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September 2015 Star Sign Horoscopes from Maya White

Aries – (March 20 – April 19) Mars, your ruling planet urges you to push the limits this month, Aries. You may have to work longer and carry a heavy load for a short time, but in the end it’ll be worth it. Put your best energy into an important project, and the rewards will quickly become apparent. Don’t settle for half way measures. The stars don’t suggest an easy road, but they do promise to deliver your reward.
The Virgo new moon of September 12th presents opportunities related to your 6th house of Mastery. The 6th house is where you get really good at something; where you develop and refine your craft and become the best.
The Aries full moon of September 27th shines brightly in your 1st house. There is no place to hide when your 1st house is illuminated. With the detail work of your 6th house completed, you are a bright and shining example of excellence. Enjoy the spotlight!
Taurus – (April 20 – May 20) You have a unique opportunity to move past anything that has been holding you back, Taurus. Venus and Mars in Leo now are in a challenging aspect to your sign, but, you can use this energy to propel you ahead! With the sun, moon, and Pluto all in complementary earth signs, you’re in a unique time period to ignite your finest work. Connect deeply, and trust the longings of your heart.
The Virgo new moon of September 12th inspires your 5th house of creativity. As a fixed earth sign, you can be a bit slow to get started, but like a freight train in motion, quickly become unstoppable. Only your own questioning can hold you back.
The Aries full moon of September 27th brings clarity to your 12th house of endings. Just in case you were questioning your radical decision to end that unfulfilling situation, this full moon leaves you with no doubt. Don’t settle or stay stuck. Let it go, Taurus.
Gemini – (May 21 – June 20) September is a critical, turning point month, but be open to a new door opening that you had not previously considered. When things seem unworkable, sometimes it’s just a matter of looking at things in a different way to find the solution. Consider your options, and then look again, Gemini. Mercury retrograde from September 17th to October 9th is actually buying you time now – this is a good thing.
The Virgo new moon of September 12th activates your 4th house, the place of you deepest, innermost feelings. This is an opportunity to come home to yourself, to get out of your head, and into your body in a kind and loving way. Get in touch with how you feel, not just what you’re thinking.
The Aries full moon of September 27th delivers inspiration to your 11th house of long range plans. Look for new solutions to old problems. The answers you embrace now will be with you for a long time.
Cancer – (June 21 – July 21) September is going to be a pivotal month for you, Cancer. Let change enter your life now in the same way that water fills up a new space; resistance only makes more pressure, which in turn makes things harder. Much of what comes your way will be through both personal and business partnerships. Fulfill as much as you can before Mercury stations retrograde on the 17th. Ask for, and receive a big favor on the 8th!
The Virgo new moon of September 12th eclipses your 3rd house of information. It’s time to dig deeply to get to the truth. Pay attention to actions rather than words to determine what’s really going on.
The Aries full moon of September 27th incites change in your 10th house of career and your social foundation. None of this is new, Cancer; it’s been building up since April of this year.
Leo – (July 22 – August 22) Like a fertile field waiting to be planted, this month is asking for you to dig in. Be prepared to make decisions based on your gut instincts. With Venus and Mars in your sign, you’ve got what it takes to go for your dreams. Jupiter, now in Virgo, enhances your money sector. Think like a poker player now, Leo. Hold your cards tight to your chest, keep them guessing, and make your move when the time is right.
The Virgo new moon of September 12th initiates new priorities in your 2nd house of earned income. New options are available now, and you are open to things you would have not considered in the past.
The Aries full moon of September 27th finalizes business in your 9th house of law, legal issues and jurisdiction. This is a time when logic precedes emotion, and you have to back up your opinions with proof. A Capricorn is the perfect complement to your mission; the balance is good for you now because they see things a bit differently than you do.
Virgo – (August 23 – September 22) Patience is your ally in this eclipse season, Virgo. The solar eclipse of September 12th is in your sign, and Mercury, your ruling planet stations retrograde on the 17th. This could be stressful, but know that you have strong allies in both Jupiter and Pluto; and these are the two best friends possible. Pluto says ‘get creative’, and Jupiter clears the way. Mercury chases his tail in Libra, your 2nd house of earned income.
The Virgo new moon of September 12th initializes your 1st house. Think of this as a reset button on who you are and what you want to do. While Mercury chases his tail in Libra, your 2nd house of earned income, know that this is your month to get a strategy together that will benefit you for many years to come.
The Aries full moon of September 27th delivers magic and possibility to your 8th house. This is where you own your power, Virgo. Grab that tiger by the tail and hold on. Good things are coming your way.
Libra – (September 23 – October 22) If you’re confused by what others are saying, Libra, just tune into your feelings. As an air sign, you’re in tune with what you hear, but go by how you feel rather than what is being said. Mercury stations retrograde in Libra on September 17th, but this can actually be used in your favor to buy some time. Your birthday month, October, will be pivotal; September is your time to clean up loose ends.
The Virgo new moon of September 12th suggests that new options are entering your 12th house of endings. This is a necessary phase that clears the way for a fresh start. Your mission is to let to, and let god.
The Aries full moon of September 27th shines a crystal light on your 7th house of relationships. Clarity and acceptance are your allies at this time. This eclipse is also known as the ‘Blood Moon’ and completes a series of four lunations that began in April of 2014. Joined with Uranus, this full moon is one of change and will ultimately bring you to a place of radical love.
Scorpio – (October 23 – November 21) Yours is a fixed sign, Scorpio, but this is a time when you can easily shift into high gear. Although you’re busy and ambitious in your work, physical activity will help you get both your body and mind into motion. Vitality is the hidden factor that helps to propel you to success. It’s time to leave non-productive habits and draining people behind, and move ahead with a full portion of pure joy.
The Virgo new moon of September 12th inspires you to expand your 11th house of networking. The 11th house is also where you also connect with your ‘tribe’, those birds of a feather that fly like you do, and want to go where you’re going.
The Aries full moon of September 27th calls on you to step up to the plate in your 6thhouse of Mastery. Sometimes the call to mastery tickles you to address the thing that has been so hard, so troublesome. This time you’ll get really good at what you do – even if it means overcoming a previous defeat.
Sagittarius – (November 22– December 20) September comes with a celestial push on your sign, Sagittarius. As Jupiter, your ruling planet now joins the Sun in Virgo, the squeeze is on. At a different time you might be able to ignore this inner urging, but in this eclipse season you’ll want to respond. If you’re feeling like your options are limited, a journey is the perfect answer to any Sagittarian problem. Take time and explore every possibility before making any decisions.
The Virgo new moon of September 12th comes with a suggestion of possibilities for your 10th house of career and public identity. Is it time for a new job, Sag? Rather than acting in haste, take your time to make a decisive move a bit later. You’ll know the right way to go by the end of 2015.
The Aries full moon of September 27th ignites your 5th house of children, fun, and speculation. The 5th house also rules personal creativity. If you have been longing to begin a new project, this is the time to make that birth announcement.
Capricorn – (December 21 – January 19) The sun is in Virgo for much of September, a fellow earth sign and one that supports you in achievement of your goals. Seek to expand your thinking by taking classes, attending workshops and lectures, and reading. Money comes your way easily now, but keep looking for all kinds of treasures. It’s a great time to explore every part of your environment. Look at the world through fresh eyes, Capricorn; you’ll find a multitude of riches.
The Virgo new moon of September 12 sets a familiar tone for your 9th house of wisdom. Your sign is one of leadership and stability, Capricorn, and the 9th house is one that supports your potential.
The Aries full moon of September 27th sends a glow of satisfaction to your 4th house. This part of the astrological wheel addresses your home as well as how you inhabit the temple called your body. With the upcoming eclipse, some of you will actually move; others will come home to self. Know that however this impacts you that the end result will be one that delivers happiness to the rest of your days.
Aquarius – (January 20 – February 17) Hold fast to what you know is right, Aquarius. Things are moving rapidly in the world that is swirling around you, but your deep, innermost truth is unshakable now. Don’t be led off course by misinformation, or even your own interpretations of what is happening. Discernment is a critical part to your success. The core truth is available when you settle into your body and find that place of peace.
The Virgo new moon of September 12th empowers your 8th house. Seeing beyond the superficial is where you find your strength in house 8. Relationship is also a necessary part of this arena. You need partners now; so don’t be shy to ask.
The Aries full moon of September 27th rings with truth in your 3rd house of information and spoken words. Now you see the intentions behind what has been said – repeatedly. Your senses are awakened like never before, and your intuition is heightened. Now you really know!
Pisces – (February 18 – March 19) The mutable nature of your sign is activated this month, Pisces. This means that you’ll be asked to make adjustments and to go with the flow. Fortunately, you’re one of the best in this department. Things are getting straightened out in the big Universal picture, and also in your life here on earth. There is magic in the air, but the magician is also asking for a leap of faith.
The Virgo new moon of September 12th lights up your life in all matters regarding your 7th house of relationships. Jupiter and Neptune are the planets of divine love, and they are in position now to deliver you – a love divine.
The Aries full moon of September 27th completes a major cycle related to your 2nd house of earned income. You did the work, got the badge, and are ready to move on, Pisces. This is about more than money; it’s also about your self-worth.
Maya White is an internationally recognized Master Destination Astrologer and Intuitive Guide. She provides personal and professional astrological consultations through karmic astrology and spiritual guidance, in a language you can understand. Maya is the creator of Hay House’s “Easy Astrology Oracle Cards.” She is one of only 90 people in the world certified in Astro*Carto*Graphy, a branch of astrology that helps people identify their best places on the earth for success and is one of the most experienced practitioners in the US.
©Maya White www.mayawhite.com