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Synchronicity: Love Notes from The Universe
By Keira Wetherup Brown
I was introduced to synchronicity when I began my conscious journey on a spiritual path. Many of the speakers and authors I gravitated to shared the idea that the universe was listening and responding through the material world in a mysterious dance of communication.
This was a delicious notion for me.
I began considering the idea that synchronicity was a reality. Could I potentially receive confirmation that there was more to this world than what I was currently experiencing? Within my soul I yearned for synchronicity in my life.
It was then that synchronicity began to manifest.
My grandmother had passed away just as I was considering whether or not to begin a yoga certification program. There were many reasons I thought it would be crazy of me to participate in the program at this time. I was so busy, I felt out of my comfort zone, and I was scared. “Who was I to think I could take this on?” Yet at the same time there was a new voice whispering; perhaps less of a voice and more of a gentle presence; a new feeling that I was just beginning to trust. This feeling was one of my “inner knowing” about how much I really wanted to do this program.
When I explained my interest to the coordinator of the program, Nicky, she validated what I had been holding so close to my heart. In our conversation she shared that she had spent a beautiful Mother’s Day with her sons gardening and that she had found a statue of Mother Mary in the garden. Even though I did not think this this related to my beginning the program I remember thinking about the alchemy involved in her discovery of a symbol that represented love, mothering, and the divine. I wondered at the possibility of synchronicity for myself.
As we talked I had been holding space for an opportunity to heal, for the memory of my grandmother who had recently passed away, for the love that I have for my daughters, and my hopes for the future. I trusted in the passion I felt for the beauty of ritual and my creative soul that had been calling to me since I was a child. I made my decision and told Nicky I was going to take the program.
That night as I spread my books for the yoga certification across the table my eye caught the design on my Ayurveda: The Science of Self-Healing book, a pattern of human energy floating above a woman. I knew I had seen this before and I remembered my daughter had drawn a picture of my Gram with the exact same diagram of energy floating above her body including detail of three interconnected circles representing creation. She told me that this is the part of Great Gram that went up to heaven. Words can’t express how amazed I was when my daughter had first shown me her picture as I had never gone into any detail about what a soul was or what it looked like. Realizing the similarity or synchronicity of the images validated my decision. I accepted this as a love note from the Universe.
I smiled at the gift of my own magical confirmation, one that I could not deny. I sensed that this was more than a coincidence; it was a breadcrumb from the universe.
Here’s what I know about synchronicity:
- Once the synchronicity arrives in your life there is no denying its presence.
- If the synchronicities seem to disappear it can be a reminder that you are not in alignment with your path or authentic self.
- Conscious gratitude is like synchronistic alchemy; it generates more synchronicity.
My mantra has now become “there is beautiful synchronicity today” as I believe honoring what we want to be present in our lives is an act of powerful manifestation.
Listen and watch for the love notes. What is the universe saying to you?
Keira Wetherup Brown is a seeker of the magical and mystical elements of life. A teacher for over ten years, she has felt a calling to empower women. After the birth of her daughters and an unexpected health condition Keira has embarked on a healing journey fueling her passion to incorporate the divine feminine into her life’s work as a coach and counsellor. www.livingwithprolapse.com