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How Natalie Got Her (Health) Groove Back. Natalie Hughes, Editor.
I am running down a leaf-covered path on a gorgeous fall morning, through the trees, alongside a glassy, calm canal which just a month ago bustled with the boat traffic of happy vacationers. But I am working. My feet hit the crunchy leaves, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, and my breath settles into a cadence of 3 strides in, 3 strides out, which as a musician, I notice creates a nice rhythmic tension. The words that come to me are,
say yes to health
say yes to happiness
say yes to peace
say yes to contentment
Well let’s be honest, first the words were, “say no to sugar and salt,” but I quickly realized that was a negative affirmation. The tiny Louise Hay on my shoulder (similar to The Great Gazoo from The Flintstones… only wiser, prettier and not the least bit green) reminds me to choose positive words. We need to speak about where we are and not drag along stories or re-hash things that don’t serve us. Thanks, tiny Louise.
But the question remains, “Why did I wait so long to run this path?” What was I doing all summer? How did I miss this beauty? What is more important than this? Nothing, that’s what.
So I’ve begun. This 6 week journey will change my past trajectory in mind, body and soul as I eat and move with with PJ and Risse, the gorgeous, spunky ladies who comprise the Go Fit Gals. These women have boundless energy, passion and ideas.
Communicating with PJ each week through email and social media and watching the gals’ You-Tube channel I decided: “I’ll have what she’s having.”
I need more energy.
I balance 3 careers (editor of this lovely magazine, singer/songwriter and manager of a high-volume business) on top of being a mom to 2 beautiful kids and, oh, yes, a wife, a decorator, a housecleaner… you name the hat, I wear it. And sometimes I look like a triple-hat-topped-zombie-lady, with that straight ahead stare through dead eyes circled in darkness. You know the one. We women in the 21st century, balancing, teetering… we understand each other.
I’m not in terrible health. Last year I made some good decisions that I’m proud of: I gave up caffeine, (that one hurt, literally,) all sodas, and I embraced some great supplements. Where I’ve had trouble taking my vitamins in the past (miss forgetful) I do so much better now. I replaced caffeine with the all-natural Focus Up, and use X2O sachets to make my water more alkaline and electrolyte charged. I’m less acidic with almost no reflux and I don’t wake up groggy and grumpy anymore, so I know it was a great first step. But there needs to be more. Because at about 7 pm when I’ve still got to switch roles 3 more times, I’m feeling kind of nap-ish… ok, downright exhausted.
Well, as you may or may not have noticed, I’m all about spilling the truth of what’s going on. And if I write about overcoming this challenge, everybody wins: me, you and these amazing women. Maybe, just maybe if I put the best possible nutrition in the furnace and get my body the strongest it’s been in my 40 years, and if I excavate whatever it is that drags me into unhealthy choices, I can continue this crazy pace called My Life, which, if I haven’t mentioned, I love. My accountability to you, my soulful reader, has got to be a help in weak times too, methinks.
So I spent time Sunday pouring through the resources that the ladies sent me, and I was gobsmacked at the depth of information. I loved it–great, healthful recipes with real yummy food to stretch me out of my eating comfort zone and an all-encompassing workout plan for strength and endurance that can be easily done at home with a few inexpensive tools. The gals know their stuff. Then it hits me. DEAR GOD WHAT HAVE I GOTTEN MYSELF INTO?
But I’m in now, no turning back. The groceries are bought and the measurements (gulp) have been taken, my weekly eating plan is set, I’ve prepped my food ahead and my iPhone has daily workout alarms programmed in. And now that I’ve said it here in black and white, it’s happening, sister.
You can follow my Eat Clean/Train Dirty progress here, in the health section, each week during my Go Fit Gals’ 6 Week Shape Up. Wish me godspeed!
Yours in spirit,
Natalie Hughes, editor, writer, performer and songwriter, is a gifted interpreter of the human experience, expressing passion, humor, heartbreak, healing and freedom to a depth that few writers reach. Natalie is also the Musical Director for Crystal Andrus Productions, providing music for short films, international speaking engagements, and powerful meditations. Hear her in music and conversation weekly as the co-host on Empowerment Class and The Crystal Andrus Show. Natalie lives along the picturesque waterways of Peterborough, Canada with her husband – photographer Michael Hurcomb – and her two children. For more, visit nataliehughes.com and find Natalie on iTunes, Twitter and Facebook.