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Grounding Our Potential and A Vision for us all
Written by Colette Baron-Reid
Dearest You,
Not sure if you identify with this but lately it feels like if I open my computer a giant monster will jump out to swallow me whole, make my heart break and force me to watch unspeakable things that make me ashamed to be a human.
O that actually happened? Not a metaphor?
All Righty Then.
That may be true but after the initial breakdown I am now that much more committed to keep my focus on Love, Unity, Peace, and Understanding so I’m committed to spend way more time there respectful of what’s happening but refusing to allow hate to seep into my blood and mindful of my reactions.
People seem to want to pick fights a lot lately but none of us have the right answer to solve the past, only to co-create a new future.
Everything is so complicated. Everyone wants to be heard. Like A Course in Miracles reminds us in the simplest of terms. We co-create the world from Love or Fear.
Sometimes you might start in fear and feel the hate and you want to retaliate but then you just know that if you act the same way and spread more hate you won’t get what you want at all, and you’ll just escalate the entire story further without ever finding a solution.
Fear that is rooted in the deep rotting brambles of history can set a trap that’s hard to escape from.
But, because deep down you believe in the Light, you just might muster enough strength to crawl over to the Love side grumbling but when you make it you hang on because miracles are over on this side not the other.
But we are human, and humans are built to shut down when fear strikes so it’s really hard to fumble around in the dark to find the path to Love. Yet in spite of it all perhaps a hand will suddenly be there, or a soft voice, a glimmering Light shines and then the next thing you know you get to make a choice.
I want to be that voice and that hand and that glimmering Light. Do You?
These days I am so aware that we are all riding a tidal wave that feels so chaotic and crazy destructive and it’s so scary because I know deep down it will get worse before it gets better.
Learning skills to manage uncertainty and upheavals and thriving in spite of the bumpy conditions is essential now.
Staying present to all of it, yet wearing the world loosely, keeping your focus local in order to bring the highest good first from within, keeping on being teachable and humble, and choosing peace over hate has to be the order of the day.
And, yes sometimes dripping snot all over yourself in an ugly cry when you feel hopeless and powerless and wonder how the heck we all got here might be part of it too.
Yet, the world is on time with its fractal cycles and a choice point is coming.
If you haven’t read Gregg Braden’s book Fractal Time, now is the time to do so.
I had the privilege of interviewing him this weekend for my Real and Raw Master series of off the cuff conversations that I’m giving away when my book launches August 20th. He talked about the cycles that are happening in our world right now and how everything – from terrorism and other issues stemming from the Middle East, to the racism and upheavals in the USA- everything is right on time.
- A cycle is set in motion come round again for us to revisit and we need to get it right this time.
- One thought, one action, one belief, one motive, one minute at a time.
- Meditate, meditate, meditate, meditate, and more meditation.
- O and did I mention meditation?
- That and then some more of that will help a lot.
- Then choosing from an integrated place.
- The soul knows… it observes it all.
So, I am here now, having just spent a meaningful Birthday weekend with hubby and friends, hunkering down for the full moon week that my friend Debra Silverman reminded me of and will be talking about this Thursday on my Hay House radio show (noon EST). Debra and I spent a few days together last week in Boulder Colorado and shot a Face Book Live conversation on friendship. It was such a healing trip and I got to spend some quality time with Robert Ohotto and Nancy Levin too which was amazing. And Debra introduced me to her friend Sting and we hung out then went to his concert with Peter Gabriel. Ah-maze balls!
Friendships are so so so important these days.
All my friends have a similar mission. Our purpose is to remain conscious of our roles as co-creators and help others do the same so we can collaborate to build a better world. We are fierce Light Warriors all of us.
So according to the stars this week’s full moon has a theme and it’s about grounding our potential into reality. It’s time to take the dream we have incubated and put it into action and get serious and practical about what that might look like in terms of an action plan. If there is any inauthenticity in your energy it really is time to say “Thank you for bringing me this far but I gotta let you go now!” No more denial just time to stake your claim on your teeny pulsing part of this insane world and make your little patch strong and healthy and stable in spite of the crazy waves and stormy skies. Bet this is what it felt like on Noah’s Ark.
I had a life altering series of visions when I saw a healer in Boulder last week that I was not expecting when I lay down (as visions do follow the unexpected surprise party theory at the best of times anyway) and although I will share the experience in greater detail soon I want to speak to the most profound parts as I know I am meant to carry this message to you today.
In the beginning of the session I relaxed then suddenly became aware that a circle of towering slender light beings and some shorter ones that appeared to be made of rock and metal surrounded me in a circle and while the healer placed his hands on me simultaneously these beings were intently working on these threads of light that were way above me. I was the observer rather than a participant although I knew I was part of the equation they were reminding me that Spirit is impersonal, and will reflect our dominant energy whatever that is.
Then for the next 90 minutes I was taken on a journey I will never forget. I was shown that I was one with the conscious universe that you and I were part of that oneness in an inextricable way. A chorus of voices kept repeating in a sing song way “What we do to the web we do to all of us. All of life is you and you are it.”
Then I literally became a conscious earth, then a conscious creature of air then I was both the fire in a funeral pyre and the body of a giant of a race that once walked the earth. I was water and played with a giant sea turtle and I was the spout of a whale who kept all our secrets since time began. I was an ice floe and I was the bright turquoise water that rushed through it like a river.
I saw that we were created deliberately to walk the earth and that we were meant to be its stewards as well as be descendants of the stars. I saw violence and how more will come to rock the earth but then I saw an image of how our minds engage the Great Mind and how we really can make a change. It must come from within.
I’m still processing all of it but these are the simple messages I gathered.
- Separation is an Illusion
- The Material world is a reflection of the mirror of Spirit.
- We have the power to ground the invisible into reality.
- We have the power to destroy or to re-create our world.
- We are made of stardust and so we have extraordinary latent powers to make miracles.
We are in a cycle and we will know exactly the moment within it when we need to coordinate our choices so that Love can lead. Our hearts are already primed!
I’m not waiting.. I am going to commit to the Light and to Love now, so I can be ready. I am going to ground those into my reality and pursue my dreams and hopefully make the world a better place!
You? Love to hear from You.
How was your week? What’s happening to you? Have you had any visions as real as your coffee cup?
Love always… CBR!
Colette Baron-Reid is an intuitive counsellor and founder of the Master Intuitive Coach Institute. Her book, “Weight Loss For People Who Feel Too Much” is available on Amazon and in book stores everywhere! colettebaronreid.c