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Darcy Lubow: Waking Up From The Walking Dead

By Darcy Lubow.
Zombies have become a regular feature in pop culture.
Well before Halloween’s gamut of costumes came out, zombies were all over the place.
I’m not just talking about movies and TV here. You see them, don’t you?
The walking dead can be found in the aisles of the grocery store, riding shotgun in bumper to bumper traffic, sitting in the desk next to you at the office, maybe even looking back at you in the mirror.
Auto pilot, living from a place of fear, and following habitual patterns that no longer serve you are all ways of living in zombie land.
Zombies are the “living dead.” People who are walking, talking, moving and shaking, though absent of vital life force.
Do you recognize this state of living without that oomph of vitality, inspiration, and purpose?
Yes, this one and precious life is full of responsibility. While not all the actions of day to day life are enjoyable or particularly comfortable, they are all chances to engage our spirit. Routine can become lackluster and inspiration goes out the window.
Where has inspiration gone missing in your life? Where are you a living dead?
What if where you are currently on auto pilot, those ho hum areas of the calendar, were given some extra attention and joie de vivre? What might become available if you wake up to the opportunity in the seemingly mundane?
I bet some area of your life has come into focus as you’ve been reading this. Maybe there is some overwhelm, guilt, frustration or confusion lingering as you think of this aspect of life. There might even be some anger, apathy, sadness or blame. Whichever emotions or states of being are present, however comfortable or uncomfortable, these are all good news! Emotions are energy. Auto pilot lacks energy and intention. In bringing awareness to where a zombie has taken over, the energy of emotion and intention to wake up can assist in the transformation of coming back to life in a way that is meaningful to you.
Here are a few tips and tools for waking up and reinvigorating your life force:
Put pen to paper: What would it mean to be fully engaged in life? Describe how it might look, sound, feel, smell and taste to be awake in one specific area of your life where you aren’t fully present or satisfied right now. Invite the Creative Imagination in you to come play. (If you need some inspiration, look to those you admire and take some details from their life you’d like to experience.)
Set a date to say Thank You: Set a timer on your phone twice a day that reads “look for what’s right.” Become more accustomed to seeing the miracles in the normal and the senses will begin to come to life! Write down what comes in a small notebook or on your phone to reflect on and re-enjoy later.
Be a beginner: Commit to learning at least one new thing every day. This might be taking a group or class you haven’t tried before, walking down a different street on your walk with the pooch, opening a Dictionary to a random page and starting to read, or asking a close friend to tell you something about them you don’t know. The world is vast! There is much to learn and behold; auto pilot becomes nearly impossible when curiosity is a priority.
Let Faith have a say: Complete the sentence “If I weren’t afraid I would…” aloud or in writing. Let whatever surfaces out. Giving Faith the chance to speak will provide inspired direction in areas of your life you might not have considered before. Set a reminder on your phone once a day to have this conversation with Faith. Nurture this relationship and rewards will flow!
Let me know what shows up as you begin to wake up from where you’ve been a walking dead. Watch out world, we’ve got some action over here (and it is phenomenal!). Yes, I am referring to YOU.
Alive + Aware + in the Flow,
Darcy Lubow is a natural guide. She helps lead people through the dark forests of the mind to a place of serenity. Darcy is a coach, a SoulCollage(TM) facilitator, a motivational speaker and a Masters in Counseling Psychology candidate. She lives with her beloved dog, Duffy, in Northern California. Darcy feels most alive when she is creating, loving, learning and laughing. She fills her life with love: practicing yoga, taking photographs and walking down new streets in the “same old neighborhoods”. www.darcylubow.com