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Picasso, Pandemic and Your Personal Artistry

By Michele Domingo
It’s as if we have all stumbled into the Blue Period of one of Picasso’s paintings and brought it to life during this Pandemic. Monochromatic, dark, dreary, painted images of people in lonely and somber moods. For Picasso, it was a direct reflection of his state of mind at the time – a sense of hopelessness. These pieces were created in the Parisian Flat that he had taken over from a very close friend who had recently committed suicide. Picasso was also very poor and unknown as an artist, this factor, as well as the energy in that space of loss, were the foundation of each canvas painted in this period of his life. What was in store for him was an “unknown”, and this fear became the catalyst of his early work.
His Blue Period only lasted a few years and then something remarkable happened. As his depression lifted, he began to connect with others, find his muse and he added color to his paintings. Slowly the subject matter began to brighten up a bit with hues of pinks and oranges, and reds – aptly named his Rose Period. Not too long after that, Picasso emerged triumphantly, giving birth to a whole new style of painting called Cubism. At the time, it was considered unique, fresh, innovative and highly creative. He transformed from one state of consciousness to another, much like the ebb and flow that all of us experience individually and collectively. The proverbial caterpillar became the Butterfly.
In full disclosure, Picasso was not perfect, he had many flaws, suffered from anxiety/depression and was a bit of an egoic-eccentric to say the very least. He was human. Human beings experience cycles, as all of nature does, and many of us are experiencing our own Blue Period in one degree or another during this time of isolation. What isn’t told is that Picasso also discovered how to transform and heal by taking action, putting thoughts, feelings and beliefs to canvas. Much like a Writer scribing in his or her journal, he surrendered to it all by allowing his heart to open – illustrating his current state of mind, and letting go. He did not deny his feelings, nor did he let the words of others dictate what he should or shouldn’t be feeling or doing. He let the paint do the talking. By doing so, he eventually evolved, arguably, into one of the greatest and most recognized artists of all time.
Most of us can identify feelings of sadness, frustration, anger, loneliness, anxiety as branches of the same tree called FEAR. How you respond versus how you react to these energies will ultimately define your personal experiences when you are challenged with something known OR unknown – much like the challenges and gifts COVID-19 presents. Both require your ability to stay present in the moment by being honest with yourself. Mix this with a healthy dose of love, gratitude and compassion and you have the magical elixir to gracefully experience and eventually move through anything.
While Picasso is an interesting example of adaptability, I am in no way suggesting that you be exactly like Picasso. In today’s terms, one might consider him a Hot Mess! He is an extreme example but he illustrates the point well. There was only one of him and only ONE OF YOU! Within each and everyone one of us exists an inner artist. You are born a creator and it is the fundamental nature of us all to open up to those creative forces. You have the POWER to find inspiration in each moment by staying awake and aware, igniting your own Mastery. In every way, all that we as a global community, have known to be true, is being tested at this time. Instead of letting the fear and dread dictate your actions or non-actions, can you allow yourself to reimagine new ways of being and doing that will match how you would like to FEEL today and moving forward? This virus is a real thing and the pain and suffering caused by it is also tragically, very real as well. We are on its timeline and not ours. How will you use this moment in time? Can you also see this time as an opportunity for your own personal growth?
This starts with first recognizing where you are in all aspects of your life. Do an honest but kind (no judgement) review of your relationships, career, health, living situation, joy factor, thoughts, feelings, beliefs and your overall well-being. Pick one area and focus all of your time and energy during this Pandemic to create something new and better for yourself. Maybe you are in your Blue Period but see glimmers of pink moving into your Rose Period. Perhaps you are already finding your way, discovering something completely new and exciting about yourself and need a little push into finessing your version of the innovation of Cubism (Your Personal Artistry).
Your Personal Artistry
What experience do you want to create for yourself?
Reviewing Your Current Paint Scheme
1.) What are the current colors of your paint palette that may be dimming your light, but you find yourself reusing over and over? Do you ruminate on a particular thought several times throughout your day but have been slow to act upon a real change? i.e. I need to find a new career, I would like to exercise more and eat healthier, I would like to improve my relationship with my spouse, etc.
What Feeling Do You Want to Invoke Through Your ART?
2.) If Life is Art, what would you like to express or create through your craft? After choosing ONE of your thoughts, sit with it and ask yourself – How do I want to FEEL when I have achieved this intention? The feeling is the fuel to ignite your intention – Always! Play around with this a bit. You may find yourself writing down one feeling and crossing it out four or five times or more before you reduce it down to your ultimate feeling. Example Below.
Intention: New Career as an Elementary School Teacher.
Feeling: Excited, Contributive, Engaged, and then finally – CONNECTED.
Transforming Your Art from One Form to Another
3.) What does your Canvas look like right now and what elements can you add or subtract to revolutionize your personal expression? Using the above example in #2, understand where you are right now in your life. Maybe you are currently working in a business environment and it does not feed your soul anymore. You feel disconnected and have always secretly thought of Teaching. Perhaps you need the income of your current job but due to the Pandemic you now have the time to move towards this new intention? If not, what do you need to let go of to make room for your new intention? Make a List! See example below.
Intention: Feeling Connected
Possible Action Steps to support your intention:
- Learn or Update your Zoom skills!
- Volunteer at your local Elementary School to help a Teacher with the challenges of online Teaching.
- Help a parent with homeschooling their children.
- Take some online classes towards a Teaching Degree.
- Reach out to friends and ask if they know of anyone that could help connect you to Teachers that may need some assistance during this time.
- If possible, cut hours at your current job to make time for new intentions.
Cultivating Your Artistry Through Repetition
4.) It’s time to brush up, practice and nurture your masterpiece. Finally, remember that in this example, the intention was to Feel CONNECTED. This quality already exists within all of us and can be practiced a multitude of ways. The more time and energy you put into allowing yourself to feel your intended feeling, you are in essence, strengthening the foundation of your intention. Again, take some time and write down other ways that allow you to practice feeling Connected with others. See examples below.
- Zoom Party with family and/or friends.
- Going for a walk in nature, feeling your connection to all that is.
- Meditation, by yourself, or perhaps an online Meditation practice with others.
- Volunteering to help with many of the Pandemic related communities that could use some assistance, i.e. delivering meals, fostering an animal, making masks, etc.
- Seeking out like-minded souls through your choice of Spirituality (you are never really alone), or through hobbies, mutual interests, etc.
As Picasso was inspired by the Artists that came before him, you may also find tidbits of wisdom to create the foundation of your personal artistry. Below is a list of amazing Teachers, Healers and Masters of their crafts. Many of them have daily Facebook live sessions during the time of this Pandemic, as well as classes to connect and raise your vibrations. I encourage you to check these resources out, take what resonates with you and leave the rest behind. Your soul will know what it needs, you just have to remember to keep feeding it!
Resources of Inspirations:
Crystal Andrus Morrissette (Chat with Crystal/iTunes)https://www.crystalandrusmorissette.com/
Colette Baron-Reid (FB live called 11:11) https://www.colettebaronreid.com/,
James Van Praagh https://www.vanpraagh.com/ (FB daily Soul Care live),
Dr. Darren Weissman/Lifeline Technique, https://thelifelinecenter.com/meet-dr-darren-weissman/
Deepak Chopra, (FB Live series) https://www.deepakchopra.com/
Glennon Doyle/New book – Untamed, https://momastery.com/
Tara Brach, https://www.tarabrach.com/
Danielle LaPorte, https://www.daniellelaporte.com/
Dr. Joe Dispenza, https://drjoedispenza.com/
Michele Domingo | @michdomingo
Author/Certified Intuitive Coach/Co-Creator of the WisePlay Transformation System/Student of Astrology.
Every day I am looking for the light in all things – starting with myself first. I enjoy teaching others how to navigate their lives and embrace the whole of life with love, appreciation and compassion. michdomingo88@gmail.com | Instagram and Twitter @michdomingo