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Heal Thyself, Wild Woman, From the Inside Out

By: Dana Mahon
How many times have we heard the expression “happiness is an inside job”? Or, “beauty comes from within”, or “healthy from the inside out”… These are absolutely cliché and absolutely true!
It may have taken 45 years to learn this through and through but (wo) man, once I did, it really stuck. Taking care of ourselves is what allows us to live our best lives and whether it is our emotional, mental, spiritual or physical wellness, it all starts and stops with us. This is the “good” news and the “bad” news! We are in control of how we look and feel, inside and out – to me this is liberation!
There is no doubt that we all have our own stories which include in some way shape or form, wounds of the past that require healing, compassion and self-love. We may not all be aware of these wounds if we have indeed buried them deep down, or are too afraid to heal, and then release them. The wonderful thing about being on a path of wellness, health and growth is that it is never too late to start the healing process and it can be done, (in fact encouraged) slowly, kindly and with grace and patience. Inside each of us is a pure being who wishes the same thing as the next, contentment, health and peace. We can cultivate all of these things with simple wellness practices.
We can keep this notion very simple by narrowing things down:
Fuelling ourselves comes in many forms. Here are some simple ways to bring healing, wellness and peace into your every day experience.
Nourishment for the body by way of whole, clean, natural foods and, water!
Start with one or two small changes that will raise your physical vibration. Suggestions:
Hydrate hydrate hydrate, for starters!
Introduce superfoods into you morning beverage, such as powdered greens that include chlorella, alfalfa and spirulina; add herbs like ashwagandha or holy basil – to help manage stress; and consider starting the day with fresh lemon, ginger water to gently wake up the kidneys and digestive system.
Nourishment for the mind by way of breath work, meditation and mindfulness
Start each day with five minutes of breathing and intentional thought. That’s all it takes to gather yourself, fuel your brain and decide how you want to move about your day. Meditation can be as simple and beneficial as breathing in and breathing out, fully and completely, and focusing on the sensation. Remember, we get to decide how we want to feel. A morning ritual of this nature is a powerful way to do this.
Nourishment for the soul and spirit by way of a mind/body devotional practice such as Yoga, where the focus is on presence, compassion and connection.
Yoga can be intimidating to new practitioners but the truth is, Yoga is “managing the fluctuations of the mind”. Yoga is union between body and breath, between the student and her Higher Power. Yoga can include handstands sure, but that is not what it’s all about. Developing a practice of mind-body union helps us to stay grounded and deeply connected to ourselves, and to others believe it or not. When we practice living in the presence, which is what Yoga helps us to do, because the focus is on staying present with our mind and body, we are reminded that we are all the same; doing our best to live our lives in peace and harmony, and with compassion for ourselves and those around us. By introducing gentle movement where we meditate (focus) on the connection between out body and breath, between our Self and our Divine, we are in a better position, no pun intended, to be present and aware.
Introducing each of these simple practices, or re-introducing if we have veered or wandered, is a holistic approach to healing ourselves from the inside out, which allows us to shine brightly and beautifully out into the world; which needs us now more than ever. Shine on!
Author of Release Your Inner Wild, the modern day women’s guide to reconnecting with your true Self; honouring your health, passion and power, Dana is a champion of healthy living with over two decades of education and experience in the wellness industry. She lives her best life on Vancouver Island.
For more about Dana, her book, and to get a copy, visit