Karen Gallagher: 5 ways to stay committed to health

By on September 2, 2013
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By fitness professional, Karen Gallagher.


One of the biggest excuses that I hear every week is “I don’t have time to exercise.”  I do understand as I too struggle with the same challenges of fitting exercise into my busy schedule however I make the time for myself and you should too!  Especially with the fall quickly approaching our schedules are only going to get busier so you need to make exercise a priority or else before you know it all the hard work you put in at the gym will be wasted.  The good news is that it just takes a little organizing and time management and it is easy! Here are 5 ways to find time to workout during your busy schedule…

Workout on your lunch break

Energize your self during your lunch break with a power workout.  If you are pressed for time, shorten your shower time by organizing your gym bag ahead of time with dry shampoo, face wipes and body mist.

Schedule a workout into your calendar & phone

Schedule your workout just like any other appointment in your day.  This way you will make time for it instead of hoping you will have time for it at the end of the day.

Workout with a friend

Exercise buddies are great for accountability.  It is a excellent way to catch up with a friend and to schedule in your workout.  Planning to meet for a jog in the park or spinning class is much healthier than meeting for drinks or bar food.

Make your workout quick

Sometimes we don’t always have time for an hour-long workout however a shortened workout is better than no workout! If you only have 20 minutes try a quick jog or full body weight circuit to save on time.

Change your bedtime and wake early

If you find yourself wasting the end of your day on mindless TV, going to sleep a little earlier could be just what you need to wake up early enough to exercise before the craziness of the day begins. You will be surprised at how much extra energy you will have for the rest of your day!


Karen-M-Gallagher_1210093Karen Gallagher is a leading fitness professional with an elite athletic background combined with over 18 years of knowledge and experience. Along with fitness competitions, Karen’s main focus these days are her businesses Fit 4 Her personal training, Butt Slayer Boot Camps and Sport Performance Coaching. She supports her clients with motivation, goal setting and nutritional programs to best suit their needs and goals and has helped hundreds of people to experience profound life transformations. Learn more at www.karen-gallagher.com

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