How do you know when to Leap?

By on May 26, 2014

By Laura Gisbourne

I know some of you may be on a slow and steady path of growth, but I have found that the greatest experiences and opportunities in my life have often presented themselves as “Leaps of Faith.”  Although this used to feel pretty scary, I have learned to embrace these opportunities that may seem risky when they present themselves to me and have a little system I follow (surprise, surprise :) to check in and decide if I am truly ready to make the “Leap”.

1) Do I trust the source?  Is the opportunity being presented by someone that I know, like and trust?  More importantly, what is my intuition telling me?  Does my body feel excited about this new venture, or am I putting it off because I just can’t get my head around it?

2) How will the change affect my loved ones?   Change is constant.  Fortunately my family is not frightened by change, but I have built my businesses around my core belief that there is nothing more important that I will do as a human being, than being a mother.  When my children were smaller, this was more of a factor.  Now that they are young adults, they are strong and independent, but I still ask myself this question as it pertains to them and to my husband.

3) If I take this on, will I still maintain balance and self care?  As a “Triple A” overachiever, it is really easy for me to fall in love with a project and get myself out of balance.  Before taking on a new adventure, I ask myself if I will be able to play full out and still take care of my health.

4) Is this opportunity in alignment with my commitment to service?  My life flows so much easier when I remember to stay in service.  When looking at your “Leaps” make sure they align with your goals and more important, with your core values.

5) What is the worst thing that can happen?  This question is especially helpful when I am looking at an opportunity that is going to stretch me financially.  If I lose money, but gain insight and growth, I am in.

I hope you find these helpful.  I look forward to seeing you and hearing about your breakthroughs in 2014.

UnknownLaura Gisborne is passionately dedicated to co-operative entrepreneurism—having designed and built nine businesses, the first when she was just 23 years old. Laura’s business wisdom is supported by 20 years of successful entrepreneurial endeavors ranging from six- figure boutique businesses to multi-million dollar corporations. She has excelled in the catering and restaurant fields, with Field of Greens and Medieval Inn, with her real estate brokerage firm, Sycamore Canyon Realty, and currently grows and maintains her winery, Sycamore Canyon Winery, which supplies her highly successful retail operation, The Art of Wine in Sedona, Arizona. Laura is a bold, risk-taking innovator.

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