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How to Become Yourself

By Beverly Pickard.
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.” Marianne Williamson
What does this quote mean to you? For me this quote brings me inspiration and realization that I can BE anything I choose. That I have the power as a woman to create the life I want. This power is inside all of us, but so often fear, self-sabotaging behaviours and limiting beliefs keep us from realizing our true power.
Your life is shaped by your experiences, and when you choose to learn and grow from those experiences you BECOME. When you allow those experiences to define who you are…you allow yourself to become victim to your story. Transcending those beliefs, those stories and your history creates your BE story.
Becoming is a process of change, it’s about realizing your full potential…. Let me say that again: It’s about realizing YOUR full potential.
When you become, you are working through the process of coming to BE something, and that something is a culmination of your wants, dreams, and actions.
When we are in a place of BE we are in a state of transition, transformation, continuous growth and change. According to Buddhism becoming is the condition of continued rebirth. You can rebirth your story, your life and your future TODAY by opening yourself up to success in your life.
For me becoming is a process that evolves as I do, and the more open I am to the experience the more I realize MY full potential.
Explore what fears you have around success…do you believe a woman can be a successful mother, business woman, wife and woman? What self-limiting beliefs do you hold when you ask that question? What has society told you, you must give up to have success in your life?
As a woman – you are strong, confident and courageous.
As a woman – you are feminine, nurturing and loving
All of these things give us our power! When we supress one because of fear or beliefs we limit our power. But when we embrace what being a woman is and all that it has to offer we are more powerful than we can imagine! We have a gift, the gift of knowing, of intuition…as men like to call it their gut instinct…well for women it’s our hearts instinct. All too often we ignore what our heart, our intuition and our knowing tells us and instead allow fear to step in and make decisions for us. Embrace who you are as a woman: strong, independent, all knowing, feminine, nurturing, and loving.
Don’t hide who you are….put a little sparkle on it and wear it with pride!
Embrace change and you will become!
Define what success means to you and you will become!
Celebrate success every day and you will become!
Make yourself a priority in your life and you will become!
Inspire yourself and others to follow their dreams, encourage and mentor.
Release old wounds, fears and self-sabotaging behaviours
Embrace who you are as a woman, learn to express your femininity and flourish as the full circle of life and love you are.
Allow yourself to explore where you feel success in your body.
Where are you holding back? What fears do you have about being SUCCESSFULL?
How will you discover what ignites your BE?
Start by write down your wants, dreams, goals and aspirations…don’t worry about the order or area of life, just write…
Now allow yourself to feel the emotion of each want and dream and ask yourself which are a 10/10. Which ones make your whole body light up, that you desire and have passion for? Because those are ones that you will accomplish and that will bring you success.
But it’s more than just that…
How will YOU take those 10/10 dreams and goals and MAKE them happen?
Make yourself a priority in your life.
Celebrate your successes every day, no matter how small!
Embrace your truth, your desires and your values
Inspire yourself and others to follow their dreams, encourage and mentor.
Release old wounds, fears and self-sabotaging behaviours
Embrace who you are as a woman, learn to express your femininity and flourish as the full circle of life and love you are.
Start today by identify your key values and using them when making choices in business, life and love.
Define what success means to you and use that to create S.M.A.R.T goals in 2014.
From Beverly: Looking for some help along the way identifying you dreams, learning your key values and setting your goals in 2014? I’d love to help you on your path to becoming. Contact me for your FREE “Breakthrough Your Barriers to Success” mini-session TODAY. You are becoming! Let me help you to realize what the BE is! BElieve BEcome BEgin beverly@beverlypickard.com