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The Secrets to Achieving Your New Years Fitness Goals
By Michelle Goldrick
Don’t let your fitness resolutions become another statistic. Create a solid game plan with these powerful tools and head into the New Year prepared for battle.
It’s the same old story. As December winds down, we can’t wait to press the reset button and start the New Year off with renewed enthusiasm. We promise to create distance from the drive thru and drop a few pounds. We even order a new pair of sneakers to kick everything off. We’re filled with resolve as we set out to tackle new goals and follow through on old ones that have fallen to the wayside. So, if we’re all amped up and decked out, why do so many of us drop the ball and fail to follow through?
So, what happens to all of January’s fresh new faces in the gym? I’m no fitness psychologist, but I know a thing or two about feeling inspired by a new goal only to later lose interest and quit. I know how it feels when the thing you want the most seems out of reach. For all of my success, I’ve also experienced plenty of failures. But I learned lessons from every failure, which have helped make my future success possible.
Those lessons come down to one master notion: Don’t let your enthusiasm be the only thing that carries you through.
Levels of motivation fluctuate like the tides, with steady ups and steady downs. If enthusiasm is the only thing keeping you committed, then your likelihood to quit is higher. You need a good plan and a process. Motivation only takes you so far and this is where discipline needs to take over.
1. Set Realistic and Achievable Goals
One of the biggest mistakes I see in goal-setting is wanting to run before you can walk. Progress isn’t defined by leaps and bounds but instead by taking small, yet impactful, baby steps. Break bigger goals down into smaller, more manageable mini-goals. For my clients, I encourage them to be specific about it and even better make a financial commitment to it. Buy the expensive dress 2 sizes smaller, book the vacation and even better, buy the bikini to wear to it. Also, important, break that large goal into smaller milestones. This also allows you to celebrate each small goal, and keep your enthusiasm high, instead of risking frustration waiting to achieve one big goal. The best part is you are no longer relying on a super high level of motivation to keep yourself committed. The more simple the goal, the less motivation it requires to achieve it.
2. Visualization is Key
Most of us are visual creatures and are motivated most by what we see or don’t see. Once we have established the overall goal and broke things down then I get them to start scouring the internet. If it’s a particular size, shape, fitness physique one is looking for…. Find it. Print it. Bring it to me. I explain how realistic it is or isn’t to their particular body type and we hone in on it. Take that picture. Print 20 copies. Hang it everywhere in your house. Bathroom mirror. Fridge. Cubical at work. Make it your screensaver on your phone. It’s the same concept as a vision board. The human mind is a powerful thing. The more you see your goal, the more your mind does its part to make it a reality for you.
3. Believe in YOU and YOUR Goal
Hopefully you’re already beginning to acknowledge the power in being able to see and feel your future success. Now, add belief to the equation.
Everything you’ve experienced, heard, or seen in life influences your own sense of what is and isn’t possible. It’s easy to let limiting thoughts hold you back. Negative self talk can leave you saying things like “That might be possible for them but not for me because of x, y, or z.” You might have a trail of dieting failures behind you that have led you to assume that achieving your dream physique isn’t in the cards. Shake it off and rethink what you believe is possible. You must BELIEVE in your ability to succeed before you actually succeed.
4. Commit to Seeing Yourself Succeed
You can’t go any further in the process without nailing this one down and, yet, so many people overlook this step and head straight for planning.
The idea of working out, doing cardio, and cleaning up your nutrition plan sounds like a huge task. Once it hits you, you’re likely to quit before you even start. That is, unless you’re committed. That’s why we call the commitment the “turning point.” It’s the last step in achieving the proper mindset—the point in the process after which everything that follows becomes about working toward getting results.
Equate commitment with being resolute: determined, steadfast, and set in purpose.
5. Be Sure to Reward Yourself Along the Way
Be sure to keep it fun and rewarding. We all have setbacks, reminding yourself you are human and to get back on the bandwagon as soon as its recognized and you will recover fine. Set the small goals. Once you hit x,y or z goal set it in place to buy the shoes, have the cheesecake, and get the mani pedi. It can get grueling if you let it don’t. Set the rewards. And be specific. Have fun and don’t forget in the end to be kind to you.
I am a certified personal trainer with over 20 year’s experience in the fitness industry, with adding in some specialized certification in Pre and Post Natal Personal Training. Over the years I have helped many clients achieve and sustain their fitness and weight loss goals. This even needed to be applied to myself 5 years ago after gaining over 50 lbs with my pregnancy with my daughter. I’ve done 4 fitness shows with my last show placing 3rd in my class, and my 2nd last show 9 months after delivering my daughter. I got into this industry because of my genuine passion in helping people surpass their personal obstacles and improve their lifestyle, health and fitness level.
Most recently being a breast cancer survivor, diagnosed in September 2013 with mastectomy in December 2013, I now also understand the unique obstacles to overcome physiologically and emotionally that younger women with early age diagnosis go through. I have also since founded the breast cancer fundraising initiative playfully called “Bustin’ Out” in 2014. Which was designed to be an evening of empowerment for young adult breast cancer survivors. This is where survivors were given professional boudoir photoshoots after having their hair and makeup professionally done up for them. It was designed to give women their femininity and mojo back and to ‘rock what they’ve got’ and instead celebrate what cancer has given us vs what it has taken.
Visit my website at www.michellegfitness.com.