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Being Heard? Or Part of a Herd?

Written by Amethyst Wyldfyre
Are you actually being heard by your mentor or coach? I’ve spent the last five years in a variety of coaching and mentorship experiences and invariably when I enter into a “Herd” (meaning there are 50 or more people in the group) I see way too many of my colleagues who are simply NOT being heard.
I wondered about this at first because when I step into a mentorship I do my very best to get my needs met. After all that’s why I invested in the first place!
Here’s what I discovered……
People find someone who holds out a promise of getting them where they want to go.
The mentor gathers a large group who all invest (sometimes VERY HIGHLY) to get to the “promised land”.
The mentor/coach/guru DIRECTLY serves ONLY THOSE who are willing to raise their hands and ask questions or request support and ONLY A CERTAIN NUMBER because there is usually a time limit (and if someone is really long winded in their request there is even less time for even less people to be directly served).
The people DO get something out of the service delivery (because there is always something to be learned from the question and answer experience).
Here’s the other thing I noticed about these arrangements – when you are in the HERD…… You can HIDE.
Sure it might LOOK like you are doing something with your business/work/message/mission. “Hey I’m Highly INVESTED here!! Look at the size of the enrollment fee I paid to be in this group!!”
But if you aren’t being HEARD – if your own needs aren’t being DIRECTLY MET – both the practical strategies and tactics as well as the DEEP INNER WORK then you really are not going to be equipped to actually meet the needs of the people YOU are meant to serve.
This is why I made the decision a long time ago to serve at TWO ENDS of the spectrum. Some people are going to want to only engage at the surface level – and for them I have created a TON of great content, all kinds of affordable home study programs, training calls, activation audios, books, reports, and videos where they can just fly on into the community and take ‘baby bird bites’ of the work.
The elite FEW people though who want to BE HEARD, perhaps even be heard by millions are my prized and blessed PRIVATE CLIENTS – and we go DEEP and WIDE together – either in small and deeply intimate groups or one – on – one. The FEW who will make an incredible difference in the lives of the many that they too are here to serve.
Have you ever been coached or mentored as part of a Herd? Would you share your experience with me? I’d love to hear if what happened for you was different from what I’ve witnessed. What I’ve witnessed is multiple millions of dollars invested – and hundreds of people being brought through “herd” programs that resulted in maybe a handful of them generating success anywhere even close to the mentor or guru’s success.
Or are you one of the “FEW” who chooses to receive direct support and consistently invests at a high level to get it? If that describes you I’d love to hear of some of your best experiences because I love to know who’s out there serving in the most impactful of ways.
Maybe you’ve done both? If so how would you compare the two different experiences? Where were you at when you were in the HERD – do you recognize that you might have been hiding? Where were you at when you went for the more intimate work? Were you clear that more intimacy was required to get your needs met?
Send a note back to me directly with your story and let me know if I can share it (or if you’d rather remain anonymous) – amethyst@theempoweredmessenger.com
I can’t wait to hear you!!
In peace and prosperity,
Amethyst Wyldfyre – Known as the “Empress of Empowerment” helps you take your big sparkly visionary WOO WOO Message and bring it RIGHT DOWN TO EARTH! AND Make Mucho Money With That Message TOO!
She’s been there – done that – and got the award winning Crystal Singing Bowl CD to prove it!
She’s also been an award winning REAL ESTATE DEVELOPER too!! Imagine that! If she can do it YOU CAN TOO and she can show you how through her transformational products and services designed to help you get CLEAR, FOCUSED and GROUNDED so that you can actually make that big vision or big calling you have HAPPEN!
With a sense of humor that is equal to her humility Amethyst credits the whole wacky journey to the “upstairs team” – and is often heard saying “I am a pure clear channel – light is my guide!”
She’s empowered some of the big cheeses in the expert and transformation industry including NY Times Best Selling author Suzanne Falter Barnes and the Queen of Sales Conversion multimillionaire speaking trainer Lisa Sasevich!