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Hustle and Flow - The Fine Art of Being and Doing

Written by Colette Baron-Reid
Dear spark of brilliant luminosity—that would be you.
I’m sitting here slightly tired from the previous evening’s sneeze-a-thon thinking about self care and what that means beyond Kleenex and hot tea.
Away from all the obvious feed a cold starve a fever remedies, there is something so much deeper to contemplate.
Ever since I took out the foods I am sensitive to I don’t get sick hardly ever so I feel that this cold was a way that my Higher Self could get my little self to slow down to regroup and get into alignment.
I couldn’t stop sneezing long enough to have a solid conversation so I even had to cancel clients, and although I am in the thick of writing a new book, also had to allow nothing to happen with that too.
What I was doing wasn’t working anyway.
I don’t know about you, but I’m the kind of person that doesn’t have an “off” button that actually works. I need to be conscious of slowing down otherwise I’d stay in learning, producing, doing and giving mode- a total non- stop Hustle.
This I’m aware has to do with an old wound that says I better be doing something useful for you if I’m going to take up space on this planet.
I understand this is an ego construct to keep me separate from my soul by identifying as a human doing rather than a human being.
And to remain in balance and in alignment with the laws of the universe Hustle needs to be accompanied by Flow or kaboom – something will take you down until you slow down.
Sniffle sneeze, snort, ach-chooooo, repeat
Does that ever happen to you?
Do you get caught up in doing, making plans about doing, thinking about what you’ll achieve if you do, be ambitious about doing, panic if you’re not doing, and wonder what you need to do next to get where you need to go? Are you ever driven by the fear if you don’t do it now “it” will go away forever? Ever forget to slow down and rest in case you miss something, even an idea that might pass you by?
Here’s what I know for sure. Flow is about being empty, practicing the art of allowing, resting, being playful, sliding down the ice laughing after the big run. The welcoming of the soul in full receptivity is essential in order to make all that doing make sense.
Sometimes the best ideas come when you’re not looking, the Muse wakes up when you’re willing to play not when you’re relentless and demanding.
I can tell you Flow is essential for any creative endeavor. I confess I was feeling like the more I pushed and demanded my ideas be made known for my book the more I felt like I had nothing to say. I started having the worst anxiety in fact the more doing I was doing the more I helplessly turned into Prissy from Gone with The Wind crying “I don’t know nothin’ bout birthin’ babies!”
There the truth comes out. No good ideas ever again for me.
But…. Once I was forced to do nothing I began to tune into something meaningful that could only be delivered to me in the quiet and only when I stopped the doing of looking so hard for it. And of course it didn’t happen right away.
Letting go is as essential as moving forward. So with that bit of wisdom, I am still going to stay in the Flow for a while since I’m not in such a rush to get back to Hustle. It will come soon enough when it will be time. For now balance is the key.
Love to hear from you and how you do with Hustle and Flow!
Love love love you all… and remember… be Good to you!
Colette Baron-Reid is an intuitive counsellor and founder of the Master Intuitive Coach Institute. Her book, “Weight Loss For People Who Feel Too Much” is available on Amazon and in book stores everywhere! colettebaronreid.com