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The Secret Power of Daydreaming with Ronelle Roode-Brothers

by Ronelle Roode-Brothers.
“Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions.” – Albert Einstein
Daydreaming was one of my favourite pastimes as a young girl – as a teen – and also now, as a woman.
Throughout my life, I have carved out time, here or there, from my schedule for daydreaming… – just staring up at the sky – the clouds, the stars – the heavens. I’ve sat in the wee hours of the morning watching for the sun to rise – both as a youngster and an adult. I’ve sat and drifted away, mentally, to capture those possibilities of “what if’s” – the dreams of “why not’s” that excite my spirit – my soul’s goals & wishes.
I’m sure that there are dozens of people who look upon daydreaming as absurd, child-like and an utter waste of time – those are the naysayers, the skeptics who more likely than not, will say (often) phrases such as “you need to be more realistic” or “it’s time to get your head out of the clouds”.
Sure, there is definitely a need to settle down to business, to get organized – even where dreams-transcended-into-achievements are concerned – for putting the wheels-of-imagination in motion requires actual action. But how has any master-inventor or creative-spirit started out a seedling-of-inspiration without the beginning action of dreaming?
Dreaming, imagination – these are the roots to which so much of creating is sourced.
Even the development of scientific achievements, technological advancements – these are results of individuals who dare to dream.
And what of those naysayers and skeptics – chances are, those are individuals who have built a brick wall around their dreams, who have stuffed down their imaginative souls, opting to praise behaviour which is “real and logical”, all while not realizing that likely a majority of their days are spent enjoying the fruitions of a multitude of daydreamers – everything from the computer they type on, to the music on the radio in their cars, to the after dinner-time comedy or drama they view on TV – all products of some daydreamer who dared to make time for their imagination to take a breath along the way.
And yes – reality is a part of life – but so is (in my opinion) dreaming.
Without it, much would not move forward in our universe, progress would be stifled to a standstill. When I daydream, I don’t always necessarily find myself fixated on one particular topic. I may just take in the view – the trees, the garden, mountain-tops – and allow my mind to drift. And while doing so – then if my imagination steers towards a particular topic of creativity, an idea that’s been mulling in the back of my brain, that’s where “I go.”
A lot of my achievements have been sourced through my practice of daydreaming. And no, not every single idea I’ve had has resulted in my taking action to fruition. But I will say that the calming effect of simply imagining has, in itself, been worthwhile. And sometimes the serenity of daydreaming has dove-tailed into tapping into other paths of creativity which expanded on the original ideas I’d had.
One of my favourite thoughts I reflect in the ideas of daydreaming and imagination comes from Dr. Wayne Dyer’s book, The Power of Intention – in it he says:
“Your imagination is the concept of Spirit within you.”
So to me, what others may deem as idling my time away, I view as an opportunity to soften the harshness of realities that surrounded my day, or week (whether they be occurrences in my life or viewed in the headlines of the day) – I see enticing my imagination through daydreaming as getting to the business of rekindling Spirit within me, to release that which could easily harden my heart and might possibly deafen my soul to all that is rich and joyful – shutting out future chance for creative upheaval and lifting of my spirit and perhaps, in turn, the opportunities for my creativity to lift the spirits of others as well.
I believe an internal source of one’s power to generate joy is often unreachable when blocking the path of action with skepticism. But I can share that this action of daydreaming, for me, is a pathway to tap into a channel of divinity which has buoyed my creative heart & soul…and allowed me to achieve more than I’d originally imagined.
So pause – take a moment to daydream.
As you reflect on this topic, you’ll find further inspiration guided by the Goddess-message below, as well as listening to the suggested Musical-Motivator. Musical-Motivators are selected as a corresponding “musical voice” representing that particular Goddess. Enjoy!
message from the goddesses
Freya, Nordic Earth Goddess of celebration, fertility and passion has come to pass on a message for you to awaken the daydreamer within you and encourages you to let your imagination soar with endless possibility. Now is not the time to be timid and watch your commitment to achieving your dreams & wishes shrivel away. Cast away fears, hold onto boldness – have clarity where your intentions are concerned. Action towards your soul’s desire includes time for dreaming – for dreaming is actual action required in processing the creativity. Than allow those dreams to unfold and manifest into action-steps – big or small.
musical motivator
“Mist of Dreams” – by Adani & Wolf
Upbeat, light and airy – this song will take your mind on an imaginative journey, freeing your spirit to soar with creativity. Unlike other, softer, gentler tunes – the pulsating rhythms provide a mystique for your mind & soul’s playful side, alluring you to expand the belief in the phrase of “why not?”
Ronelle Roode-Brothers: Down-to-earth musings, musical-motivators and creatively-sourced mystical goddess messages – imaginatively blended…to help you feel uplifted and inspired to move forward with a more positive & refreshed outlook!
Born in Cape Town, South Africa into a family with a rich ethnic-tapestry and extensive Artistic-heritage, Ronelle has led a life of following her dreams and intuition. Tapping into every corner of her creative soul, she has provided intuitive oracle-readings for over a decade. As well, for more than 30 years, mentoring women has become a natural extension of her work as a Dance-Educator/Fitness-Professional. Known for her passionate, dynamic spirit and ability to mentor & inspire, her dance-arts career as a master teacher, adjudicator and guest speaker has taken her to Japan, Spain and throughout North America. As a writer, Ronelle has interviewed some of the most renowned dance-world legendary artists & celebrities. To learn more about Ronelle visit her website at: http://www.truegoddessrevelation.com/