I’m the reason I’m doing so well. My small self decided and chose, and took the steps forward but ultimately it’s Spirit, the Divine Will is what/who’s Large and in Charge! And nothing that has occurred in my life has been according to any of my plans. Not one thing.
I know we have to participate in our own rescue. The right use of will is about choice and accountability and then integrated with Divine will we can be miracle makers.
Today I met my girlfriend Julie for coffee. You might recall my hilarious story of the giant dragonfly that was the sign I asked for when house hunting in Connecticut. Julie was the real estate agent that the dragonfly circled and has been my closest friend here ever since. We were sharing about how much we were going to miss each other when I moved up to the farm in Canada and how uncanny things were, and how we both believed that Spirit had a plan far beyond our comprehension and how amazing it all was.
We had not planned to buy property in Canada but in a series of synchronistic events, divine timing won over our best-laid plans and now it’s turning out to be a magical Spirit led endeavor. I had to surrender to Divine Will just like when I was led to Julie the farm came together in so many similar ways. “Show me where we’re supposed to live – thy will be done. Amen.”
We had a giggle in awe of Spirit and how the dragonfly back in September brought us together, and how we would always be friends forever. We were talking about taking our eye off the prize we think we want and surrendering to how Spirit wants it for us, and how we both were learning that. We shared how in both our experience it’s always about the essence first, then the form shows up in perfect order.
A few minutes later we noticed something flying towards us. Lo and behold two giant dragonflies hovered dancing together in unison. Circling slowly around us -there were two of them, as if Spirit heard us! The sign was so intimate and personal our jaws dropped. Neither of us had seen another dragonfly since the day we met.
Have you ever had that happen? Focus on one thing you’re so sure is for you only to be steered in another direction that is better than you could imagine? The essential elements are the same but the form is completely different than what you expected or even wanted? Yet it was all so perfect in the end?
So Who’s Large and in Charge? Love to hear from you.
Join the conversation, I send you so much love and wish you peace and a basket of miracles.
Colette Baron-Reid is an intuitive counsellor and founder of the Master Intuitive Coach Institute. Her book, “Weight Loss For People Who Feel Too Much” is available on Amazon and in book stores everywhere! colettebaronreid.c