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Signs and Synchronicities – Gifts from Beyond the Veil
Written by Colette Baron-Reid
Dearest sparkle being,
I’m contemplative this morning as the past week has been so full of revelations I don’t know where to begin.
First off I want to thank everyone for your kind and heartfelt posts, as I know many of you have been following our intense journey with our little angel Olli, now having a ball over the Rainbow Bridge orchestrating miracles for us on this side. Although I didn’t respond to each I read them all and so I send everyone a hug.
You’ve all been through the rollercoaster with me these past couple months so it is only fitting that I share some wonderful glittering happiness with you too.
So many amazing synchronicities came together in such a short period of time. When I got to Seattle I had dinner with my friends John Holland and Nancy Levin. John had ordered me a silver Pomeranian ring that bizarrely looked almost exactly like Olli. I bawled like a baby and wore it 24/7 until I smashed my nose with it and decided it would be prudent to take it off at night.
The timing couldn’t have been more perfect.
Since I knew I would be on the west coast already I had arranged to fly to Phoenix to write music with Barry Goldstein, a trip I was going to cancel when Olli passed. I knew it would be good for me to be on the road, but the first 2 nights I kept dreaming of Oreo cookies which freaked me out as I woke up a couple times in a sweat thinking I might have eaten a box of them only to find I had kept to my clean eating and didn’t sleep eat after all.
The mind is a tricky thing.
I found myself wistfully thinking of the dogs I had considered in the past and didn’t adopt and settled on one of them whose name was Oreo a 2 year old cute black and white pom who needed rescuing but who we didn’t take having found Coco. I couldn’t shake the memory of her photos.
Intellectually I just chalked it up to losing Olli and a way for my mind to work it all through. Intuitively something was tugging at my soul.
Barry and me began to work on a song called Pieces of One in which I was writing about those we love and lose being stars in the sky, and how we’re all made of stardust. (it’s not finished yet but as soon as it is I will share it with you!)
I had just written the lyric and we decided to take a break. Because I get so many emails my office sorts through all of it, and typically Jill does not show me much of it but she felt I would want to see this one.
One of you sent in a note suggesting you had a message from Olli that described the scene in the song that I was picturing and trying to convey almost verbatim.
Barry and I were blown away. More tears were shed and we carried on.
Then an hour later another one of you here from Australia sent in a note that you had found my book Messages from Spirit in your car. You had earmarked it at a specific page but it opened instead at the section where I described what happened when my dog Trinket died and another dog with the same name somewhere in Idaho had been put up for adoption the same day and hour she was pronounced gone at the hospital.
This now started getting my attention.
This also happens to be the book in which I heard my spirit guides name was Olli!!
I started cautiously and curiously looking online at various rescue organizations, reputable breeders etc. without any attachment.
Here is where it gets interesting.
I searched specifically in Ontario and landed on a page where sure enough a little black and white fluffy pom that looked like a puffy Oreo cookie stared up at me with the cutest face. She was put up for adoption (you guessed it) same day as Olli passed.
I copied the photo to send to Marc just to show him not to decide anything as I was not feeling any urgency about rushing into this. It was for me a way to say hey look there are other dogs that need love and when we’re all ready we will get another for our pack.
I’ve always been led to another dog within weeks of one passing knowing fully that they are all different and never to replace another just that my heart gets bigger every time it breaks and there is more love to share.
Besides we don’t choose them anyway. They pick us.
So we began to talk about our grief and what it brought up for us, how it deepened our appreciation for life and living fully in the moment and how our other dogs were so much happier in a bigger pack.
Then out of the blue my friend Arielle sent me a photo of the exact same dog. It happened to be on the anniversary of her sister Debbie Ford’s passing. I was thinking of Debbie that day imagining Olli with her. Arielle didn’t know where she found the photo just that I should see it.
She had no idea I was looking at that exact dog.
So enough “coincidences”! I made the call while still in Phoenix and with such ease and effortlessness after photos and video exchange in a week or so we will be welcoming an older pup into our pack.
She is a roly poly black and white dog so far named Annabelle who although I was 100% sure was in Ontario was nowhere near there!
The first thing Marc said when he saw her?
Just don’t call her Oreo! (I didn’t tell him about my crazy dreams of stuffing my face with cookies- some things just don’t need to be shared with your hubby)
Are we still grieving? Yes we are but it’s been my experience that Grief has her own timetable with us, and weaves her way through our lives without ever asking for us to shut it all down. For me Grief is not about pining for something already gone. Grief is an acknowledgment of all the life and love and presence that was gifted into our lives but will never be repeated the same way ever again. Yes there is loss, yes there is a wistful ache when we see her pictures. But for us…. It’s been our experience that losing our fur babies have broken our hearts wide open and each time we end up with more and more love to give to others.
So… stay tuned for more adventures as we will introduce her to you in a couple weeks. Until then, I’m grateful that surrendering to the process and all that I learned from that indomitable extraordinary angel dog Olli has led us to this next phase of learning and sharing. I can hardly wait to see who shows up!
I guess now I know there is no doubt in my mind that the name of my spirit guide is truly Olli.
Love never dies… never ever ever.
Big bushels of love and light to each and every one of you!
Always and forever Colette!
Colette Baron-Reid is an intuitive counsellor and founder of the Master Intuitive Coach Institute. Her book, “Weight Loss For People Who Feel Too Much” is available on Amazon and in book stores everywhere! colettebaronreid.c