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No Excuses! With Myste Lyn
For my first submission to this wonderful forum, I’m going to write about why I almost didn’t write this. For all of you fabulous ladies out there, and yes, you are all fabulous, and special, and brilliant, and tasty, in your own unique ways. I am going to explain why it is that we sometimes do not feel as great as the descriptors above, and why it is that women make excuses for not being all they are capable of. As an example I’ll share my experience of why I almost did not write this article.
Natalie replied to my inquiry regarding writing for Simply Woman and provided the necessary information. Immediately, yet sub-consciously, I looked for excuses why I could not write something for Simply Woman.
What I’ve learned from quantum physics is that we find what we look for. Not that it matters but my excuse was that I would wait until my website was ready. I try to practice noticing my thoughts and noticed that my thoughts and feelings had moved away from their initial excitement of seeing Natalie’s name in my inbox to a downward spiral of “I cant… blah, blah, blah”, the old self-sabotage was kicking in. Enough!!! I’m at a point now where I can’t allow this to run my life anymore. I grabbed my laptop, headed to my favorite writing spot and started.
I’m taking big risks right now having left the nine to five world to pursue my calling. I always knew I would write but originally thought this would be done in retirement years. The call was strong, I felt Divinely inspired and though hesitant, I asked myself a question I learned from Crystal:
What’s the worst that could happen?
Well the answer was that nine to five is not going anywhere and, if I do fail, it’s right there waiting for me. So here I am diving in with my first book received back from the publisher, waiting only final edits. Whew! Am I ready? Well, it’s become apparent that self-sabotage is hot at my heels. I’m grateful I caught that little nasty and am submitting this article. So there my feisty friend! I plan to win this fight with my lower selves and I challenge you to do the same.
Ask yourself:
What is it that’s calling you?
Have you noticed what happens when you go to do it?
Start paying attention to this.
Do you have standard excuses that come up all the time or is your mind more tricky and seductive with its’ excuses?
Notice this.
What’s stopping you?
Often the only thing holding us back is ourselves, our self-limiting, self-sabotaging beliefs and patterns of living. In her twelve week course Crystal reminds us: “insanity is when we expect change while continuing to do the same things”. I challenge you to change things up; a little trick I learned from Jean Houston: if you normally put on your right shoe first, start with your left; if you always have toast with your eggs, have bread; if you travel the same way to work/school/store, explore different routes. These small changes will signal your brain and in turn, prepare you for larger life changes, kind of like warm up exercises before the big game.
If you find yourself making excuses:
1. Catch yourself, notice it
2. Be gentle with yourself and make light of it (heavies bring us farther down the road we should not be traveling). Shake it up and off, laugh about it
3. Without rational thought (perhaps our greatest opponent) Go Directly to the Task
4. Immediately begin some form of action towards your calling (even if it is only for a few minutes – as little as writing an affirmation in your journal).
5. Once complete (and this may be the first step of a thousand) show gratitude
6. Create your own little happy dance, song, jig, be creative and make it fun; acknowledge that you followed your inner guide, your higher self
7. Ritually reward yourself with this happy dance each time you dare to take a step closer to your calling.
The reason we may not always feel fabulous, and special, and brilliant, and tasty, is because we make excuses for ourselves; we allow our fears to run the show. Crystal describes this as daughter and mother energies. Challenge yourself to step into woman energy; honor the Divine within. She’s there, smiling and awaiting your presence. Listen to her call.
Myste Lyn is the author of the forthcoming book Shine Your Light: Connecting with the Inner Divine. She has attended seven Canadian Universities, is self-studied in cross-cultural religion, eastern philosophies, and quantum physics. She has journeyed alone through South America, Eastern Europe, China and India. Myste attributes her unique spiritual perspective to life amongst non-dominant cultures. She has a home in the Canadian Arctic where she lives with her four-year old daughter and occasional foster children.