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living in possibility: lisa l. payne creates a joyful life

How to Create a Joyful Life that Excites You: Live in Possibility
by Lisa L. Payne
“What makes me smile?” This question stared menacingly at me from the top of the first page in my new journal. Hours earlier, I was deep in a pity party, lamenting about how lonely it was to be stranded during snowstorm in a hotel, hundreds of kilometers from my family. I was sad and lonely. I was focused on all that had happened in my life in recent years and how I hadn’t yet figured out who I wanted to be. This was all understandable to the impartial observer. The 16-year relationship with the father of my two children had recently ended and, while I was excited about what my new future would hold, I really doubted my ability to create something that would bring me joy. From my perspective, I didn’t understand why I couldn’t “figure it out” since I was pretty intelligent and accomplished in most areas of my life.
But that’s how it is with Impressive Women. In a series of 101 confessions, my book, “What If They Knew? Secrets of Impressive Women” exposes how many women who are considered to “have it all together” find themselves feeling lost, insecure, trapped, and angry at times in their lives when they could be celebrating their brilliance, courage, resilience, and strength. We forget what we once knew: that we have the power within ourselves to create the joyful life that we desire and deserve.
Living in possibility is feeling empowered to create something new every day that is in alignment with your core values and your personal vision of success. Living in possibility is about feeling empowered to contribute your unique talents and gifts and to inspire others to do the same. With deliberate intent, you will attract opportunities that were not previously available to you.
Changing your perception of yourself and the world around you can seem like a very daunting task, especially when you’re feeling powerless and unmotivated, but it is the key to self-empowerment. Here is the 7-Step PROCESS that will help you move through life transitions with grace and confidence and create a joyful life that excites you:
1. Get Present. Close your eyes. Take a breath. Take a step back and allow yourself the space from the emotions you are feeling so you can be at peace with the beauty and possibility in this moment.
2. Get Real. Come to terms with what is – not what you are making it mean. Acknowledge the truth and accept responsibility for your part in creating this current reality. Now, accept that you have the power to change certain things so that your new reality serves to bring you joy.
3. Get Over It. In a place of blame and judgment, there is no room for possibility. Surrender the need to be right and to be held back by your “story”. Trust that everything happens for a reason and express gratitude for the opportunity to learn and grow from every situation, good and bad. Release limiting beliefs so you may heal and move on.
4. Get Clear. Ask yourself, “What would bring me joy every day?” Visualize the desired outcome and feel how great it would be to know that you have attracted that abundance. Allow for divine inspiration to provide you with the answers you seek. Dream big, from the heart, knowing you are worthy of everything you desire.
5. Get Engaged. Declare an unwavering commitment to honour yourself with integrity because you are worthy of a joyful life that excites you. Be certain how this new definition of success will add value to your life and know that it is all possible for you when you believe in your capacity to deliver on your commitment.
6. Get Serious. Every choice either brings you closer to or further away from your vision, so back up your commitment with deliberate action that brings you joy. Your confidence will grow with every positive choice. This will make subsequent choices easier and create new habits that better serve you.
7. Get Support. Surround yourself with a community that loves and respects you for the contribution you are in this world. Celebrate your authentic self with like-minded individuals who support your dreams and encourage your continued growth and development.
This 7-step process was developed from lessons I have embraced along my personal journey. I have learned about balance, integrity, surrender, and faith. I’ve learned that freedom is a wonderful thing and freedom to choose is everything. I have learned how to move through life transitions with grace and confidence so I can create a joyful life that excites me. I feel truly blessed that I am where I am: stronger and happier than ever!
Author of “What If They Knew? Secrets of an Impressive Woman”, Lisa L. Payne is a life transitions coach and motivational speaker who lives in Newfoundland & Labrador, Canada with her two school-aged children. She holds a Certified Professional Coaching designation as well as a Master’s degree in Employment Relations from Memorial University. Lisa is passionate about helping her clients move through life transitions with grace and confidence so they can create lives that excite them. Her personal story of challenge and triumph was featured in “Freeing Godiva: A Woman’s Journey of Self-Empowerment.” You can find out more about Lisa or follow her on-line at: www.LisaLPayne.com