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On the highway to happy, joyous and free
By Colette Baron-Reid
Dear fabulous ones,
What a great week – I hope you’re feeling all the sparkly positive vibes that are swirling around this week peeking out of the stormy chaos and dust clouds. I say Bring it on!
I’m sure you’re ready for some positivity and hope. So get ready, we’re all going to see evidence of the positive aspects of the weird tension and chaos that’s been the prevailing energy weather we’ve been exposed to these past couple months.
In this video I am going to be looking at the Universal Energies for the week of May 12th and also talking to bestselling author and the Law of Attraction super coach Christy Whitman to get some advice on how to manifest great things in the upcoming week.
It’s important to note that the individuals conscious and aware of the shift will have a much easier time of it than people who are doggedly resisting it, or hoping to sleep it off and go back to “ the way things were.”
This is a VERY good thing!
When you’re on the highway to happy, joyous and free, and you’re still on rocky terrain you’ve got to stay awake at the wheel folks! Even if you can see that oasis ahead you’ve just got to keep your eye on the road and go with the flow of the land no matter how many bumps – stay the course.
And know your lane, and stay in it and you will find a new freedom and a new happiness when you plug into the truer version of yourself.
Authenticity narrows your choices and focuses your personal power, and keeps you plugged into Spirit in a big way. It’s happened to me, and many of my friends already and I’m awestruck by it all. (Don’t forget to watch last week’s video with Nancy Levin who is living proof of all this!)
This time last year was when I had the serious accident with my motorcycle that had me bedridden for 3 months resulting in a much- needed time out, regrouping and reclaiming of my authentic self. It hit me today that a big reason that accident happened was that I was veering out of my lane, which is how I skidded and hit those 6 granite posts and almost killed myself.
Perfect symbolism for my life. I had been steering my life this way and that, doing too many things, wearing too many hats, and being confused and convoluted about my purpose. I had to strip away what wasn’t truly authentic and get to the core of who I am and why I’m here. It wasn’t fun in fact it was initially so painful but now that I’m on the other side of it everything is falling into place magically.
Today I ride my life and my service in one lane. My lane. It’s narrow and it’s lean and it’s true. I know who I am and I know what I do, what my purpose is and why I’m here. No B.S. straight up spirituality with a chaser of cheeky. No more trying to be what I think will be more acceptable, smarter or pleasing.
In this months O magazine Dr. Phil underlines my thoughts about authenticity perfectly when he says “You got to choose your horse and ride it” and (I laughed out loud when I read this)“ you can’t ride two horses with one ass”.
So my friends have you ever tried to ride your life like that? What do you think the cost is? I crashed because of it.
So tell me a story. What’s your lane, and what are you riding?
Me? I have one lane, one ride and one ass to match it.
And to others it may not be what they want to see, hear or know about but for me?
It all fits just fine.
Here are some questions for you to answer this week.
- What are you most passionate about and why?
- How much time do you spend on the things you love?
- How much of your personal currency do you spend on thinking of how to please others rather than yourself?
- Can you be 100% transparent with others in your life about your beliefs and if not why?
- Who would you be if you stripped away all the thoughts feelings and beliefs you have that don’t support your true authentic self?
Come tell us what you found!
Love you always,
PS— Speaking of authentic I have 2 very special guests on video- NY Times bestseller of Taming Your Alpha Bitch and the founder of the Quantum Success Academy Christy Whitman and a fantastic interview with the lovely, brilliant and articulate Jessica Ortner;- the author of Tapping for Weight Loss and Body Confidence. A MUST read for anyone who has had issues in this area. The book and Jess herself ROCK.
Interview with Jessica Ortner