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Health and the Art of Cooking with Crystal Andrus

You reach for the fresh basil, garlic, tomatoes and onion and begin to chop and dice like a chef in a gourmet restaurant. The cutting board is flowing with the flavourful juices as you slide the mixture down into a shiny metal bowl. Carefully you drizzle a touch of extra virgin olive oil over it and voila, your meal is taking form.
Only those who do it…I mean really do it, can agree that cooking is an art form! Although I am not a gourmet chef, I believe that it can be extremely therapeutic and very relaxing. If the idea of cooking dinner tonight overwhelms or depresses you than it’s time to readjust your thinking.
Throw away the notion that it’s one of the “domestics,” a chore to be avoided. Cooking a fabulous meal is simply not the same as cleaning a toilet or vacuuming. It is a celebration of life.
The first secret to enjoying cooking is to enjoy your kitchen! That does not mean renovations are in order but a clean, organized kitchen is a must. Some herbs growing in a pot on your windowsill and fresh flowers in a vase will liven even the dullest room. The kitchen is usually the most used room in the house so keep it bright and cheerful. Cleanliness is a must and organization is essential!
A weekly trip to the grocery store can cut back on unnecessary purchases. Before going shopping, take ten minutes to clean out the refrigerator. Throw out any leftovers that will soon have a life of their own, and wipe all the shelves and drawers. Put your fruit and vegetables where you will see them and make a commitment to eat some at each meal. Oh, and NEVER go shopping on an empty stomach!
Once you know a few tricks, you really can’t go wrong with your meal. Garlic, parsley, basil, oregano, rosemary and onions can add pizzazz to almost any dish and sometimes a dash of red pepper flakes, cayenne pepper or tobasco sauce can create a splash. A little apple or orange juice can add sweetness and balsamic, cider and red raspberry vinegars add sparkle to any salad. Get creative with your foods. In no time, boneless chicken breast can be mouth watering when rolled and stuffed with spinach and fat free ricotta… lettuce can change form boring rabbit food to a delectable salad with the addition of cider vinegar, sprouts, red onions, mandarin oranges, fresh pepper and a sprinkle of walnuts. Chickpeas are just a few minutes from being hummus. All it takes is a little imagination and love! Yes, love!
And one last, very important thought: Dr. Deepak Chopra teaches that whom you eat with and your state of emotions at the time of eating are as important as the foods you choose. If you are upset or angry when you are eating, you will not digest your food properly, thus inhibiting optimum nutrient metabolism. Take a few minutes before you dine to give thanks for the food you are about to enjoy and for all the blessings in your life. Chew slowly and savour the flavour!
In love and light,
Crystal Andrus is a bestselling author, international speaker, women’s advocate, host of “Empowerment Class” and “The Crystal Andrus Show” on CBS Radio, and Founder of “The S.W.A.T. Institute (Simply Woman Accredited Trainer)” ~ the world’s #1 online Personal Empowerment Certification Coaching School, exclusively for women. She can be reached at www.crystalandrus.com or www.swatinstitute.com.