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Who are you keeping company with? By Ronelle Roode-Brothers.

By Ronelle Roode-Brothers.
I’m sure the phrase “you’re only as good as the company you keep” has passed your way at least once in your lifetime. This phrase has been a mainstay in my journey – whether I drew upon that with immediacy…or found myself needing the reminder of its core meaning when I was steering off-course – all the same, this phrase reared its value at some point, ensuring that my journey-of-life remained true to me.
Perhaps this phrase came your way in a varied form: “Surround yourself with good people…people whose values match yours…people with the utmost positive vibration.” No matter the words, the sentences – it’s the time-honoured approach that reflects the laws of attraction – laws that might represent that which brings together those birds of a feather who choose to be mired in muck and degradation. Or (hopefully) the more desired outcome of bringing together those “birds” who, like the mythical phoenix, may fall off that golden path, only to pick themselves up, shake loose the ashes and aim to rise above and move forward – returning to the idea to be surrounded by only those who share in a joyous perspective of focusing on the universe’s abundance of positives.
There have been many times where I’ve been blessed with the gift of an incredible friend, acquaintance or colleague – someone whose intentions are filled with a richness of spirit – someone who brings to my world (and the worlds of others) light, clarity, humour, encouragement. The universe connects me with a person who inspires me to achieve – to dare to dream, and whose selflessness seems immeasurable.
But what of those who appear in one’s life under the guise of sincerity & camaraderie? Have you known anyone like that – donning sheep’s clothing?
Perhaps they arrive in a charismatic package, they seem fashionably put-together – you know what I mean…“all that glitters is not”…etc. etc. They seem to have an entertaining, outrageous wit unmatched, or maybe their interests “appear” so in synch with yours, making conversation ramble effortlessly, it feels like a true union of the mind.
BUT – there’s still a twinge in your gut, where they’re concerned – a subliminal on-the-back-burner “knowing” that ultimately, they don’t have your best interests at heart. And if you’re like me – at times I’ve allowed my “nice girl-don’t be a meanie-give it a chance-the benefit of the doubt” mindset override the red-flags and gut-curdling twinges we sometimes forget to listen to (especially in society’s ever-present be-a-nice-girl-don’t judge expectations.)
All the same, red flags arrive on the scene – ones like:
– Are they genuinely supportive of your quest for growth (in all areas of your life) or do they attempt to cast shadows through snide remarks of doubt or choosing to ignore you when you express enthusiasm about your new interests or pursuits?
– Over time (based on their expectations of “friendship”) do they begin to monopolize your time – maybe they angle to keep you on the phone for hours upon hours, in spite of your interjections to say goodbye so you can return to what you hoped & planned to accomplish for the day?
– Does their conversation always seems to swiftly retrace its steps back to them, dismissing equal opportunity for you to share (what’s new)?
– The longer you know them, do you begin to see who “they surround themselves with” and the vision grows unappealing – off-kilter with what you value in your life?
– Are they are immersed in unhealthy lifestyle habits which wreak havoc on their lives, and maybe yours too, from time to time – leaving you exhausted & drained?
I’m sure you have a few thoughts of your own you could offer on the topic as well.
And one thing that often fascinates me is how we can sometimes be much more forgiving and tolerant of such things within our friendships (or family) versus how intolerant & scrutinizing we might be of the very same characteristics in our love-relationships.
When we go through the dating-process, we often have a huge mental-list of Pro’s/Con’s – but what of the stages of making new friends? Do we overlook more often? And is it just me – Or is there a general unspoken system whereby it’s inappropriate to “test-run” new friendships? Or what of (here’s one I’ve attempted a few times) rekindling old relationships, hoping that “people have changed” – only to realize that yes………sometimes you simply “can’t go back.”
So when I compare the process of friendship (or family relations) to the process of dating – how often do we cut it loose in the dating-process versus cutting it loose with a potential friendship which is showing signs…hitting the gut-instinct – telling you it isn’t going to be a life-transforming union of the best aura and energies.
It isn’t always easy to unearth those with golden spirits – in love or friendship. Like love-mates, kindred spirits can be just as hard to find… individuals who are consistently true-of-the-heart people you can confide in, trust implicitly, laugh with, cry with… people who are respectful of you (and themselves), genuinely sharing a balanced approach to friendship, those you can move year to year, shoulder to shoulder inspiring and motivating one another to greatness (whatever your individual outlooks of greatness may be.)
Every so often I come across a “life lesson scenario in relationships” – where I’ve let my guard down, been burned – and then my instincts kicked in, reminding me of the idea “who I’m keeping company with will reflect in my world.”
Heed the advice of your gut – listen to those twinges – open your eyes to the red flags – you may just save yourself a substantial amount of time & energy. And if you do get burned, don’t beat yourself up. Chalk it up to another of life’s valuable lessons.
(OH and here’s a clincher – as you heed your gut instinct and move to “let go” of a negative individual in your life – try to find the ability to respect your differences. Accept that perhaps your views on life’s successes are merely vastly opposite.)
Don’t forget, your gilded phoenix-spirit won’t ever judge you – it’ll just gently push you out of the ashes…upward again – spiralling towards that golden sky and those golden-hearted Soulmate-friends who you know you can always count on.
PS – and about those golden-hearted Soulmate-friends? Remember – they’re rare gems, precious & then some…so keep them CLOSE!
Special Note: On this Thanksgiving month – I want to send out immense love & gratitude to my precious-gem angelic soul-sisters – amazing women who have been in my life for decades now! How blessed I am for your endless well of friendship & caring.
I also want to express gratitude for finding myself additionally blessed & surrounded by a richly diverse & talented community and circle of writers/contributors here at Simply…Woman! It doesn’t get any better than this! – Ronelle. XO<3
As you reflect on this article’s topic, you’ll find further inspiration guided by the Goddess-message below, as well as listening to the suggested Musical-Motivator. Musical-Motivators are selected as the corresponding “musical voice” representing that particular Goddess. Enjoy!
message from the goddesses
Athena is guiding you this month! The Greek warrior goddess of wisdom, and arts & crafts – Pallas Athena (as she is often referred to) is here to amplify your intuition all while encouraging you to remain steadfast in your quest towards positive living. Helping you diffuse any negative influences, she affirms your desire to set boundaries and shield any unwelcome forces attempting to drag you and your dreams downwards.
With Athena’s help – hold to your convictions and values, disallow others to steer you down pathways which don’t meet with your hopes and plans for a joyful life.
musical motivator
One of my personal favourites – how fitting that there has been a musical selection composed in honour of this magnificent Grecian Goddess! Listen to how regal and powerful this tune is – Than allow its strength to wash over you, as you absorb its depth of integrity. No doubt, you will find that this song’s melody remarkably coincides with all that the great Pallas Athena represents!
Ronelle Roode-Brothers: Down-to-earth musings, musical-motivators and creatively-sourced mystical goddess messages – imaginatively blended…to help you feel uplifted and inspired to move forward with a more positive & refreshed outlook!
Born in Cape Town, South Africa into a family with a rich ethnic-tapestry and extensive Artistic-heritage, Ronelle has led a life of following her dreams and intuition. Tapping into every corner of her creative soul, she has provided intuitive oracle-readings for over a decade. As well, for more than 30 years, mentoring women has become a natural extension of her work as a Dance-Educator/Fitness-Professional. Known for her passionate, dynamic spirit and ability to mentor & inspire, her dance-arts career as a master teacher, adjudicator and guest speaker has taken her to Japan, Spain and throughout North America. As a writer, Ronelle has interviewed some of the most renowned dance-world legendary artists & celebrities. To learn more about Ronelle visit her website at: http://www.truegoddessrevelation.com/
* Note – The oracle messages contained in these written pieces/columns are for enhancement of the written article/column. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to assist you in your quest for emotional and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information within any/all articles for yourself, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions. These written pieces/columns/articles are not meant to be a replacement for any medical advice.