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Michelle Arbeau on Oprah, Obama, and Your August Horoscope
August 2013: Take charge and make it happen.
This August is a polar opposite energy from the previous introverted and contemplative month of July. There was a lot energetically going on last month with an immense and intense amount of emotional shifting happening. Even for the most grounded of numbers, it ended up being a bumpier ride than expected.
With all the clearing done and behind us, the confident and doubtless eight energy of August brings with it no-fail energy to go after what you’ve been contemplating last month. If there is ever a month I recommend going for something it’s August because this is the month that begins the highest change months of the year. The eight, nine and one months carry the “go for it” energies. August is a great time for business ventures of all kinds and opportunities come knocking as the flow of synchronicity is in full effect.
Obama and Oprah were both in an eight personal year last year and although at times it seemed they were on shaky ground, they came out on top. As a month’s energy, August is a time to get yourself prepared for the opportunities that will come knocking at your door.
Eight is the number of wisdom, independence, assertiveness, abundance and manifestation so be sure to take full advantage of the energetically creative magic at your fingertips right now. Anything you’ve been thinking about doing, it’s time to make it happen. August and it’s eight energy will give you that extra boost of confidence and assertiveness to be bold, brave and fearless in accomplishing what your soul has been urging you to do.
Calculating Your Number:
Before we get to the individual monthly forecasts, you’ll need to calculate your Life Theme Number which is your main energetic essence in this lifetime. Your date of birth is like spiritual DNA and can reveal who you are, what you’re here to do and how to do it.
To calculate your Life Theme Number, add together each individual digit in your date of birth and then reduce to a single digit, like this:
DOB: 12-18-1975
This date of birth has a Life Theme Number of 7. Follow the same steps to calculate your own essence.
**Note: If the sum equates to 10, 11, 22 or 33, stop there. Don’t reduce these numbers further as they are called the Master Numbers and should be displayed in their unreduced form. They are guiding frequencies which carry a greater responsibility to mankind in terms of their life purpose. To find out more about these numbers and the other nine base energies, sign up to my newsletter at www.MichelleArbeau.com to receive a complimentary copy of “Life Theme Numbers”.
Individual Life Theme Number Forecast for August:
2: As the most sensitive and subdued Life Theme Number, the two has a hard time embracing the confident and doubtless energies of the eighth month. It will take you a bit more time to warm up to the bold energies that are urging you to use your gifts of intuition to bring your ideas to life. Twos are used to being the support and eight is a take-charge, goal-oriented frequency which is just what you need this month after being in hibernation mode in July. Mid-month will be your time to start shining as the energies will be in full swing and you won’t be able to resist the temptation to get out there and get going.
3: Threes are pumped about the abundance and inspiration to achieve their goals this month. Eight energy is just what the doctor ordered for the indecisive three who normally sits on the fence with decision making. Confidence gives the inspirational three the ability to be the social butterfly they were born to be and go out to solidify their dreams. Be cautious about being too cocky or overly confident because threes tend toward a “bipolar” personality. When they’re up, they’re really up. August is a great month for the three to stop procrastinating and taking action in big ways. Of all the Life Theme Numbers, threes will notice the shift in confidence in a big way.
4: Four is half of eight and share many of the same qualities as the eight except for the confidence factor. Four is stable, wise, solid and business smart but lacks the confidence at times to make it happen. With the foundational energy of the four combined with the confidence and wisdom of the eight this month, fours are hitting the ground running with projects that have been on the back burner for a while. Fours are in high action mode in August but it’s strategic. They have a solid foundational plan and are sticking to it. The eight energy of the month has put a fire under the foundation of the four to build their house career wise. Relationship wise it is best to avoid getting into a serious relationship as the fours have a one track mind this month and that’s career.
5: Five and eight are the most freedom seeking of all the numbers and the month of August is always a time for the five to let loose and go for the gold. The confidence and freedom that the energy of August brings can definitely cause conflicts in relationships for the five, especially since the world year is also a six (relationship focused year). The focus for the five should be career but try to avoid the tendency to let loose too much and lose sight of the goals you want to achieve in favor of letting loose and having fun. You deserve it after the conservative and contemplative month of July. Be cautious not to mess up anything great you’ve got going relationship-wise because the confident eight energy can cause the five to really live that freedom of expression number that they are.
6: Sixes are in the creative zone. They’re confident in their abilities and know what they want to create this month. It will be a tough month in terms of relationships because they’ll be a need to be separate and free for a while, which is unusual for the six who is usually very relationship/family oriented. Be cautious not to do anything you’ll regret because the confidence of the eight will outweigh your normally pessimistic tendencies. Career-wise, you’re on fire and should go with any and all opportunities that present themselves. Creative energy (6) combined with doubtlessness (8) is an unstoppable combination.
7: Sevens will have no problem with leaping into the take-charge energy of the eight this month. Sevens are leapers before thinkers (for the most part) and don’t take advice from others unless it resonates with them completely. The sevens are ready to take the world by storm and show everyone the truth, which is the lesson of the seven. Sevens as an uneven number aren’t necessarily business savvy with their erratic decision making but when it comes to an eight month, they’re on their game and ready to lead by example. The sevens are like a horse at the starting gate this month, ready to take significant action. Confidence is theirs in every way.
8: Depending on the other traits and qualities you carry, if you’re an eight Life Theme Number your focus will be career, relationships or both. Relationship troubles tend to follow the eight because they guard their independence at all costs but when there is a double dose of eight energy, the distance and need to be independent is at an all-time high – and others can feel that. The good news is that many of the relationship changes you’ll experience will be positive because you living a “what you see is what you get” energy (an 8 in an 8 month). If old relationships are finished but you’ve been putting off ending them, you will now. Likewise, if you’re ready to take the next step in a relationship, now is the time to say so. Career wise, it’s time to step up to the plate and be that savvy leader you were born to be. Ask for that promotion or step up in compensation you deserve because you’ll get it if you harness the doubtless intention-setting abundance energy of the eight this month. Overall, this will be a happy, productive month for the eight. Normally eights are great at keeping their emotions in check as the strongest of the soul plane numbers but because they is extra eight energy floating around, emotions will certainly be a factor in what you say and do this month.
9: Nines are justice-seeking and typically black and white thinkers but their efforts are always selfless (nines are the humanitarians) so the confidence factor that the eighth month brings will put the nine into high gear with righting the wrongs of the world. They’ll be in self-less service mode as the most active soul number takes them down from the head and into the heart. Typically nines aren’t great in business but this month if you want to advance in business or career or have a goal you’d like to act on the business savvy eight will give you the practical energy necessary to make the right choices to move in the right direction. In relationships, take care not to let your righteous thinking get too out of control with the confidence of the eight backing it.
10/1: Tens are going to have a whole lot of fun this month with confidence (8) merging with the adaptable and fun loving nature of the ten. As the Earth Guide, you’ll also be totally on your game with giving that free-flowing advice that seems to come from nowhere. Eight being the number of wisdom, you’ll be drawing on your communication skills and combining them with the business sense of the eight to make some fantastic networking connections this month. Whether it’s relationships or career, you’ll be in the zone with connecting with the right people, places and things to make it happen. Personal relationships will take a back seat or you’ll feel the need to step back from them a bit this month. You’re working through the independent one in your Life Theme Number this month which is the stand-alone trailblazing number.
11/2: Eight energy can sometimes be a bit overwhelming for the spiritual Life Theme Numbers and sometimes the over-abundance of confidence can be a bit too much to handle for the spiritual eleven. Eights are very business oriented – money, business, success…while the eleven is all about money being secondary. Michelle Obama is an eleven is dresses in Target dresses because she isn’t concerned with monetary things, as with all elevens. That said, this month for the eleven is about stepping into being the spiritual guide they were meant to be. Of all the months, this is the month they are being called to their post, so to speak. It’s the month where they realize there is a greater calling for them than the mundane. They are meant to touch the masses and this is their time to shine during the next three months. Many healers and guides are being called to their post and the elevens are REALLY feeling the call this month as their wealth of wisdom is overwhelming and over-pouring. Relationships and financial dealings are to take a back seat this month as it’s all about life purpose this month and embracing it. You’re being called to do what you ‘re here to do. You are the spiritual guide but there are many ways to do this. You don’t have to preach from the mountain tops, go out and guide the masses as the world is in crisis and needs the spiritual guides to lead them now.
22/4: Four is half of eight and they share many of the same qualities but the twenty-two four will really bring the practical and intuitive flair to the equation this month to harness the free-flowing abundance, directing it in all the right places. This is a huge foundational building month for the twenty-two four, whether it’s rebuilding a new foundation or adding to an existing one. Projects that you’ve been working on will come together in a big way in August. Your intuition is on high alert to notice the synchronistic opportunities that come with the eight energy of this month. It’s all about a focus on foundation this month because eight is business oriented, especially for the intuitive four Master Builder.
33/6: Your self-sabotaging ways will be less this month as you’ll gain the confidence of the eight to push you further and step away from your tendency to be self-doubting or self-critical. You’re the visionary number as well which means the wise eight energy of August will have people flocking to you for advice even more than they already do. Your visionary skills will even be working for your own benefit for a change and you’ll gain a greater understanding of where you are in your life right now. Take advantage of this extra boost and much less self-doubt to harness your creative powers (as the number of creativity) to create what you want or at least set the wheels in motion before the highest change month arrives next month. In relationships, you’ll definitely be the “go to” mother figure this month. Be sure to save some nurturing for yourself or you’ll crash and burn from playing the role of counselor.
Michelle Arbeau is an internationally recognized Celebrity Numerologist, author, inspirational speaker and radio/tv host. She has a Hollywood clientele base that includes Twilight vampires, Big Bang Theory actress, Pirates of the Caribbean actor, NBC Director, Celebrity stylist and many more.
A media favorite and considered an expert in her field, Michelle is frequently a repeat guest on national outlets such as CBC Radio, CTV Morning Live, Breakfast Television and LA Talk Radio.
As founder and host of Authentic You Radio/TV, Michelle has interviewed many of the top authors, speakers and celebrities in her quest to inspire and empower others to live with authenticity.
Her upcoming books, The Energy of Words: Harness the Vibration of Language & Transform Your Life and Soul Numbers: Decipher the Message from Your Inner Self to Successfully Navigate Life are the product of combining her love of numbers with her passion for helping others to find purpose, meaning and joy in life. (Book Release Dates October & December 2013). www.MichelleArbeau.com.