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our 2016 featured spotlight: sacha sterling – our ‘simply woman of the year’

From the desk of Crystal Andrus Morissette
As the founder of the Simply Woman Magazine and The S.W.A.T. Institute—an empowerment coach certification and an international global coalition for women, I have been thinking long and hard about who our 2016 #SimplyWoman of the Year should be.
I considered many different qualities such as drive and ambition, tenacity and staying power, courage, commitment, kindness, compassion, and preparation, and I am confident to announce this year’s Featured 2016 Simply Woman Spotlight: Sacha Sterling!
I first met Sacha years ago when she flew from California to my home retreat just outside of Toronto. Sacha was a young mother with two tiny girls, struggling in her marriage. She was quiet, reserved, and gracious throughout the day . . . but under the surface, I could feel the power of a Goddess Warrior Queen!
Sacha oozed with magic and mystery, almost as though she was a long-lost Princess from a real-life fairytale!
She floated home that day, shining and stunning in her new-found confidence and independence, and I knew Sacha Sterling was ‘cut from the same cloth’ I was. We were soul siSTARs on a deep level.
Sacha then joined the S.W.A.T. Institute to become a Master Empowerment Coach, and within no time she was working alongside me, travelling with me, and inspiring me with new ideas for my own business.
This past year, Sacha has taken her coaching career to unbelievable heights, as she fast-tracks her way to her first seven-figure business! She’s launched her brilliant brand “The Laptop Life”, and she’s helping so many other women become independent, sovereign entrepreneurs, as well! And the best news: her marriage is better than ever! A real life dream come true! <3
Congratulations Sacha for being our 2016 #SimplyWoman Of The Year!
After you read our short, power-packed interview, you’ll want to watch our 15-minute video conversation (see below) that will help you step into your power and create your own dream life!
Happy New Year!
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Crystal: How did you end up joining the S.W.A.T. Institute? Did your journey end up reflecting what you thought it would be?
Sacha: I was really looking for something to change in my marriage, in particular, and I had a 2-year-old and a newborn baby. My sister kept sending me the link to your website. She sent it four times before I finally heard the message and signed up for a call with one of your coaches.
I remember I was at a playground when we talked, and it just clicked for me – “Sign me up!” At that time, I was very disempowered with finances and didn’t tell my husband that I had signed up for the S.W.A.T. Institute. I don’t even think I told him for two years that I had enrolled. I just did it and thought I’d squeak it out of our budget.
At the time, I didn’t have any expectation about what the Master Empowerment Coach Certification would be. All I knew was that I really needed something to change. I had become so isolated as a mom in a new marriage, with my husband working seven days a week at our business, and I desperately needed friendship and community, so I just made the leap.
I just knew something had to change, and I loved the promise of the S.W.A.T. Institute and the messaging as “the new era of the women’s movement” so I took some action.
Regardless of how a woman is struggling that connection within the S.W.A.T. community can move her out of her confusion or isolation. Now looking back, I got a million times more out of it than I could have imagined.
Crystal: Are there any significant challenges you had growing up – that you wish to share – and what helped you through?
Sacha: Growing up in my well-intended family, my mom and dad had a very tumultuous dynamic. We thought my father had Bipolar Disorder, but upon a recent suicide attempt have discovered he likely has extreme Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
Regardless of what the diagnosis, he was very unstable, very angry, and volatile and was verbally and emotionally abusive to my mom. This anger was never directed at me but, of course, it impacted me greatly to be raised in that type of home. I learned very early on to be helpful, to be quiet, and to never use my words to harm another because I saw the results of that behaviour.
Over time, as I grew up and became an “adult”, not being able to use my voice or have an opinion or know how to set healthy boundaries or even feel my anger and appropriate emotions, really hindered me.
Through the work with the S.W.A.T. Institute’s ‘Master Empowerment Coach Certification’ and, of course, with my own journey of healing, I’ve been able to channel my anger and embrace healthy boundary setting. I think that this was the ushering in of my healthy voice, my conviction, and of really detaching from old stories.
The work of the S.W.A.T. Institute and you, Crystal, just being so patient and holding that space, was pivotal. It took me two years to go through the program and over that time I opened up and just allowed the stories to bubble up – the things that were repressed for so long and that I had been living for so long that I couldn’t even see. The changes happened gradually, but also quite swiftly if you look at the bigger timeline; they have just opened me up to being able to rewrite that story and be able to have a voice, have an opinion, own my anger and all my emotions and know that there’s room for all of them.
Crystal: That’s so beautiful, Sacha. What piece of advice would you give your younger Self?
Sacha: You already have everything you need. You don’t need anyone else, including a man, to make it in the world. You’ll be just fine. Just trust yourself.
Crystal: BAM! What great advice! What are you doing now that you’ve graduated and how can people find you?
Sacha: I’ve created my own coaching company where I support other women to create home-based businesses and really step into the next level of their personal leadership. I’m an entrepreneur, advisor, strategist, women’s advocate and believer in all that is good. I am truly committed to helping women thrive in business and life.
My most exciting project to date is launching today: “The Life Coach Business Model Speaker Series” starts January 1st! And our very first interview is with you, Crystal!
Click here to access this fabulous Speaker’s Series!
I have also gathered some of the most successful women together in one place to teach you other how to create their own ‘Laptop Life!’ It’s so exciting to support so many women in achieving their dreams the way you supported me!
Click here to access this fabulous Speaker’s Series!