I’m worth the world!

By on October 26, 2021

By Ashley Renée McKee

“I’m worth the world!” I would declare to those who weren’t meant to give it to me.

“I’m worth the world!” I would shout, as if saying it louder would give me the gifts I’d been denied.

“I’m worth the world!” but I couldn’t see that my world may not be here yet. That until I walked away from THAT world, THE world couldn’t arrive because that one took up too much space.

And so I walked away from the world my ego dreamed up, of worthlessness, of shame, anger, strain, pain, and a whole lotta force. I walked away, not once, not twice, not even three times. In truth I can’t count the amount of times I had to walk away or reassess, each time the circumstance presenting a new element to challenge my declaration forcing me to stir until I became wise to the fact that this too was not IT.

Because the world looks a lot like flow. It looks like inspiration and chatter. It looks like hugs and laughter. The world looks like passion and desire. Mixed with devotion and a steady hand to hold forever. It looks like fresh ideas and walks through trees. Like people coming, ever flowing. When the world comes to you your light is what they’ve always wanted. It’s exactly the right hue, the right temperature, the right glow. It’s meant for them. And when you’re in the flow you remind them of their light too, always pointing out their sparks and watching them grow brighter. You build the world up so that more light can get around and the value in numbers is more than ever thought possible. And those who see you know your worth. You’re sought after. You’re valued and cared for. And as you fill up, you flow back onto the world. Because you and the world are one in the same. You nourish it because its you. It nourishes you because you’re it. And on and on it goes until you look back and realize that the world was always trying to give itself to you, if you would have only let go of what it wasn’t sooner.

(Feature Slider Image by Dan DeAlmeida)


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