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Our featured simply woman spotlight: penny norkett
From the desk of Crystal Andrus Morissette
As the founder of the Simply Woman magazine and The S.W.A.T. Institute (Simply Woman Accredited Trainer), I am blown away by the amazing women who are graduating from our Empowerment Coach Certification!
This week, I am featuring a woman who has impressed me on so many levels in such a short amount of time! The first time I met Penny Norkett was at my Simply Woman Home Retreat, about nine months ago. Penny was as so invested in her healing. She gave the day her everything; I could feel it. I was witnessing her emotional breakthroughs in a very palpable, tangible way!
I’d soon learn that Penny had previously joined the S.W.A.T. Institute to become a Personal Empowerment Coach and that she was already flying through her assignments.
Soon, I began seeing Penny on FB Live, hosting the most fabulously fun and inspiring videos.
Penny was literally stepping into her power before my very eyes.
Each assignment, each article, each video; Penny sparkled even more!
Penny is now a published journalist and author, gracing esteemed sites such as the Huffington Post, the Mompreneur, and our very own Simply Woman Magazine! If you want to see empowerment at work, you’ll want to get to know Penny Norkett!
Enjoy reading our short interview!
Crystal: How did you end up joining the S.W.A.T. Institute? Did your journey end up reflecting what you thought it would be?
Penny: Two weeks after we found a solution for my son’s health issues, I found myself downsized out of a job. I had to get back out there and find work! The trouble was, every job I wanted, I didn’t get and the jobs I was offered, I didn’t want! I was even offered a partnership in a company, and for the first time in my life I said, “No.” I wanted more.
I hired a business coach to assist me in gaining clarity. It was during these sessions I realized I wanted to become a coach to help other professional women who were feeling stuck in their life and business.
The S.W.A.T. Institute was one of the coaching programs I investigated. Listening to Crystal do live coaching convinced me that I was in the right place. I was blown away with all the support and training I received as a student. I was able to heal my limiting beliefs as I learned the tools and interventions to guide others through their transformation.
Crystal: Are there any significant challenges you had growing up – that you wish to share – and what helped you through?
Penny: I had an idyllic childhood and felt I was unstoppable. All that changed the week after I turned 18. My sister died suddenly in a car accident, and my whole perspective on life was forever changed. I pushed my emotions down, not even realizing the burden I was carrying. It wasn’t until joining The S.W.A.T Institute that I learned simple techniques on how to move through these emotions. Freeing myself from these emotions has transformed my life. I feel so much lighter, happier and fulfilled.
Crystal: What piece of advice would you give your younger Self?
Penny: I would tell my younger self not to worry so much. Your voice matters and people care what you have to say. Life really does get better with age. You will be able to achieve all your dreams. When you achieve your goals, you are paving the way for other women to fulfill their dreams.
Crystal: What are you doing now that you’ve graduated and how can people find you?
Penny: Stepping out of my comfort zone, one step at a time has allowed me to realize dreams I had long forgotten. Finding my voice and passion, I have launched my personal empowerment coaching practice, blending empowerment coaching with entrepreneurial business support.
The processes and techniques I learned from The S.W.A.T. Institute are so simple and effective. I love watching my clients go from overwhelm to calm confidence in their ability to access their true potential.
I currently have openings in my private 1:1 VIP Coaching Program that is custom tailored especially for you. If you are looking for guidance, I would love to connect with you and together developing action plans to move you through any emotional blocks that have been holding you back. You can send me a private message at penny@pennynorkett.com to chat.
Penny Norkett is a Personal Empowerment Coach & Success Strategist. She assists professional women to quickly move through emotional blocks so they can skyrocket their success. With published articles in esteemed sites such as the Huffington Post and the Mompreneur, she is the co-author of the international bestselling book “100 Voices of Inspiration, Awakening, and Empowerment”. As well as her upcoming book, “My Fondest Memories”.
Penny can be reached at www.pennynorkett.com, Instagram.com/pennynorkett/, and www.facebook.com/groups/pennynorkett/