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How to choose thoughts that serve you?

Written by Reya Summer
It is scientifically proven that a human mind thinks between sixty thousand to eighty thousand thoughts a day. Once we think a thought over and over again certain chemicals are released that create neuron- pathways. These pathways create our belief system. We take action in life based on our beliefs. In a sense it all begins with thoughts. There have been many studies done on this subject. Dr. Bruce Lipton’s research illustrates that by, “changing your perception, your mind can alter the activity of your genes.”
A lot of the times we buy into the misconception that we don’t have control over our habitual chaotic thought process. What if I told you that you have the power to choose your thoughts?
Despite the fact that our monkey brain has the tendency to jump from one thought to another within seconds, we actually have a choice.
You choose a thought one half second before you think it.
The problem is that sometimes we choose thoughts that have absolutely no purpose or meaning, they are continuously filling space. We maybe dwelling on something that has already happened in the past with an unpleasant outcome. It has a grip on you to re-think different scenarios of all the “should haves” and “could haves” that may have ended in a more desirable outcome. Or, we tend to be consumed by worrying about the future and all the “what if” scenarios that are fear based. Over 90 percent of the “what if” scenarios we tend to worry about don’t ever happen. Then why waste our brilliant brain on things that may not even happen?
How can you shift your thoughts?
Here are three easy simple steps you can start using every day:
- Witness your thoughts
First step is to become aware and mindful of your normal thought process. Be a fly on the wall and become the observer. Watch what thoughts come and leave your mind without judging them. - Intentional Intervention
Once you catch yourself thinking something that doesn’t serve a purpose, simply acknowledge it. By acknowledging your thoughts you are interrupting that thought pattern. - Choose a new thought
This can be a bit tricky at first because our mind tends to stay with previous programming. What we are trying to do is re-program the mind to a new way of thinking. When I catch myself in fearful or anxious thoughts, I choose affirmations to divert my thinking. For example, if I’m having a bad day and my mind is slipping into a panic or fear I’ll repeat this affirmation, “I trust the process of life to bring me my highest good.” You can decide on affirmation of your choice. The point is to simply pick a different thought.
Once you mindfully start applying these simple steps every day, you’ll feel more in control of your life. This practice over time will become a habit and you’ll become more in charge of your thoughts and in turn of your life.
You own your thoughts – you own your life.
Reya Summer is a modern-day leader whose message of truth has inspired many around the globe. She is a Certified Life Empowerment Coach from The S.W.A.T Institute and an Integrated Energy Practitioner. After having three career changes, one being a Police Officer, she has finally found the purpose of her life. She left her corporate career in the financial industry and launched her Life Empowerment Coaching practice. She empowers people to free themselves from self-limiting beliefs, disconnect, pain and suffering.
Liberated from any religious traditions, judgments and societal stereotyping, she guides people to connect with their most aware, creative and authentic selves. Reya is a visionary and a rising Inspirational speaker. She spoke at The Enchanted Evening with Crystal Andrus Morissette and Collette-Baron Reid on International Woman’s Day in 2014.