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What is Empowerment Coaching?
Written by Reya Summer
Are you wondering what the hype about empowerment coaching is all about?
Empowerment coaching offers a different angle than life coaching or business coaching. Empowerment coaching approach lasers in on deep rooted issues that create emotional imbalances. We all know that our choices in life are based on our emotional state. Everything from what we choose to eat, wear, sleep, do, act, to our performance, communications, and relationships all depend on one thing – our emotional state.
Our personal and business success depends on how we feel.
For example, if we don’t feel enthusiastic about going to work, our performance will be limited. If we don’t feel like making healthy eating choices because our emotions need to be stuffed with junk food, our health suffers. When we feel angry and react to every situation life throws our way, our relationships suffer. In a nut shell, when we resonate at a low emotional point, our perception lenses are foggy and we don’t see our choices with much clarity. On the other side; when we feel expansive, happy, full of life, we have this tremendous amount of energy with so much focus to get things done and life feels so yummy. The driving factor behind our choices is our emotional state.
How can Empowerment Coaching benefit you?
I am a Master Empowerment Coach, a graduate of The S.W.A.T Institute, world’s PREMIER Personal Empowerment Coaching Certification School exclusively for women. Here, I studied the “Map of Consciousness” from a powerful book titled, “Power vs. Force” written by David Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D. Science has now discovered a scale to measure human emotions. Lower emotional points such as shame, guilt, hatred, grief, fear and anger are at the bottom end of the scale. Higher emotional points such as courage, willingness, acceptance, love, joy and peace are at the top end of the scale. An empowerment coach can help you understand your emotional state and navigate you up on the scale.
To explain it further; I am going to use an analogy of a thirty thousand feet view from a mountain top. Imagine if you were standing at the bottom of a mountain looking around. You will only be able to see what is in your view. Perhaps there are some trees, bushes, and people in your view.
Now imagine you have climbed ten thousand feet higher on the same mountain. You are able to see a lot more that wasn’t in your view before. Maybe now are able to see some homes at a distance that you couldn’t see when you were at the bottom.
Now you climb another ten thousand feet and you are able to see even more! You notice a beautiful waterfall cascading down one side of the mountain. You notice a beautiful garden full of flowers on the other side. You didn’t know they existed because you couldn’t see them from the bottom of the mountain.
Finally, you climb thirty thousand feet high, all the way to the top of the mountain. WOW! Now you can see the majestic ocean! Your view is infinite without obstructions. You are blown away by the beauty that surrounds you. You are amazed by the golden sun rays shimmering on top of the hills. You are astonished to see the number of small towns and farms that exist; some are close by and some are far at a distance. You watch a shepherd herding a flock of sheep. The water fall looks far more beautiful and serene from where you are. There is so much more beauty you can immerse yourself in that you never knew existed from the bottom of the mountain.
Similarly, when you are at the bottom of the emotional scale you don’t see all of your choices with much clarity. Your view is obstructed by limiting beliefs. You stay stuck in the external reality and blame something or someone outside of you for the way your life turned out. You experience lack of resources, universal support, life force energy and hold on to the fear of losing what you have. You are not in touch with your inner power, your own intuition, and keep waiting for someone to come rescue you.
Let me remind you that the only person that can rescue you, is you! I’m aware that deep down at your core you know this.
As you move higher on the scale, your awareness expands. You become aware of choices that you never knew existed. You find courage to take action, to say ‘no’ to things that no longer serve you, and to stand in your inner truth. You become more willing to accept yourself and others. Your inner intuition starts awakening and you trust that the universe is on your side. Similar to the thirty thousand feet view from a top of the mountain, you are aware of your many choices with your expansive awareness from the top of the empowerment scale.
From this place of empowerment you are able to create the life you love.
The bottom line is – You own your emotions. You own your life!
If you resonated with this article and you are interested in seeking assistance in any area of your life please visit my website www.reyasummer.com. If you are considering a career as an Empowerment Coach, I would love to give you more information about The S.W.A.T Institute. I am a Coaching Advisor for this school and you can reach me at reya@swatinstitute.com.
Reya Summer is a modern-day leader whose message of truth has inspired many around the globe. Reya is a Master Empowerment Coach, M.E.C from The S.W.A.T Institute and an Integrative Energy Practitioner. After having three career changes, one being a Police Officer, she has finally found the purpose of her life. She left her corporate career in the financial industry and launched her Life Empowerment Coaching & Healing Practice. She empowers people to free themselves from self-limiting beliefs, disconnect, pain and suffering. Liberated from any religious traditions, judgments and societal stereotyping, she guides people to connect with their most aware, creative and authentic selves. Reya is a visionary and a rising Inspirational speaker. She spoke at The Enchanted Evening with Crystal Andrus Morissette and Collette-Baron Reid on International Woman’s Day in 2014.