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Simple “Flowing” Steps to Create Your Dream Business and Life! - SW
By Kris Britton
When I first decided to live a life that is empowering, energizing and joyful, I decided I needed to reignite myself and I started in all the wrong places!
I would sit down to work on my business “harder” and for longer hours, telling myself that I’m going all in and I would go buy a new top or shoes to get a temporary buzz and I would eat huge salad monsters to feel fuelled up and what I realized is all of these can be beneficial, but the real way I radically shifted my life and felt so inflow was as soon as I reignited my belief system and listening to my heart.
In my line of work, there are no accidents, so you are here because at some level you’re thinking; “YES! Things can be easier, better, my business can be in perfect flow, all my answers are within, and I can have even MORE!”
I also know that you might feel that it’s not easy to follow your heart because your head is always trying to figure things out!
I know I can be open and honest with you and give you the goods to take and apply into your life, today!
I’m not sure if you know this or not, but miracles happen naturally.
Actually, if you’re not experiencing miracles on a daily basis, something is blocking you…..
But don’t freak out! We can find out what that inner block is so you can move forward and take that fresh step right into your desires!
As I said, I used to believe that the only way I would make more money in my business or get more clients was to force myself to sit at my desk and work my booty off. I would actually feel GUILTY if I took an hour off to go for lunch or coffee with my man, because I thought I should be “changing my life” and every hour away is a missed opportunity.
{this is me not feeling guilty spending time with my family this week….}
Of course your ego wants to tell you otherwise and have you spinning your wheels and working super hard, meanwhile your inner Self-Bully is ripping apart your dreams, goals and abilities to actually achieve what you want, so technically, the hours I would spend at my desk, trying to force my business to take off was just wasted time.
That inner Self-Bully can be a tough nut to crack, can’t she be?!
I was sick of her ruling my life. So I changed it!
Finally one day I peeled my exhausted self from the computer and had a bubble bath….
This one day I knew I needed to decompress and just BE. I needed to change things up because I wasn’t getting ahead, I wasn’t feeling fulfilled and I was try to force everything to happen at rapid speed!
Do you know where I’m coming from?
Your life will not change until you become WILLING to change your patterns! You’ll end up living the same patterns over and over again frustrating yourself with trying different things OUTSIDE yourself to make things the way YOU want them to be and this control will keep you stuck.
However, you can change and open your flow to receiving by willing to see things differently, willing to go within to feel your emotions, tap into your heart and let it guide you!
Change comes from your desire to change and the desire to accept that your heart is always guiding you! Even when it comes to your business and finances! This can seem a bit far fetch, right?
Gorgeous, if you want a sustainable flow, business and joyful life, start here….
// Ask your heart to guide you every day, all day and LISTEN for the answers!
If you feel like this is a little risky for you, try one day at a time to prove to yourself that it’s SAFE to move from your head to your heart and that your heart has your best interest….well….at heart!
// Pivot and Set New Intentions in the moments when the inner Self-Bully comes in!
Choose to live your life in a state of trust and flow and when you feel yourself being sucked back into your victim mode or self-doubting behaviour, choose to move to your heart and start the guidance process over again.
// Forgive yourself when you do find yourself out of flow, or not being aligned with your passion, or even eating that chocolate cake instead of working!
You can shift your gears easily when you forgive yourself and others quickly and let go of all resentments and “not good enough’s”.
// Our Business, Income, Happiness and Experiences is all a choice!
Take responsibility for where you’re at and where you’re going! If you feel you need to really dive into your CLEAR purpose and message, do it today! If you’re ready to get 10 paying private clients, let’s work out a plan for you that feel aligned with your mission, message and heart! Stop blaming others for your lack of success or mindset and step up to make the necessary adjustments to your intentions and rock out your life!
Are you ready to create your new reality?
Choose to see your business and abundance in a thriving light, now!
I know you don’t have to work extra hard, following a plan that feels icky within and that isn’t even getting you the results you desire!
You can build your dreams and your happiness by following what you’re guided to do each and every day!
Be passionate, be open with your voice and SHINE, baby!
:: | :: Comment Below!
+ Are you ready to create your reality?
+ Have you been experiencing miracles in your life and business lately?
Kris Britton is the visionary behind iheartpurpose.com and her health & wellness blog iheartwellness.com, she is a Certified Life & Success Coach and Successful Home Based Entrepreneur.
Kris is known as a messenger for Financial Freedom. She provides step by step strategies that transform women’s businesses and lives. Kris’ coaching tools help women unlock their purpose and self worth, taking their business from zero to a 6 figure income quickly.
Loving what you do and making money doing it is so important! Kris believes that we are here to share our purpose with the world while working less and getting paid more, having time freedom and financial freedom to live a life full of fun and adventure.