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Michelle Arbeau has you taking pause with your July horoscope

July 2013: The Contemplative Calm before the Whirlwind Storm of Change
Stepping out of the creative flow of June and into the contemplative month of July doesn’t have to put the brakes on any new projects or endeavors you’re fired up about. It simply means it’s time to take a step back and examine your next move. As the deep, philosophical, truth-seeker number, any cycle of seven is symbolic of being on the spiritual mountain, looking back to where you’ve been and looking ahead to where you want to go next. With August coming up next carrying its confident, assertive abundant energy that says go after your goals with gusto, July is a time to reflect, a pause before the whirlwind of high change comes in with the eighth and ninth month forming the peak of the cycle of change for the year.
Some may find the slowed down feel of July a bit too much to handle after being in high creative mode in June. Keep in mind that energy has a natural ebb and flow and we can’t forge full steam ahead all the time. If you take the time necessary to review all aspects of your life in July, you’ll be ready to confidently embrace the manifestation energy of the eighth month of August followed by the highest change month of the year, September. Those who don’t take the time this month for self-reflection and review of current issues, challenges or plans will find themselves not feeling confident or certain about where they need to make changes and in what way. It can mean the difference between free-flowing synchronistic change and chaotic, uncertain change energy.
Calculating Your Number:
Before we get to the individual monthly forecasts, you’ll need to calculate your Life Theme Number which is your main energetic essence in this lifetime. Your date of birth is like spiritual DNA and can reveal who you are, what you’re here to do and how to do it.
To calculate your Life Theme Number, add together each individual digit in your date of birth and then reduce to a single digit, like this:
DOB: 12-18-1975
This date of birth has a Life Theme Number of 7. Follow the same steps to calculate your own essence.
**Note: If the sum equates to 10, 11, 22 or 33, stop there. Don’t reduce these numbers further as they are called the Master Numbers and should be displayed in their unreduced form. They are guiding frequencies which carry a greater responsibility to mankind in terms of their life purpose. To find out more about these numbers and the other nine base energies, sign up to my newsletter at www.MichelleArbeau.com to receive a complimentary copy of “Life Theme Numbers”.
Individual Life Theme Number Forecast for July:
2: The sensitive and intuitive two will find the contemplative calm of the seventh frequency this month rather soothing. Since the world year is a creative six with a strong focus on relationship shifting, the intuitive two is happy to be feeling a more subdued and less drama-filled tone. Sensitive to the emotions of others, the two has been feeling particularly hit hard with so much relationship shifting happening around them or even in their own life. The month of July will draw the two inward for self-reflection and create less emotional and psychic vulnerability than the previous two months. Enjoy this easier month and use it to clean out any residual emotional or intuitive debris to make way for the abundant energy to flow next month. This month is for personal reflection and shouldn’t be spent focusing too much energy on other relationships. It’s a self-nurturing period for the two.
3: As the social butterfly and the imagination, intellectual one, the three can find the more passive or contemplative months rather difficult, feeling antsy or restless with the lack of outer action. The reflective energy of the seventh month is best used by the three to use their strong mental strengths as the gateway mind plane number of imagination and memory to dream up their next steps. Being analytic by nature, the three can get into the philosophical energies of July’s seven energy if they’re willing to step out of social mode get down to business. Relationship wise, the three will find themselves a bit moody, restless and short-tempered with relationships that are drama oriented.
4: Four and seven are side by side on the numerological birth chart and they are considered the most active physical numbers. Fours are the practical doers and sevens are the leapers (leap first, think later). However, as the “doer” the four doesn’t have the same low-key contemplative side that the seven has so it can be a challenge for the four to step away from its regular “doing” routine. They are practical in their approach but not always willing to spend too much time on reworking or refocusing. They are logical and step-by-step in their approach to life and that’s how they approach achieving what they want. Steady and steadfast, they are all about building foundation. The key with the four this month is to remember that a great deal of planning and thought must goes into building a strong, solid footing from which you can then build confidently upon.
5: Like the seven, fives like their alone time to work through things so it can be an easy month for the five to take a step back and examine and defragment their life. A strong caution with the five this month is to resist the urge to use the side of the seven energy that wants to leap before thinking. Five and seven share that carefree, spontaneity and it can be easy for the five to forget that July’s energy wants to you to listen to that still, small voice within rather than take outward action. In relationships this month, those intimately involved with a five should recognize they may retreat more than usual for alone time to handle any inward challenges bubbling to the surface. For fives who are feeling particularly restless with the lack of outer change going on, focus on doing more physical activity because this will allow you to work through the contemplative energies more productively. Five energy flows erratically and things like walking meditations will be much more beneficial for you than just being alone with your thoughts. Five’s best insights come when they’re in motion as the number of freedom of expression.
6: As the number of creative expression and the visionary number, the six knows a thing or two about stepping back to see the bigger, broader picture. However, with a negative tendency toward pessimism and the worry-wart syndrome, the six may have a bit too much time on their hands to get lost in their mental chatter. When the six becomes stalled for too long, they dip into the negative vortex as the number of extremes. The six can be a little too good at utilizing the contemplative energies of the seventh month to the point they overanalyze a situation. Unlike all the other numbers, the six will really be taking a hard, long look at every aspect of their lives. With the global year a six as well, most sixes will be re-examining where they stand in most areas of their lives and their relationship to those people, places or situations. It’s a great month for the six to practice patience and learn how to work through their thoughts from a more detached vantage point without going too far into the “what-if” mental scenarios. Seven energy teaches the six mental balance which is most often a learning lesson for them.
7: For the seven in the month of the seven, it will depend on what side of the seven you lean toward what kind of month you’ll have. If you’re a more active leap before thinking kind of seven, you’ll find it hard to unwind and be still to do the inner work this month is urging you to do. If you’re more of an analytical seven, this month will be very productive for you in terms of working through any mental or emotional baggage. For the more mellow seven, you’ll be extra chill this month and may even feel called to go on a relaxing getaway. If you’re very much the doing seven, remind yourself daily to take time to be quiet with your thoughts otherwise you’ll arrive on the doorstep of the eighth month of abundance frazzled and taking haphazard leaps you might regret later.
8: As the number of wisdom and independence, eights are independent people who prefer to deal with things in their own way and own timetable. Under the influence of the seven energy, an eight can feel a bit bossed around, so to speak through its desire to push you inward. Eights are confident people who don’t necessary do a great deal of thinking because they usually know what they want or need and go for it. It can be challenging for an eight to take a step back from their matter-of-fact ways to consider they might need to re-evaluate some areas of their life. Contemplation really isn’t up the eight’s alley – they like to share their innate wisdom but not ponder it. At the very least, slow down this month to allow some self-reflective moments to consider some of your bigger present challenges or concerns. You’ll be glad you did because next month is a double whammy eight for you.
9: Nines are the big dreamers, the outside the box thinkers but also the number of ambition, idealism and responsibility. When it comes to handling the contemplative energy of the seventh month, they can work through a lot of stuff in a short amount of time with their lightning fast thought processes. The downside is that they don’t always think deep. Nines are notorious for missing the smaller details in favor of the bigger picture. This month is precisely about getting to the root of the matter or the truth of things which the ambitious nine may skim over. As an address, the nine is called the retirement house because it’s big on dreaming but not on action or specific plans of action. July is a great month for the nines to take some time off work in favor of leisure in order to slow the mental faculties long enough to start seeing some of the minor but absolutely important details in your life.
10/1: When it comes to contemplative energies, the ten can be a hybrid energy with the combination of the first physical number (1) combining with the symbol of the infinite or spiritual awareness (0) creating a very grounded holding space for the energies. One is the pioneer, the trailblazer number of new beginnings while the zero holds spiritual awareness energy. The most prized trait of the ten is their ability to be adaptable. They like to keep life light, not delving too deeply into the problems of not only themselves but others. On the flip side, they like their down time and can often be like cats in the sunshine. Due to this split nature of the ten, when in a self-reflective month, they usually embrace it but in a carefree way. They don’t push it but allow it to unravel. If you’re a ten that lives more through the active physical one energy, the deeper seven energy may be too intense for you. In relationships, this will cause the ten to distance themselves because of their preference to swim in the shallow side of the pool where they can splash and play. Balancing the one and zero in the ten this month is important to get the most out of the call for inner work to be done.
11/2: This is a big month for the elevens. Like the two, this month is definitely all about inner work for them and not really about outer relationships but there’s a big difference between the eleven and two Life Theme Numbers right now. The two is focused on inner work on a more personal level while the eleven is not only working on personal inner shifting, releasing and refocusing, they are also working toward a greater shift in perspective as they are poised to embrace some career goals in the next few months. Many elevens have been feeling the build since the fall of last year and it continues to grow. This month is truly the calm before the storm but in a good way. More than the other Life Theme Numbers, it’s crucial for you to get your inner self aligned and in good energetic order before the synchronistic energy of August rolls in. If you’re an eleven who feels like you’re on the verge of a breakthrough in some way, shape or form in your life, you’re likely very right. The keyword for you this month is “breakthrough”.
22/4: Although a physical doing energy at the base as the solid, stable, “doing” four, with the added power of the double intuitive twos, the twenty-two four is poised to prune from the inside out this month. In-tune psychically and emotionally (22), the doing energy (4) is focused on cleaning out the closet, literally and figuratively – pruning things that no longer serve them. The twenty-two four will use the seven energy this month with grace and class, sailing through its contemplative space with ease. Unlike the single four which may have a harder time resisting embarking on physical changes, the double twos of the twenty-two four help to balance out and refocus the doing energy on inner doing. Twenty-two fours will be extra busy guiding others this month as well because others will sense their heightened navigation skills under the guiding force of the deep, philosophical seven.
33/6: Being the number of extremes, six often has trouble dealing with overly thought-provoking energies like the philosophical seven. Since six tends to overanalyze and over-think things to the point of creating situations out of thin air, it can be even more challenging for the thirty-three six to not go too far with their thoughts. Having double threes lead the way, which is the number of imagination but in the negative is also self-doubting and self-critical, the thirty-three six can spin their wheels in indecisiveness. Self-reflection can be torture because they’re on the fence with decision making and just end up with more avenues of indecisiveness instead of paths of resolution. Since creativity is subdued under a seven, the thirty-three six can find it hard to stay in a positive space and may find themselves moody, extra anxious and not sure what to focus their attention on next. The main piece of advice for this Life Theme Number in July is to take it in bits and pieces. Don’t get caught up in long sessions of being lost in thought or you’ll just do circles, getting nowhere. As they number of creativity, you are spontaneous in the creative realm so allow the self-reflection to come in bursts as your creativity often does.
Michelle Arbeau is an internationally recognized Celebrity Numerologist, author, inspirational speaker and radio/tv host. She has a Hollywood clientele base that includes Twilight vampires, Big Bang Theory actress, Pirates of the Caribbean actor, NBC Director, Celebrity stylist and many more.
A media favorite and considered an expert in her field, Michelle is frequently a repeat guest on national outlets such as CBC Radio, CTV Morning Live, Breakfast Television and LA Talk Radio.
As founder and host of Authentic You Radio/TV, Michelle has interviewed many of the top authors, speakers and celebrities in her quest to inspire and empower others to live with authenticity.
Her upcoming books, The Energy of Words: Harness the Vibration of Language & Transform Your Life and Soul Numbers: Decipher the Message from Your Inner Self to Successfully Navigate Life are the product of combining her love of numbers with her passion for helping others to find purpose, meaning and joy in life. (Book Release Dates October & December 2013). www.MichelleArbeau.com.