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Quick and Easy Creative Solutions For Temporary Insanity
By Colette Baron-Reid
Dearest you,
Today as I write this I’m aware of the beauty of the New Moon and the deep sigh of getting to start again, clean the slate and make a wish!
Besides my favorite Sunday morning fare Brain Pickings (if you don’t know about this you must) I also stumbled upon an article on this Virgo New Moon and Solar Eclipse, aptly titled “Movement First, Then Change” by Amanda Painter.
In this article she talks about the astrological themes that set us up for this week, which is about healing and creativity- “teaching yourself to heal your relationship to your creativity, or healing your relationship to your mind through creative means.”
I’m knee deep in a number of creative projects all of which have felt like I’m wading in molasses, slow and sticky with a goopy brain. My thoughts haven’t been particularly helpful either as absent and cloudy as they’ve been this summer.
Rather than thinking first then doing, I’m finding success in just the doing first, rather than figuring anything out and then the things seem to come to life. When I think about what to do, or what I’m doing, or how much I have to do still, I would rather sit down and impersonate a turnip.
Has that ever happened to you?
One thing I have noticed is that my new oracle deck is freakishly accurate and I didn’t think that one into being at all.
Wisdom of the Oracle truly was a channeled affair with me receiving it rather than making it.
So if you noticed one of the cards I posted on my public Facebook page this weekend was called Never Ending Story. I posted it Saturday morning and I was not particularly impressed by it as it implies a subconscious tendency to assume an old story when triggered. It reminds us that everything is perception and when faced with outer conditions that remind one of an old uncomfortable story, or worse, and to be mindful to step out of the consciousness of impoverished victim.
This card was for someone else in my tribe, not for me!
In fact I was having one of my more “enlightened” mornings when I was one with Spirit, and feeling back on track with my meditations, did my creative process Invision, and wrote in my journal about my sincere and deep gratitude. I had a dear friend visiting and I was in such a good mood. I had a crystal clear sense of well being and truly had no context to wake up my sleeping goblins.
My favorite thing to do is go hang out at a bookstore and so dragging Marc along the three of us went to one of the large book store chains not far from us.
Stepping through the doors of any bookstore for me is like being given the keys to Hogwarts, as if someone said all this could be yours! Look over there! There’s a baby unicorn crossed with a fluffy magic Pomeranian that flies and speaks 3 languages fluently! There- is an ancient manuscript about a handsome immortal that falls in love with a milkmaid and together they save the world and you might be their descendant!
And of course – Look over THERE books and oracle cards by Colette Baron-Reid! O my! That must be ME, and if that’s true then I must have meaning and purpose! How even more magical.
So, with Marc safely tucked away in Starbucks, me and my friend Deenah went skipping over to the section where all my products are usually lovingly stocked and displayed.
Then the air became thicker, the lights grew dim and I instantly went from happy and giddy to squirming in a harsh and glaring spotlight growing increasingly nauseous from the vertigo of the waking village of goblins great and small.
There we stood in front of a very packed section of books and oracle cards not one with my name on it.
I began to hear my goblins giggling and whispering like horrible hundreds of Gollum cousins at a family reunion barbeque. “She’s a big fat loser yessss. I told you so. Hahahhaha.”
Considering my plight I went and hid in another section of the bookstore hyperventilating sure everyone there knew I should be punished for thinking I was anything but a cruddy little worm holding a beggars cup.
Deenah, in her wisdom pretending she didn’t know me went to find out officially how to get a CBR anything. They have none. O wait! Just one straggler in the self-help section.
I peek through the cracks in the Dummies book section imagining the clerk to be Voldemort in disguise.
Then I wake up to the fact that I had temporarily fallen into spiritual amnesia and insanity and shaking the goblins off I stand up and wonder WTF? Ok… you can’t think your way out of a subconscious program. You need to move. So I do.
I lurch over goblins hanging from my hair and shoving their faces out of my purse and open my mouth and tell the truth.
Hi I’m Colette Baron-Reid. I know this sounds kind of weird but that was my friend over there that just asked because I was too embarrassed to since you didn’t have any of my products etc. (keeping it brief of course leaving out all the back story about being reduced to worm status).
Of COURSE !!! OMG we are all sold out of your stuff and if you would you come for a book signing and it’s SO nice to meet YOU.
All of a sudden we were new best friends and the magic returned and she was not Voldemort nor Glynda the Good Witch just a nice woman doing her job and kind to me in my obvious discomfort.
So given you all know that I think it’s immensely boring to write about spiritual perfection and when it’s only all shiny sparkly and good. Nobody needs to know why that’s a better way to be anyway. We all get it.
Here is how you can get out of a bout of this kind of temporary insanity.
First recognize you’re in trouble. If you’re comparing, overly competing, entitled, greedy, full of yourself, or conversely feeling like a worm you might be having a bout of temporary spiritual insanity. If you think you need to dim your light so others will like you- trouble brewing. If you judge your worth by your accomplishments or how many Facebook followers you have – also getting dangerous. Etc. etc. You get the drill.
So like this new moon’s advice;-
When you feel disconnected in your mind and heart and spirit just get creative, get out of your head, stop thinking (you’re likely behind enemy lines) and take an honest step forward.
Move and do something completely different. You will shift and get right sized and remember that you are a spark of the Divine amongst millions of other sparks no greater no smaller.
Just doing your thing.
The truth is I shared this story to illustrate the dangers of thinking we are what we do, and that our success or failures dictate our worth. If I was told my stuff wasn’t there and no one wants it I’d be disappointed after feeling shattered but I’d keep going. I’ve “ failed” at a lot of things in my life. But the point is to be creative and serve, and offer that up and not worry when the seeds you plant will grow. Just keep planting.
Love to hear your story this week! Did the Never Ending Story come up for you at all? If so, how did you move and how did that help you shift?
Loving you always and forever!
Colette Baron-Reid is an intuitive counsellor and founder of the Master Intuitive Coach Institute. Her book, “Weight Loss For People Who Feel Too Much” is available on Amazon and in book stores everywhere! colettebaronreid.c