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“This, or Something Better” … Thoughts on Manifesting for 2015

Written by Colette Baron-Reid
Happy 2015 my fabulous sparkle being!
I’ve been thinking a lot about what my intentions are for this year and going about it a little differently than last year. How did you do on your 2014 synchronicity synopsis I suggested we do last week? (There is still time to add to the comments on that blog as I think sharing is such an amazing way to learn from one another.)
Since I’ve made my year- end inventory of 2014, and fairly shell shocked to be honest after reading it through, I’d like to share what might be good to be reinforced for all of us.
First off over the years I have manifested absolutely 1000% every single thing I have intended essentially from each perfect home, (I have excellent house karma), to a major label deal as a recording artist, 2 singer songwriter CDs with music I’m proud of, Hay House publishing, creating oracle decks and books that have sold all over the world, a flourishing coaching school, my own TV show (in Canada -soon to be worldwide) international touring as a speaker, and a faithful gorgeous soul mate of 12 years – my husband – who is truly the greatest gift of my life and that is not the half of it.
None of it came to me in my demanded timetable. Not ever.
The Essence was always greater than the form I wanted to manifest and rarely did my puny imaginations ever measure up to Spirits idea of what was best for me.
Like all good little law of attraction subscribers every New Year I submitted the “form” to the universe’s manifesting machine but invariably out plopped something I did not order that held the purest essence but didn’t look at all like I expected or thought I wanted.
Why? It’s because of one powerful affirmation I believe sums it up.
When setting intentions, resolutions etc. the statement “This or Something Better Now Manifests for Me in Divine Appropriate Timing” is the key.
The thing is we need to allow it to be what it will be. We can’t just say it, then say or think right after –“Your will be done but give me what I want – the end”. (I will admit that I have done this more than once)
Keep in mind, even though my experience looks pretty good to everybody else, much of what I listed above came in forms I did not expect or pursue, and when I did get the form I wanted it did not feed my heart or do anything that symbolically it was supposed to do when I got it.
Over the years I got wise to how Spirit works and recognized the complexity of fate and destiny, unlimited potential and the soft fluid limits of one’s unique path etc. Yet every once in a while I slid back into thinking I could force the universe to bend to my will although looking back I was in denial at the time. (Don’t Even kNow I Am Lying)
The most important lesson is that the essence of your intention, how you want to feel, who you want to be, and what you desire to experience will show up in the highest version of form and it will unlikely be you that chooses what that will be even if you’ve been taught that to be specific is important.
2014 was one of those years where the unexpected took me for the ride of my life again.
I began my year absolutely determined to pursue a more mainstream version of my work. I spent thousands of dollars on brand experts and coaches to help me redefine my offering. Just about the time I began all this CBR makeover I had a devastating motorcycle accident to get my attention but I am truly at times the slow cousin slightly touched in the head that stubbornly wants to shove the square peg in the round hole.
I knew lying in bed all summer I was off track. Yet I insisted on having my way.
Thank God I always say “Thy will be done through me for the highest good. This or something better now manifests for me” etc. etc.
“But we still need to plan” thought I!
So I set about affirming and planning for my idea of what I thought would be the best way to serve with my skills especially as a coach and intuitive business strategist, consciously saying I would leave mediumship completely off the table and never ever do such a thing on TV again.
None of what I planned happened at all! (If you’ve been following me you know what happened to some of my best ideas about what I was not going to do) I have my own TV show doing transformational mediumship – that’s talking to the dead to heal the living in normal speak) I went back to Hay House gratefully and humbly and my prayers for a more authentic version of myself showed up completely different than what I thought it would look like at the beginning of the year.
You can’t fake it. When Spirit has a form in mind you just need to suit up, shut up, surrender to Grace and be very, very grateful.
In spite of my wants, fears, ideas, plans, dream board pictures and statements I got a better life than I wanted, a more integrous way to serve, an authentic more powerful version of myself, and a newfound humility and reverence for the whole shebang.
So here’s the gist of it all.
Do all the things you do to intend your best life, your most creative, your wealthiest, happiest etc. to set this year in motion. Focus on the feelings, the experience, the essence and not the form.
Leave room for Spirit.
Allow the magic to take the form that’s best for you.
Don’t get hung up on your version.
For when you say “This or Something Better”…Magic happens.
Love to hear about you! Tell me a story.
Colette Baron-Reid is an intuitive counsellor and founder of the Master Intuitive Coach Institute. Her book, “Weight Loss For People Who Feel Too Much” is available on Amazon and in book stores everywhere! colettebaronreid.com