Kate Northrup: feel good financial planning

By on November 12, 2013
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Back in the days when I was swimming in debt and not paying very much attention to my money (other than spending it regularly) I felt like the whole financial planning world was too boring for me.

The idea of getting out all of my statements, talking with a professional, and plugging my financial life into equations that were supposed to help me live long and prosper just felt impersonal.

The truth is, though, that we can’t get where we want to go without a plan. If where we’re going is financial freedom and prosperity, we gotta know how to get there.

Since I was such a chronic financial avoider, I had to learn to make paying attention to my money fun. I had to learn to make it feel good!

There’s a whole chapter in my book, Money: A Love Story, called Feel Good Financial Planning, and today I boiled the gist of it down into a this Financial Freedom episode for you.

In today’s video you’ll learn:

  • 4 steps to identifying your values
  • how to make every single spending decision obvious and easy
  • how to feel good both during the journey and when you get to the destination
  • why being an emotional creature is actually one of your best assets when it comes to your financial life

Click below to watch the video:

[youtube id=”t3rcR-JurkA” width=”620″ height=”360″]

URL: http://youtu.be/t3rcR-JurkA


KateNorthrupHeadshotKate Northrup is a professional freedom seeker and creative entrepreneur. She created financial freedom for herself at the age of 28 through building a team of more than 1,000 wellness entrepreneurs in the network marketing industry. Her philosophy is that if you free yourself financially you can be fully present to your purpose on the planet. Her first book, Money: A Love Story with Hay House is NOW AVAILABLE! She continues to mentor entrepreneurs in creating financial freedom. Find out more and take her free quiz to find out what your relationship with money says about you at http://www.katenorthrup.com.


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