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six ways of improving intercultural communication
Inter-cultural communication involves a long process of understanding how the other parties communicate and use language.
by Terry Brown, edited.
The following are six important ways in which intercultural communication is improved, one human being at a time:
Every community has ways of doing things with respect to their culture and traditions. However, individuals should not assume that the way they communicate is universal and applies to all communities they interact with. In one community whistling for instance may be a way of showing happiness and relaxation while in another community it is a way of showing abomination or condemning an evil act. Individuals should avoid assuming that the way they do things is the way others do. People should break all possible assumptions regarding the use of signs and symbols too that vary from community to community. The drums used by different African communities and the rhythm of their sound had different meanings, there were rhythms for sad occasions like death and burial and for happy occasions like marriage and initiations. To date the difference in cultures is viewed mainly through the ages of the population — the old and the young generations. The young generation has adopted modern ways of communicating through the use of technology like text and internet while the old generation used print media and face to face contact.
2. Involvement of others
One should always ensure that members from other cultural backgrounds are involved in daily communication in order to learn and understand each other’s cultures. Working together and establishing rapport with members of other cultures breeds an ease and a closeness with them. This gives rise to a common ground to understanding each other, the way each person communicates and how they use non-verbal communication. Involvement of others helps the understanding of the context of usage of certain words and symbols and helps one to understand how different messages are interpreted by different communities.
2. Empathizing with others
This aspect involves an individual putting him or herself into the position of people from other cultures and trying to think and communicate in their way. A person will establish very quickly how key words matter in communication and how such words are used without causing misinterpretation or communication breakdown. Understanding people from their- perspective is the easiest way in which an individual is able to learn how such a culture communicates. With the knowledge of the individual’s culture in mind, the person now makes a comparison between the two cultures and easily identifies what are the main aspects that cause the differences in communication and how they are overcome. It is only after one is put into another person’s shoes that they feel where it pinches and fits.
3. Avoidance of “head mentality”
Though cultures can never be the same, people should always strive to ensure that all cultures are treated with equality they deserve. Effective intercultural communication will be achieved only when the individuals treat each other’s cultures as equal and not to feel superior to another’s. If, for instance, a person looks down on other cultures, it will be absolutely impossible for the individual to understand their communication since the person despises the “weaker” culture. Coming to a sympathetic understanding will remain impossible no matter how hard the individual tries. Head mentality creates an illusion of superiority and this causes the individual lose interest in knowing other cultures, eventually contributing to a total communication breakdown that further hinders the probability of enhancing intercultural relationships.
The world is made up of thousands of cultures and traditions that may share some views and ideas while others are completely the opposite. The differences range from small differences in language use to broader practices and traditions. All these similarities and differences in their own ways have made these cultures unique since before the beginning of history and will continue to exist. Individuals respect and treasure their culture to an extent of protecting it at all costs; however, in the event of cultural communication differences, it’s important to avoid attacking another culture as improper. . . regardless of their practices. Different cultures speak and communicate in different ways; people should always avoid ridiculing and making fun of the way other people speak or use language to communicate as this widens the bridge of understanding each other’s culture. These insensitive behaviors further make it difficult to understand the real meaning of the intended message.
5. Being wise
In general communication, maturity and wisdom are essential in enhancing effective communication among individuals. It should be noted that, despite the existence of many differences in cultures and traditions in the world, there is great need for developing maturity in the way we communicate. Maturity in communication is shown though asking and seeking clarifications in cases where the communicating parties do not understand each other. The willingness to be open to all verbal and non verbal communication portrays a great level of maturity in trying to foster intercultural communication. Maturity of thoughts is also essential as it helps to internalize the meaning of messages. Maturity in communication enhances an individual’s ability to understand another’s body language, enhances interactions, improves decision making skills and promotes conflict management.
Communication, both verbal and non verbal is a basic tool that makes it possible for people to carry out their daily activities. In the absence of effective communication grows misunderstanding and stonewalling. People must appreciate different backgrounds and accept that they will never be the same. Differences in cultural backgrounds must never be used to create barriers in communication, but instead be used to enhance it. Humans can not only embrace, but even leverage diversity among cultures by adopting techniques from other communities that enhance communication. For example, there are some communities that have a much more defined way of using non verbal language than others.
With some work and effort around understanding one another, we truly can have fluent communication among the peoples of different cultures.