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Tying up loose ends: Your December 2013 Numerology Horoscope

with Michelle Arbeau, Celebrity Numerologist.
December 2013 – Ending the Year with the Whole and Complete Number.
December being the twelfth and final month of the year, it’s a perfect time to tie up loose ends and bring everything together. Twelve is called the whole and complete number and when reduced (1+2=3) forms three, the number of unity. Combined, this energy (12/3) brings a swift current of unification and a feeling that everything is coming together.
2013 has had the theme of relationship shifting and for many of us who have been touched in some form in this arena we’re finally feeling like things are starting to make sense.
Although the last month of the year is typically a time when we slow down and take a breather to prepare for the next year’s goals, this December marks a significant time to end the old and await the new. Adding the month’s energy (12) with the year’s (2013), you get 9, the highest number of change symbolizing the end of a cycle.
Next year will be a 7 frequency (2+0+1+4) which is the number of truth or the truth-seeker/truth-revealer. Upcoming is a year of authenticity and stepping into our personal power in a big way. It’s a perfect time to pause and gather our thoughts on the past two years of clearing/cleansing.
We’re connecting the dots and integrating the year’s (or two years) experiences this Holiday Season. Enjoy the feeling of everything coming full circle. You’ve earned it.
Calculating Your Number:
Before we get to the individual monthly forecasts, you’ll need to calculate your Life Theme Number which is your main energetic essence in this lifetime. Your date of birth is like spiritual DNA and can reveal who you are, what you’re here to do and how to do it.
To calculate your Life Theme Number, add together each individual digit in your date of birth and then reduce to a single digit, like this:
DOB: 12-18-1975
This date of birth has a Life Theme Number of 7. Follow the same steps to calculate your own essence.
**Note: If the sum equates to 10, 11, 22 or 33, stop there. Don’t reduce these numbers further as they are called the Master Numbers and should be displayed in their unreduced form. They are guiding frequencies which carry a greater responsibility to mankind in terms of their life purpose. To find out more about these numbers and the other nine base energies, sign up to my newsletter at www.MichelleArbeau.com to receive a complimentary copy of “Life Theme Numbers”.
Individual Life Theme Number Forecast for December:
2: The past two years have been particularly challenging for the 2 because it’s the number of intuition and the most sensitive of the soul plane numbers. All the inner emotional shifting last year and the relationship changes this year has left the 2 struggle to keep their head afloat the turbulent waters. Thankfully this month has brought a calmer flow to the stormy sea. You’re feeling more confident, less like a leaf blowing in the wind and better able to get a handle on your sensitive emotions. Although you’re a soul-based number, December reduces to the 3 (first mental number) so you’ll spend the month contemplating and integrating your experiences this year more on an intellectual level. No doubt because you’re a feeler, you’ll have a great deal of emotion behind those thoughts. You’ll pack a powerful punch to those positive thoughts, getting a head start on manifesting those New Year’s goals. This month is all about taking some down time for you. Set aside the draw to want to be the support for others. It’s your time to rest and rejuvenate.
3: This is your month! A three in a base number 3 month is like a kid in a candy store. You’re feeling foot-loose and fancy free, ready to work on generating next year’s new ideas and projects. Your mind is going a mile a minute with concepts popping out of nowhere. You’re the intellectual so the 3 energy is your time to be in the zone. There may be times when you’re overanalyzing or over-thinking things because of the double 3 energy but for the most part, you’ll feel like you’re accomplishing a lot this month on an intellectual level. It will also be a month where you’ll feel particularly like the social butterfly that is your true nature. You’ll be the highlight of the office Christmas party because you’re on your game mentally for the Holidays.
4: The four is all about practicality so you’ll be in “To-Do List” mode. You’ll be making your list and checking it twice when it comes to planning out your next steps for the months ahead. You’ve definitely got your grounded and practical doer hat on this month as you strive to consolidate all your tidbits into a logical plan of action. It’s as though you’re preparing your catapult, preparing to leap into action in the coming months. You may feel the need to withdraw as you contemplate your master plan. That’s ok but do take the time to let your hair down intermittently. You can become overly serious this month and that’s when you get too structured and boxed in. Your loyal nature can stick you too much to course, not allowing for differences or changes in circumstances. Take time away from your mission to have a little fun and waste some time (something you don’t normally like to do). Not everything you do has to be on the list.
5: The social nature of the 3 this month has you feel a little reckless as the freedom of expression number. You’re torn because you feel the structure of wanting to cross your T’s and dot I’s under such intellectual energy (3 is the first mental plane number) but you’d rather save that for another day at the moment. The 3 energy this month might be a little too mental-based for the erratic 5. It very well could be January before you get your act together in terms of connecting the dots and setting off on the right foot. That’s ok because part of allowing things to come together or connect the dots is to allow it to happen in its own time. You’ll feel a bit discombobulated this month but let it be what it is. You’ve never done anything by the book so why start now. Let the pieces come together when they’re supposed to. Just know that the sorting process has started this month. Avoid starting or ending relationships this month as your emotions will be blocked and decision making skills will be a tad off.
6: You’re in motherly nurturing mode this Holiday Season. It’s in your nature to be in nesting mode while under a unifying 3 energy. You’re all up in your head (which is your typical overanalyzing behavior) this month but it’s going to get you somewhere. You’re the visionary who sees things from a grander perspective so you’ll be able to help others bring things together this month. It will be easier to fight the desire to dip into the negative side of the six for the next couple of weeks (pessimism, criticism, worry-wart syndrome). You’ll be a delight to be around for the Holidays taking on an air of the social butterfly 3 energy. Your brighter than normal outlook will help you to rapidly manifest some of the goals you’ve been struggling with this year. Relationship struggles that may have been plaguing you the past several months will seemingly melt away for the time being. You’ll find that your chipper outlook is catching. Spread that positivity around while it’s plentiful.
7: The 7 values their alone time to rest and rejuvenate. If you’ve got an issue to deal with, you retreat to process and integrate it. December is just that for you – a retreat month. Take the pause and utilize your philosophical and scientific nature to figure things out from a mental perspective. It’s time to gain clarity of some of the “leap before thinking” decisions you’ve made this year, especially in the realm of relationships. You’ve been torn between wanting to settle down and the desire to be free this year and it’s made you a tad irritable at times. The upcoming global year (2014) will be a 7 also so you’ll be hit with a double dose of your own energy. It could sway wildly when you’re under the same frequency as your own. For some 7’s, they’ll hit the ground running on goals while others will spend the early portion of the year in self-reflection mode, wanting to be still in order to contemplate the next steps. One bonus is that the relationship challenges will mostly end with 2013 and career (or contemplation of it) will be a strong focus for the coming months.
8: The 8 (as the number of wisdom) knows what to say, when to say it and how to say it. Under the sunny, bright, social butterfly 3 energy this month, the 8 is feeling a break in the relationship connection challenges. You’re suave and on the ball when it comes to social communication skills this month. Your confident energy is back and you’re feeling on top again. The year’s discombobulated energy is starting to flow in the right direction again. Usually you know almost instinctually how to navigate life but your compass has been malfunctioning for the better part of the year. It feels good to have it pointing you in the right direction again. Enjoy this new-found sense of balance. Although you might have enjoyed the break in having everyone seek your advice for the past several months, trust that they’ll be knocking at your door once again. You’re back baby!
9: It’s been a tough year for the black and white, justice-seeking 9. The global year being a 6 has meant that the negative aspects of criticism, pessimism and worry-wart syndrome have aggravated your own tendencies to dip into these same qualities. 6 and 9 are side by side on the chart and share many of the same qualities. You’re feeling frazzled this month with the combination of the Holidays and the mental 3 energy of December. You’ve spent a good part of the year helping others navigate their own relationship struggles, neglecting your own. It’s all coming full circle this month in the energy of the 12/3, the whole and complete number. Your relationship issues that have been shelved are now coming front and center. It’s a month of relationship shifting for you big time. Anything you’ve put off throughout the year is rearing it’s head in the next several weeks. That’s a good thing though. You can tie up all your loose ends before the New Year begins.
10/1: You’re a month early in terms of wanting to implement your New Year’s resolutions but that’s ok. This month will be an idea generating time when you’ll be “downloading” ideas left right and center. You’re the pioneer, the trailblazer and the mental energy this month will have you wanting to put your ideas into action in a big way. Relationships will be the furthest thing from your mind because it’s all about your drive to succeed right now. It’s a refreshing change of pace from the relationship challenges in the summer and fall months. It’s all about you now and that’s the way it will be for the next couple of months. It’s time to put your goals into action. You’re getting a running start on the New Year and it’s a win-win to combine such powerful mental energy (3) with the first physical number (1). Bringing your ideas to life has never been easier. Go for it!
11/2: It has been a strange year for the 11/2. As much as it’s been a “spiritual mountain” year, it has also been a year of external progress. As the power number, the 11 is always striving for a global purpose in all they do. This year is no different. Publishing endeavors are particularly front and center as the 3 energy of December encourages intellectual pursuits. 11’s are highly creative creatures and often writing is a skill they possess because they’re typically better at communicating non-verbally. If you feel the call to journal, blog or write that book you’ve been thinking about starting, get to it this month. You’ll find others will be particularly drawn to you this month for guidance and counsel because you’re more in-tune with your spiritual side this month. It’s a non-verbal month where you’ve better off expressing yourself in writing if you want to be understood. As the spiritual guide, you’ll always attract others seeking guidance but that can fluctuate. You’re definitely the spiritual guide this month and don’t be surprised if even a random cashier spills her life story to you.
22/4: Consolidation is the name of the game this month. You’re the practical one and under a whole and complete month of 12/3, you’re in full-on “To-Do List” mode. It’s a time to make your list and check it twice this Holiday Season. If you feel the need to purge, that’s a good sign. All the things you’ve been working through this year will be brought front and center to face judgment day. Relationships, career choices, financial concerns, the whole nine yards will be under the microscope. Consider it a time of taking inventory of what you have and what you want going forward. As the “doer”, you’ll have your energy focused on cleaning house this month before you enter the action-packed 1 energy of January (first physical plane number). Those around you, especially intimate partners and coworkers will feel your overly structured overtone this month. It might border on military form but that’s ok. It’s necessary for you to shed the excess baggage to move forward.
33/6: If anyone has felt the relationship earthquake, it’s the 33/6. The global year matches your 6 energy so it’s been a very heavy focus on relationship shifting, with a particular highlight on finalizing old connections and patterns (closing them out). You’ve always been the glue that holds the family unit together and this month is certainly the time for you to let that quality shine. You’re the dot connector, the Master Teacher in the whole and complete month of 12/3. Countless people have come to you for advice and counsel this month and it will continue until early January. You are coming to terms on an intellectual and emotional level with some very important relationship connections. Aside from that, it has been a very creative year for you, with lots of ideas generated daily (although not many have been put into action yet). Essentially, all this relationship clearing is paving the way to allow you to embrace your “Teacher” energy next year as the truth-seeker/truth-revealer energy comes into full effect. As soon as 2014 chimes in, you’ll be feeling the urge to share your wisdom and information with others. In the mean time, tie up loose ends with the relationship challenges that are still lingering. That’s your homework for December.
Michelle Arbeau is an internationally recognized Celebrity Numerologist, author, inspirational speaker and radio/tv host. She has a Hollywood clientele base that includes Twilight vampires, Big Bang Theory actress, Pirates of the Caribbean actor, NBC Director, Celebrity stylist and many more.
A media favorite and considered an expert in her field, Michelle is frequently a repeat guest on national outlets such as CBC Radio, CTV Morning Live, Breakfast Television and LA Talk Radio.
As founder and host of Authentic You Radio/TV, Michelle has interviewed many of the top authors, speakers and celebrities in her quest to inspire and empower others to live with authenticity.
Her upcoming books, The Energy of Words: Harness the Vibration of Language & Transform Your Life and Soul Numbers: Decipher the Message from Your Inner Self to Successfully Navigate Life are the product of combining her love of numbers with her passion for helping others to find purpose, meaning and joy in life. (Book Release Dates October & December 2013). www.MichelleArbeau.com.