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We Said We Wanted Change

We said we wanted change.
We said we couldn’t keep going on the way we were. The pollution. The smog. The spending. The working around the clock.
We said we couldn’t continue to let big business, greedy corporations, sweatshops, and profits come before people.
We said family matters most. We said love, kindness, slowing down, making homecooked meals, and playing games like we used to in the ‘good ole times’ was missing.
We forgot what real connection was. We lived on our iPhones, iPads, and laptops. We rushed through our days on a treadmill only to repeat it again tomorrow.
We said working in the city, driving through gridlock, trains, planes, and automobiles were killing Mother Earth…and us. We said it had to change.
It did have to change.
We knew it had to change.
And whether we realize we created this new normal or not, we did.
Why don’t we embrace it now? Why don’t we learn new ways of living, loving, working, spending, cooking, cleaning, playing, being? Why don’t we stop with the craziness? Stop the theories. Stop the fighting. Arguing. And see this as a real chance for lasting change.
Let’s team up with Mother Earth. Let’s decide to do things differently moving forward. Let’s give thanks for something new…
I read an incredible article the other day that said everything I want to say and thought I’d share just one snippet:
“The economy is not, at its core, evil. Brands and their products create millions of jobs. Like people — and most anything in life — there are brands that are responsible and ethical, and there are others that are not. They are all part of a system that keeps us living long and strong. We have lifted more humans out of poverty through the power of economics than any other civilization in history. Yes, without a doubt, Americanism is a force for good. It is not some villainous plot to wreak havoc and destroy the planet and all our souls along with it. I get it, and I agree. But its flaws have been laid bare for all to see. It doesn’t work for everyone. It’s responsible for great destruction. It is so unevenly distributed in its benefit that three men own more wealth than 150 million people. Its intentions have been perverted, and the protection it offers has disappeared. In fact, it’s been brought to its knees by one pangolin. We have got to do better and find a way to a responsible free market.” 1
Yes, the Great Awakening is certainly upon us. Let’s seize this time to make the world better. Better than it’s ever been.
Let’s be the change.
We are the change.
Footnote: Prepare for the Ultimate Gaslighting, Julio Vincent Gambuto, https://forge.medium.com/prepare-for-the-ultimate-gaslighting-6a8ce3f0a0e0
Huge love,
Crystal Andrus Morissette
Founder and CEO The S.W.A.T. Institute
The S.W.A.T. Institute is the world’s premier empowerment coaching certification school exclusively for women.
Crystal Andrus Morissette, Founder Simply Woman Magazine
From life as a homeless teen to coaching A-List celebrities, from having abs of steel and the Miss Galaxy to weighing over 200 pounds after having babies, Emotional Age and Communication Expert Crystal Andrus Morissette is a worldwide leader in the field of self-discovery and personal transformation. A media darling, she has been featured numerous times on Oprah.com, the New York Post, Fox TV, the Daily Mail, CBS Radio, CTV, CityTV, Global TV, Slice TV, the Globe and Mail, and the Toronto Star. Crystal is the founder of the S.W.A.T. Institute (Simply Woman Accredited Trainer), an empowerment coach certification exclusively for women that she created with fellow female visionaries Louise Hay, Marianne Williamson, Dr Christiane Northrup, Colette Baron-Reid, and Sandra Anne Taylor among others. Established in 2009, the S.W.A.T. Institute is now in over 30 countries.
Crystal is the author of five best-selling books, including her latest release entitled, “Simply…Woman: Stories from 30 magnificent women who have risen against the odds!” She is also certified in nutrition, sports medicine, and yoga.
Crystal’s message of resilience, strength, and inner power has allowed her to grace the stage with speakers such as Dr. Phil, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Naomi Judd, Suze Orman, Marianne Williamson, Louise Hay, Dr. Christiane Northrup, Dr. Joan Borysenko, Debbie Ford, Sarah Ferguson—Duchess of York, and many more. Crystal has coached women from all walks of life including A-list celebrities, best-selling authors, scientists, doctors, dentists, and lawyers to stay-at-home moms and struggling teens. Her passion is to get down in the trenches and help people become the (s)heroes of their own lives.
www.crystalandrusmorissette.com | www.swatinstitute.com