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our featured simply woman spotlight: shelly allen
From the desk of Crystal Andrus Morissette
As the founder of the Simply Woman magazine and the S.W.A.T. Institute (Simply Woman Accredited Trainer), I am always amazed by the women who are a part of our global coalition.
This week, I would love to feature someone who has taken the bull by the horns, so to speak, and has turned her life around, expanded her emotional edges, stepped into her power, is improving the lives of so many others . . . Plus, she makes me laugh ‘out loud’ a lot. Shelly has serious spunk!
Shelly Allen is one of the boldest, brightest, fiercest women I know and along with being an incredible coach and member of our S.W.A.T. management team, she is a kick-ass mother and wife, too! The proof is in the pudding, and Shelly Allen has whipped up the perfect recipe for her beautiful American family!
Enjoy reading our short interview!
Crystal: How did you end up joining the S.W.A.T. Institute? Did your journey end up reflecting what you thought it would be?
Shelly: In January 2012, a friend pointed me to the work of Crystal Andrus Morissette. Although I had never heard of Crystal before, I was extremely grateful. I was so tired of the war going on inside of me and was open to anyone or anything that could help because I had hit a very low spot in my life.
Personally — when I looked in the mirror I saw an overweight, frumpy Mom staring back at me. I was pissed off because I was overwhelmed by taking care of everyone but me. I ate excessively and secretly obsessed with the scale. I drank way too much alcohol. My marriage was shaky at best, and I was sick and tired of pretending everything was okay because behind the scenes it was far from it! Professionally — I no longer loved what I was doing plus I had just lost thousands of dollars when a business venture went sideways.
I was exhausted but thank goodness that I had enough left for me to jump into Crystal’s work, specifically, her 12-Week Emotional Edge Telecourse. Wow! For the first time in my life, so many things were becoming clear. No wonder my life had been such an uphill battle. I was lugging the same old stories around with me — for years.
After taking that first 12 Week Telecourse, and having so many light bulb moments about myself and my life, I felt that joining the S.W.A.T. Institute felt like the next, natural step. My thought process was, “If I can get this much out of 12 Weeks, imagine what I can get from the Master Empowerment Coach Certification!”
At the time, I didn’t think about what my journey with the S.W.A.T. Institute would be; I was just excited to have more of what I had already learned.
However, today, I can tell you that my life has changed tenfold, personally and professionally, since taking the S.W.A.T. Institute’s Master Empowerment Coach Certification.
I no longer feel the fear, anger, guilt, shame or the stories of my past in a harmful or unhealthy way. I have learned how to make myself a priority.
I no longer eat excessively, and I am alcohol-free!
My marriage, which was on the brink of divorce, is the best it has ever been in twenty-one years.
I live with purpose and passion, and the facade has faded away.
In February 2016, I launched my own International Empowerment Coaching business and had the perfect amount of clients.
I am also a Student Advisor at the S.W.A.T. Institute now, sharing my passion for the school and assisting women to make a life-transforming decision by becoming a student themselves.
Crystal: Are there any significant challenges you had growing up – that you wish to share – and what helped you through?
Shelly: Growing up in a home with an alcoholic father and workaholic mother, whose marriage ended in divorce when I was eleven, had many significant challenges.
What helped me through was learning that we all have problems (even our parents) and understanding that we ALL do the best we can with what we know at any particular point in time. In other words, my parents didn’t purposely screw me up; they simply did the best they could with what they learned from their parents and so on.
Crystal: What piece of advice would you give your younger Self?
Shelly: Forgive yourself and others, show compassion, and always listen to your heart because you know exactly what you need.
Crystal: What are you doing now that you’ve graduated and how can people find you?
Shelly: Now that I have graduated from the S.W.A.T. Institute, I am coaching clients, expanding my knowledge base in the area of consciousness, and I’m in the process of creating my first group coaching program that will launch in 2017.
People can connect with me on my website and also find me on my favorite social media sites and mobile apps: