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When The Small Self Wants What the Soul Needs Too – Simply Woman

By Colette Baron-Reid
Dearest luminous You,
I wonder if you know what your soul needs? Is it different than what your small self wants? Are they ever the same? Can they be?
This morning I was thinking about that as I wrote my list of what I wanted to manifest in my life. For a long time now I have known that if I only focus on my wants and desires without giving equal space for the needs of my soul I find that my manifestations will be lop- sided.
Magic happens when there’s alignment between the two. When the material and the spiritual are integrated miracles can and do happen. Yet, rarely will they appear in the form you expect.
The idea that soul and small self are separate isn’t quite accurate, after all we are spiritual beings having a human experience, but our perception of who we are and why we’re here can be skewed most of the time. It’s an optical illusion that we are separate and we will spend our entire human life re-learning how to discover our intrinsic connection to a Power Greater.
We look for ways, (I do too) for the small self to prosper, often forgetting that soul and Spirit are our most powerful manifesting partners. Yet when they are in alignment, you find yourself walking in the world wearing it loosely, in the world but not of it, and all manner of miracles and synchronicities light up with each step forward.
So in order to find this powerful alignment, to light up the brightest strand of parallel potentials within the unique thread of your life woven into the greater pulsing fabric of reality it’s important to ask yourself some questions.
Answering the questions will provide you with a blueprint of how to ensure you honor the needs of your soul along with the goals you set for creating your reality. When you do both you’ll notice how effortless it seems to create a satisfying meaningful life.
It’s part of an Alignment Quiz I created while I’ve been writing my new book for Hay House.
I will tell you how to do it first then I will share you my answers.
Make a list of 5 things you want to manifest in the next 12 months that come to mind quickly. Don’t think too much about it.
Then quickly and spontaneously write 5 things your soul needs to thrive whether they seem to support your first list or not.
Then create a few of your own affirmations and prayers based on what you wrote and share them in the comments! Sharing helps us all get clarity so don’t be shy.
Ok I will go first (by the way this is not the easiest thing to do) then it will be your turn!
I want to manifest:
1. Sold out mediumship tour in Canada helping more people than ever connect to the other side for real healing and transformation.
2. Finish my new book, hand it in on time and be proud of it.
3. Greater abundance so we can take time off
4. A new healthy happy companion for Sebastian that likes to travel
5. Learn Spanish
My soul needs:
1. Time in Nature
2. Music
3. Meaningful conversations
4. Hilarity
5. Staying present for all experience without judgment
My affirmations:
1. With Spirit as my manifesting partner, honoring the needs of my soul, I am in effortless alignment with my highest good in service to others.
2. Abundance is my natural state.
3. I always find time to feed my soul and Spirit.
4. The Light within me creates miracles for myself, and others.
5. There is always enough time.
6. The perfect dog to complete our family is here now.
My prayer:
Thank you Spirit for every moment and every breath. Show me clearly how I may better serve and connect to the abundance of the universe. Thy will be done through me for the highest good of all. Thank you Thank you Thank you.
Ok now it’s your turn. Notice that my lists were different? I will spend some time creating a plan now that will integrate the soul’s needs first then my first list will be easier to manifest. Or, as we all know something better could show up.
That’s the fun part.
Have an amazing week! I can hardly wait to see yours.
Love you all.
Ps – thanx again for all the outpouring of love through the passing of Beanie. Sebastian especially thanks you. I felt every one of you and sent each one of you love and gratitude every day. May the universe bless you with joy and abundance and support when you feel there is none.
Colette Baron-Reid is an intuitive counsellor and founder of the Master Intuitive Coach Institute. Her book, “Weight Loss For People Who Feel Too Much” is available on Amazon and in book stores everywhere! colettebaronreid.com