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How Solar Flares Affect Us Energetically....We are growing!

Written by Tara Antler
About 4 or 5 days ago I noticed another shift in the energy within and around me. Feeling out of sorts, low energy, sad, heavy, uncertain and yet clear that a new something or new way was being asked to birth through me.
After several conversations with clients and friends who were feeling similar I knew there was something great going on that was affecting us all. And then I was reminded of the massive solar flares that were erupting on the sun, bound to it earth by the weekend….the largest solar flares that we’ve experienced in a looooong time. And we’ve had what, 3 or 4 super moons over the past few months….This all got me to thinking and intuitively tapping into something greater….All this powerful sun energy of new life and flares burning up the old while igniting a stronger fire/passion within combined with the powerful emotional energy of the moon that has the ability to push and pull us WE ARE DEFINITELY being affected individually and globally!
So how then does all this play out in our life? Let’s start with the moon – pushing and pulling our emotional energy, which has been deeply buried within us just waiting to erupt and be healed and fully released. Imagine all that you’ve stuffed down inside of you…..The lower the emotion – for example shame, guilt, fear, depression, judgment, unworthiness, comparison, isolation, lack, pain, etc – the lower the vibrational frequency it has – the lower it sinks into our subconscious and cellular body. It literally sticks to our bones, hides in our joints, stuffs itself away in our fat cells, holds on to our cells. And during this emotional high-tide or moon pull it is drawing our emotional debris to the surface to be released and transmuted into a higher state – like joy, love, acceptance, kindness, compassion.
Now, let’s consider the sun – powerful, blazing, the ability to bring new life from burning away the old. Imagine…all that emotional weight and baggage being brought to the surface, staring us right in our face and then eventually being burned away so that we can elevate through our freedom.
Solar flares create magnetic disturbances. And when you think about the planet, we exist on magnet poles and grid lines. When you think about human beings, we have energetic meridians running through our body which are sensitive to magnetic energy….and we have iron-rich cells which can be affected by magnets. The magnetic solar energy is like a key that unlocks your cells. The old matter that has been holding in your cells begins to seep out and flows through you because you are being re-arranged.
Some magnetic – energetic symptoms could include:
- Feeling extra sensitive and may have strange and intense body pains flaring up right now.
- And over the past few days I feel like my veins or arteries are sore…strangest feeling….like something running through my blood.
- Different sleep cycles and energy levels than normal.
- Nervous shaking or tension.
- Energy spikes and dips.
- Emotional outbreaks internally and/or externally.
- Old patterns re-surfacing to be healed.
The solar flares are drawing up and calling out – like fireworks going off inside us – the old, you know….the stuff we haven’t been looking at or fear to deal with…the shadows that linger within that are calling to be seen. We are being asked to lift. We can’t keep doing things this way….the same old way we’ve been repeating for centuries. We all came here for something greater. We’ve all been asking for changes – in lifestyle, the way we’re doing things, the way we’re living, the way we’ve been creating. And here it is – an energetic opportunity to grow beyond where we were before and into something so much greater.
And right now we are being given a HUGE opportunity to face what’s coming up within our life and shake the density within us so that we can lift to the next level.
Our cells have been hiding our “stuff” deep within, storing it, kept for safe keeping. And the solar flares are acting like a super charge running through our core, activating and shaking open the doors to those closets. And ALL of our stuff is blasting out. The stuff that you….and I….haven’t dealt with or have been avoiding or stuffing away….it is unique for each of us…that’s why it can seem isolated and random…but it is not random. It is happening to all of us.
So how can you help the process along?
- Don’t fight it, but rather flow with it.
- Accept what’s happening rather than judge it or anything that surfaces within you.
- Use your breath, get outside, get help, journal, express, get it out or rather let it out…It is not meant to be held anymore.
- Trust in the process – this IS for your higher good and growth – do not resist.
- Change is happening, can you deepen your experience of flowing with it?
- Feel what you feel and then lift your thinking to where you want to go.
- Put your feet on the earth – need to ground and connect.
Another bit of IN-sight that I’m being given right now is to reflect on life, where it has been, where we want it to go and start to re-think and re-feel the type of life, planet and experience we want to have.
Some great questions to get you started and open the channels:
- What areas of your life seem to be pushing against you….like the walls closing in?
- What repetitive patterns do you see?
- What is the message behind the push?
- Are you resisting? If so, what are you resisting?
- If your soul could talk to you right now, what would its wisdom be for you to lift you out of this? Some key areas that I feel we are all moving through right now are: trust, allow, forgive, reset, reframe, remember.
- What key areas of your life are asking for a lift? An evolution? The next step? The next expansion?
- How do you want to grow?
- How do you want your life to be?
- And what’s stopping you from having it?
These questions will help you see more into what is happening specifically for you and to you. It is ALL-right. We are all in this together. You are not alone. You are being supported in more ways than you can imagine….all the way to the moon and back…..all the way to the sun and back down into the smallest parts of your cells….Isn’t that amazing!!!!
We are being energetically, “solarly”, “moonly” and magnetically supported to grow and become more on every level! From our understanding of ourselves to our energetic bodies to our physical, cellular bodies!!!
Magnetic waves pulsating through us with new energy imprints, the moon pushing and pulling at and on us, the sun helping to purge the old….ALL to expand and grow and finely tune ourselves higher!!!! To dis-arrange ourselves and our DNA and cells in order to re-arrange into something bigger, greater, fuller!!!!
We are calibrating higher than where we were before! No longer living in the shadows of our life. Time to set our energy free!
Wow!!!!! Now that is a rush!!!!
Oh, and check out this video of the latest solar flares! Looks like a heart expanding and expressing what’s beneath….http://youtu.be/6Bicgl6Ebfs
Tara Antler is an Intuitive Healer, Flourishing Life Coach & Mentor, Author of The Healing Manual, International Speaker, Transformational Leader and LOVE-Igniter.
She is the Founder of Tara Healing Sanctuary, Truth Talk on BlogTalkRadio, and most recently The LIGHT Academy ™.
Over the past ten years Tara has worked with thousands of people around the world, including International Opera singers, acclaimed actors, Olympic athletes, and Top 40 artists. She has appeared on several television shows including CTV’s Over the Bolts (assisting an Olympic snowboarder manage his mind and surpass mental blocks); MTV’s ShowTown (holding “therapy” space for the cast while they move through their fears and complaints); The Discovery Channel’sMind Trip (one of thirteen participants who experienced supernatural phenomenon); and Roger’s Day Time (speaking about the benefits of detox foot baths for a holistic spa in Muskoka). http://www.taraantler.com