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Inspiration Inspires Inspiration!!!

Written by Tara Antler
I hope you are flowing with the changes of the season with ease and grace…and having FUN!!! : ) I feel like I’m moving at lightning speed now!!!
The past month or so had been intense for so many people, including myself…with things moving ever so slowly….Yikes….Mercury retrograde threw everyone’s life under the bus for deep clean up and restructuring….The lunar and solar eclipse magnified our dreams, desires, intentions and wishes and showed us our “shadows”….and the latest full moon in Taurus helped to intensify our emotional capacity for creating the new and ground our dreams….which are now starting to shape and show up in reality!! Yaaaaay! Much to celebrate! We made it through the storm, shed the shadows of the past not-workings, created internal clarity and now are ready to receive the goodness that follows from our hard work!!!
Are you ready to receive and INSPIRE??? I AM!!!!!
Since the energy lift last weekend waves of goodness have been pouring in….like a continuous stream of all that I’ve intended, wished for, dreamed of….actually arriving!!! And my ability to feel INSPIRED is at an all-time high!!!! It feels like being FULLY ALIVE, living in INSPIRED ACTION and there’s a natural inclination to SHARE it so that the inspiration inspires others!!!
So my question to you is, do you feel inspired in your own life??
If yes, GREAT….Keep going! Keep being who you are! Keep shining your light as bright as you can so that the world feels it and is lit up and wants to create a shift toward inspired living also!!!
If not, it’s all good…..Over a month ago I wasn’t feeling so inspired either and I couldn’t handle any of this feel good stuff : ) It will pass…as with all things. And I have some quick tips and questions to consider on how to lift out of the funk and into inspiration:
• Listen to POSITIVE “stuff”! Audios or videos that are inspiring, easy to listen to, uplifting and help you to remember WHO you really are as Source! This SAVES my life force EVERY time!!! What we “take-in” is sooooo crucial to our overall well-being. I have a set of 8 Positive Mind Re-pattening Audios ready as a set if you’re interested….email me for details…
• Surround yourself with people that Ignite Your Light! I attended a powerful gathering last week and I realized that I was like the hot coal that fell out of the fire….I was able to maintain my light on my own for a while….but somewhere along the way the flame went out….It wasn’t until I was surrounded by a group of AMAZING, INSPIRED people who were holding the space for ME that I realized my inspiration spark had gone out. That night, in a matter of 2 hours it was LIT and I’ve been on FIRE every since! This is why I created live events and the live and online Healing Hours….so that you have a safe, inspiring, loving space to plug into for an hour and reignite! It’s easier to keep the fire going steadily, than letting it go out and having to re-light it.
• Dream again! As your fire begins to glow again, you may naturally find yourself dreaming of things you want to create!
• Meditate and internally Listen! Inspired action and ideas from your higher self will be flowing now as the doors of clarity are wide open and you are ready to receive! These ideas are powerful, insightful, inspiring and you feel a burst in YES energy!!!!
• Take action! There’s nothing worse than receiving inspiration and not doing anything about it….When the inspiration flows….go with it! And get support when you need it…It definitely helps to know that there’s someone out there who has our best intentions at heart and will help us along our journey with ease! (This is why I LOVE working with a mentor and LOVE mentoring others!!)
• Share the goodness! It will inspire the people around you and you will ALL have more to celebrate together!!!
Once you begin to feel the lift….it may start with appreciation….love…..laughter….I promise you things will start to roll into your life that match your vibration and frequency! And when they do….CELEBRATE THE GOODNESS!!!! This allows our emotional energy to stay UP and it will carry you through to the next day/moment where you are READY to RECEIVE all the gifts that this Universe has already created and crafted for you!!!
Let’s see how we can INSPIRE the world around us just by being, sharing and celebrating the goodness of life…in all its forms!!!!! I’m going to post a pic on FB for INSPIRATION….and EVERY TIME YOU experience a wave of goodness, inspiration or amazing manifestations, post them under the photo!!!!! I’m ready to INSPIRE THE WHOLE WORLD INTO INSPIRATION!!!!! When we choose to live an inspired life – feeling lit up by our actions, words, ideas and creative impulse – we have the opportunity to inspire others!!!
Tara Antler is an Intuitive Healer, Flourishing Life Coach & Mentor, Author of The Healing Manual, International Speaker, Transformational Leader and LOVE-Igniter. She is the Founder of Tara Healing Sanctuary, Truth Talk on BlogTalkRadio, and most recently The LIGHT Academy ™. Over the past ten years Tara has worked with thousands of people around the world, including International Opera singers, acclaimed actors, Olympic athletes, and Top 40 artists. She has appeared on several television shows including CTV’s Over the Bolts (assisting an Olympic snowboarder manage his mind and surpass mental blocks); MTV’s ShowTown (holding “therapy” space for the cast while they move through their fears and complaints); The Discovery Channel’sMind Trip (one of thirteen participants who experienced supernatural phenomenon); and Roger’s Day Time (speaking about the benefits of detox foot baths for a holistic spa in Muskoka). http://www.taraantler.com