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Your Weekly Horoscope by The Astro Twins

Your Weekly Overview June 21st – June 27th
If life has felt like a modern-day episode of Gossip Girl since May 29, there’s only one culprit to blame. (And, no, it’s not Blair Waldorf.) Mercury has been retrograde in tea-spilling Gemini, which has scrambled signals at every turn. From mismanaged scheduling to explosive comment threads, even the most basic negotiations have been mired in red tape. But as Mercury does an about-face on Tuesday, June 22, we’ll see which contracts are meant to stick and which were all smoke and mirrors. Since Gemini rules siblings, neighbors, coworkers and other peers, there’s likely repair work needed with the folks you deal with day to day. Iron out those scrambled signals while Mercury powers forward through the “Twin Town” until July 11. But cautious communication is still required, especially while the retrograde shadow lingers until July 7 (http://astrostyle.com/mercury-retrograde-shadow/).
Be discerning as you analyze what—and who—to keep on your social calendars. Perfectionism and excess fussiness may clear up, too. Maybe you judged a situation harshly or hopped on some soapbox without actually researching the facts. If that’s the case, give things a savvier review. And maybe wait until July 7 before you sign on any dotted lines or to purchase new mobile equipment or a car. And if you can’t stall, read the fine print and don’t skimp on your research!
Make your mid-year resolutions this Thursday, June 24 as the year’s only full moon in Capricorn illuminates the long, strategic view for accomplishing a mission. Rather than stubbornly forging ahead, hit pause and assess: What’s working and what’s left you feeling like Sisyphus rolling a boulder up a hill? While tenacity is Capricorn’s strong suit, productivity is also. Maybe there’s a better route to the finish line—or a better team to support your vision. Also, what goals were in your crosshairs at the dawning of 2021, especially near the January 13 new moon? If you got distracted from these, Thursday’s moonbeams motivate you to pick up the ball and run with it again. It’s never too late to start over or correct course along the way. And while adhering to traditional methodologies is a must during a Capricorn full moon, there’s also a call to modernize…and futurize!
Life could feel like a giant reflecting pool starting this Friday, as soothsayer Neptune dips into its annual retrograde until December 1. From 2011 to 2026, the numinous planet is paddling through its ruling sign of Pisces, doubling down on its mystical effects. This meditative five-month cycle can be a profound blessing, opening a window to heal core wounds, deal with addictions (from liquor to love to limiting beliefs) and tap into buried realms of creativity. With fog-machine Neptune in the time out chair, you can cut through illusions…IF you are willing to take an unflinching audit of your life. Use this period to explore the shadows. Awareness is the key to evolution! By owning up to unhealthy patterns you can learn to break them. And get plenty of rest, because the best ideas may arrive while you’re sleeping, meditating, or just staring at the clouds.
Make sure to keep your psychic shield up, especially while in public. Like a sponge, you can absorb the mood of a room or get thrown off emotionally by a stranger’s vibes. If you’re grouchy or spacey for “no apparent reason,” you may need to clear your energetic field. Fill up an Epsom salt bath, wave the sage wand, or book a session with a Neptunian healer like a therapist or shaman (many do Telehealth or distance work). Since Neptune is the god of the seas, flush out your system with filtered H2O to purge toxic influences during the retrograde. Examine personal boundaries. Has generosity turned into sacrifice or are you being too rigid? Perhaps you need to be firmer…or to soften, so others can actually reach you.
On Sunday, romantic Venus resumes her roar as she shimmies into the lion’s den and joins dance partner Mars for a sexy samba in Leo until July 21. If you’ve had trouble tapping into your fierceness, this glamorous, amorous cycle turns it around. Bring on the dress-up dates, fancy dinners and full-on fashion dares. This is a powerful time to initiate creative projects, dive back into the dating pool, or rev up romance with a new interest or long-term love. Work on your “branding” to make sure your outsides are a reflection of the genius within. If you’re challenged in finding a look that makes your soul sing, a few sessions with a stylist could be a game changer AND a money saver. When it comes to love, this Venus cycle holds nothing back. Hire the skywriter, gush like a hopeful on The Bachelor (“I am so ready to take this journey with you…”), Tinder like it was your second job. But don’t forget legendary Leo Whitney Houston’s words: Learning to love yourself is the greatest love of all.
Authors of Momstrology: The AstroTwins’ Guide to Parenting Your Little One By the Stars They say kids don’t come with a set of instructions. The AstroTwins, astrologers for Simply Woman, ELLE.com and TV Guide, beg to differ! Their new book Momstrology (Harper Collins) explains the kids AND moms of every zodiac sign, and how your energies mesh. From choosing a preschool, to picking hobbies and activities, to understanding what it means when your toddler gets clingy, or your big kid wants to quit soccer, or your tween talks back, Momstrology is a unique guide through all of the phases of your child’s life.
Offering charts for every astrological sign to decipher your child’s good days and bad days, likes and dislikes, and how your child deals with authority, limits, separation, and siblings, the AstroTwins offer real-world advice, from a cosmic perspective, that is always supportive and never overwhelming. With a section devoted to understanding your strengths and challenges as a mom based on your sign, and another section that matches you with your children to see how you all mesh together, Momstrology is a parenting guide like no other. Order Momstrology and get two free bonus gifts from The AstroTwins! Go to http://www.momstrology.com/