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One Lousy Bird
By Colette Baron-Reid
I have a favorite author named Ann Lamott who posted a poignant and very funny post on Facebook in response to the ever increasing threatening state of affairs in our world especially in the USA. This weekend brought more evidence that things are taking a turn yet again.
Now I thought long and hard about this blog given I am chock full of opinions and feelings about things when I am triggered by injustice. But I also considered I’m not here just for me. I’m here for the people who come to me for leadership and wisdom and expect some level of consistency when I write.
So as much as I really want to rant and rave (and part of me really does!) I am not going to comment on what happened because my page, my tribe, my work is about providing refuge (even if temporary), safe unbiased conversation and metaphysical tools to support co-creation. There are loads of places online, authors and spiritual teachers that focus on the “issues” but I would like to focus on the solutions however rudimentary, simple, unsophisticated, granola grinding crystal bunny woo woo they sound.
Pollyanna was actually a very, very wise girl.
I believe in Good. Yep in every single person there is the spark of the Divine that is motivated by Love or Fear. (check A Course in Miracles).
Sometimes however when that potential of Good appears in front of us to be severely challenged by outer conditions ( fostered by Fear) and the looming threat of it festering into a giant boil of hatred and injustice we need to do something – especially when paralyzed like deer caught in the headlights.
Yes, we can shift from I’m ok here where I am, I’m excited about life and my contribution to it to THE SKY IS FALLING just by turning on your computer.
Ah yes… We can so easily go from I trust and have faith in Life, choosing to do no harm, holding our intentions as a sacred oath, planting the seeds of potential, focused on the Now to everything has gone to the shitter!!
From Light and brimming with possibility to dark, smelly and the rattiest of ratty.
And then there is the Fear and the numbing.
Here is what Ann has to say about it. :-
“Get outside, even just to the front porch, and look up into the sky and into the tree- tops, and say the great praise- prayer: WOW. Listen for the sound of birds–or bird. Surely there is one lousy bird somewhere in the vicinity. Close your eyes and really listen. If birdsong was the ONLY proof we have that there is a bigger deeper reality than what transcends what we are seeing on the news, it would be enough for me. Eyes closed, breathe, listen: secret of life. And, take care of the poor!”
Today I woke up opened my computer, got really upset and scared, temporarily lost my marbles, and after 10 minutes quickly got my bearings – prayed, meditated, made plans for our fund-raiser this Thursday for the Humane Society, went outside and listened for one lousy bird to remind me how incredibly fortunate we all are. Of course I heard several, watched the turkey vultures majestically surf the airwaves, listened to the cute chickadees and finch and the crows letting each other know a red tailed hawk was too close. Wow. Who made all this?
I am humbled, grateful and in awe of Life no matter that yes really dark things happen everywhere and all the time, but in the teeny blink in the impermanence that is life we learn that beauty and Divine Order exist hand in hand with the chaos.
It’s true. One lousy bird can shift your focus. Just like that.
Love you always and forever!
Colette Baron-Reid, known by her fans as The Oracle, is an internationally acclaimed intuitive counsellor, Psychic Medium, Spiritual Teacher and host of the TV show Messages From Spirit, as well as The Adventures of the Motorcycle Medium.
She’s also a bestselling author whose work has been translated into 27 languages, a keynote speaker, recording artist, entrepreneur, and was voted one of the Top 100 Most Spiritually Influential People in 2013. She has appeared on talk shows like Dr Phil, Oprah & Friends and The Today Show, in national magazines like Elle and W, and on-air as the host of the wildly popular call-in radio show Ask The Oracle on Hay House Radio. You can grab her latest book Unchartered; The Journey Through Uncertainty into Infinite Potential anywhere books are sold.