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Your Weekly Horoscope by The Astro Twins

Your Weekly Overview June 7th – June 13th
To pair or not to pair, that is the question? If you’re wondering how to move ahead in a partnership, get ready. Unconventional solutions might find YOU this Thursday, June 10 when the year’s only new moon in Gemini arrives as a game-changing solar eclipse. While the zodiac’s Twin traffics in “twos,” its preferences are anything but binary. Upgrade “either/or” decisions to a “yes…and.” Non-obvious choices are the best ones of all when an eclipse illuminates what’s hiding in the shadows. And hey, maybe you CAN have it both ways? Discuss, philosophically. Under these galvanizing moonbeams, die-hard solo stars may find themselves drawn into dynamic duos. While budding connections technically have until the corresponding Gemini full moon on December 18 to manifest, don’t drag your feet. During this rare solar eclipse, you may need to leap without the deepest investigation to avoid missing out on a once-in-a-lifetime exploration.
Palace intrigue heats up this Friday, June 11, as red-hot Mars struts into Leo and rolls out the crimson carpet. With the lusty planet buzzing here until July 29, it wouldn’t hurt to think like a celebrity. We’re not suggesting you act like an entitled diva. But what would happen if you walked through life being wide open to the miraculous? It’s better than worrying about when the other Louboutin is going to drop! Abundant Leo energy knows that there’s more than enough to go around, if only we’d share. With Mars in this magnanimous sign, do your part to create miracles for other whenever you can. In some cases, it’s as simple as acknowledging their presence and contributions. Humans naturally want to be seen, but so often we feel invisible. With Mars in showstopping Leo, shine a light on your co-stars. You’ll raise the vibration of every room you strut into!
Whether you have a pot of gold in your dowry or just a few coins, Mars in Leo provides bottomless refills of creative juice. Over the coming seven weeks, we wouldn’t be surprised to see people unleashing epic productions on a shoestring budget. Where there’s a will, there’s a way! And this ardent cycle cranks up the heat on the global summer love forecast. Even if you swore off the soulmate search while Mars was in sensitive Cancer since April 23, good luck suppressing carnal urges once Mars in Leo gets into your bloodstream. No matter your relationship status, invite in a romantic renaissance by developing a more playful spirit. How can you pump up the passion with your love interest or get more direct results from digital dating? Doing the same thing over and over will only yield expected results. Daring Mars wants you to color outside those lines and give a new tactic a try.
Mercury IS still retrograde until June 22, so even when racing ahead, take a moment to triple-check directions—especially on Sunday when the distractible Sun in Gemini squares nebulous Neptune. Under this twice-a-year dust-up, it’s too easy to get swept into the role of the rescuer, hero or “the only one who understands” a tortured soul. Sacrifices can bring a temporary high, but it’s a slippery slope…and one that can lead to a bottomless pit of (co)dependency. Looking for a healer? Guard against charismatic guru figures who get YOU hyped up with big promises and no action plans. That said, the Sun-Neptune square CAN move a stuck needle. This weekend, you may finally work up the nerve to discuss your deepest fears and reveal your buried brilliance!
Authors of Momstrology: The AstroTwins’ Guide to Parenting Your Little One By the Stars They say kids don’t come with a set of instructions. The AstroTwins, astrologers for Simply Woman, ELLE.com and TV Guide, beg to differ! Their new book Momstrology (Harper Collins) explains the kids AND moms of every zodiac sign, and how your energies mesh. From choosing a preschool, to picking hobbies and activities, to understanding what it means when your toddler gets clingy, or your big kid wants to quit soccer, or your tween talks back, Momstrology is a unique guide through all of the phases of your child’s life.
Offering charts for every astrological sign to decipher your child’s good days and bad days, likes and dislikes, and how your child deals with authority, limits, separation, and siblings, the AstroTwins offer real-world advice, from a cosmic perspective, that is always supportive and never overwhelming. With a section devoted to understanding your strengths and challenges as a mom based on your sign, and another section that matches you with your children to see how you all mesh together, Momstrology is a parenting guide like no other. Order Momstrology and get two free bonus gifts from The AstroTwins! Go to http://www.momstrology.com/