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goddess oracle: awaken the feminine divine in 2014

By Ronelle Roode-Brothers.
your goddess oracle
Connecting you with the spirit of the feminine divine.
2014 – awaken the year ahead
It’s December, a time where we immerse ourselves in the magical aura of the holiday season. It’s also a time to say goodbye to another year and reflect upon what that passage in our lives felt like, and to gaze forward to where our hopes and dreams might take us…as we embark on opportunity for new life experiences.
I bring you a series of heartfelt messages to help infuse the beauty of the goddess-divine within you. Let the vibration & wisdom of these amazing feminine spirits inspire you as you are preparing to journey through 2014 – their messages may just be want you need from time to time.
Read them now – feel motivated about the upcoming chapters of your life – check back each month and re-inspire yourself 😉 Each Goddess card was randomly selected.
As music is one of our greatest foundations to the expansion of the soul – along with each goddess message – I’ve included a selection of music that stimulates the mood of her mystical narrative (I believe goddesses and music go “hand-in-heart”!)
Wishing you a wonderful year ahead filled with more of the remarkable, joy-filled and heartwarming pathways!
Sekhmet: January
You have yet to uncover the depths of your inner-strength.
As you set your personal goals for the months which lie ahead, keep in mind all that you have triumphed over, all that you have already achieved and the level of tenacity you hold which brought you this far. Sekhmet, Egyptian Sun Goddess, is the perfect inspiration as you also commit to keeping your health & physical strength in tip-top order.
goddess inspiration melody: Call of the Tribes – Karunesh
Vesta: February
“Home is where the heart is”…and February is the month we devote to loving relationships. Whether you are in a romantic union or not is not the focal-point of this narrative. The focal point is to centralize your thoughts on abundance-of-love – towards your own self, in particular. If we seek external expressions of love & friendship, and dismiss the value of how we feel about ourselves – our self-respect & integrity – than we’ve surely “missed the boat” to what is essential to the core of our being. Roman Goddess of hearth & home, Vesta, encourages you to ignite the actions which will bring you self-appreciation and naturally flow over into your other relationships. Begin with love “at home” – meaning the love within your own heart.
goddess inspiration melody: Driftin’ – Shakatak
Brigit: March
As you are shifting into high-gear with your life changes for the year, pursuing all that which floods your spirit with joy – whether in career, love-life, or simply in the idea of remaining true to you, while developing some boundaries – Celtic Triple-Goddess, Brigit, is here to remind you to remain steadfast. Change is not easy – for those who want the nature of your relationship’s equilibrium to stay “as is” – or your own struggles with the shifting of the soul. Hold strong in a graceful manner – there’s no need for aggressiveness. Confidence need not be achieved through belligerent, confrontational behaviour.
goddess inspiration melody: Passage through Ancient Relics – Nicholas Gunn
Bast: April
Balancing between giving and receiving isn’t always easy when you hope to attain an independent spirit. Bast encourages you to schedule in ample time to cater to your own needs – not selfishly…but in a way which honours your deserved self-nurturing. Solitude is one component which will help ease your restless, anxious spirit. Sometimes we may think that being surrounded by others is the answer, when in actuality, it may be quite the opposite. Solitude frees the mind of any other interruptions and gives us chance for reflection and relaxed, creative-thinking.
Bast represents our independent soul, and gaining independent thought-process does not always happen when listening to the opinions of others too often. So create some time regularly to wind down and enjoy some quiet-time of your own. You will foster rejuvenation and regain energy to keep moving forward with your dreams!
goddess inspiration melody: River of Dreams – Briza
Aphrodite: May
Aphrodite reminds us to nurture our feminine side. Maybe it’s time to remember that our sensuality deserves attention, as well. Movement & free-flowing Dance is a fabulous way to release toxic energies and breathe in your feminine spirit. Find music that inspires this within you and simply move as you feel guided by the rhythms and melodies. Connect with a gentler side of yourself, as assertiveness can be maintained alongside a sensual soul.
There is a creativity which is found in that sensual side of yourself – so flow with your feminine intuition and be receptive to softening any hard-edges of your soul which may have risen from too much focus on the everyday-occurrences, deflecting dramas, or the career-quests which call for a lot of your firm assertive-side. Ask for Aphrodite’s guidance to stay balanced between assertive and feminine.
goddess inspiration melody: Aphrodite – Kelly Andrew
White Tara: June
White Tara notices you’ve been putting immense effort towards positivity! This is wonderful! With this growth in your inner-spirit can sometimes bring outer-forces or individuals which you find yourself becoming highly sensitive to. Their presence tires you, wears you down and you feel the need to avoid them.
Don’t disregard these emotions, instead honour them. You’ve put in substantial energy towards your self-growth and now is not the time to give in or give up in order to please others. Your positive outlook is well worth avoiding negative influences – an outlook which will be richly rewarding, filling you with greater doses of health, happiness & joy, whatever you are in pursuit of.
goddess inspiration melody: Earth & Sky – Karunesh
Oonagh: July
We are midway through the year – starting July off with Oonagh’s overview of our progress. How are you doing with your goals? While yes, the clock is ticking away, try not to lose faith if you feel your dreams have not been barreling towards you at the rapid light-speed you anticipated.
Step back and review how even the smallest of steps are steps closer to your wishes. It doesn’t matter if those steps have been methodically plotted one after another – what matters is even if those steps seem to be getting accomplished in an unorthodox order, they’re getting taken care of! Be pleased about all those check-marks beside your to-do list items and keep your focus & commitment.
Remember – Enjoy the stroll as much as day-dreaming about the results – for every step along the way is something to be proud of!
goddess inspiration melody: Promenade – Nature Sounds Project
Athena: August
Grecian Goddess, Athena, recognizes there’s a difficult situation you’ve been experiencing which will require you to call upon your deepest source of wisdom – the wisdom that rests within your intuition. It’s time for you to tap in and draw upon those gut instincts that (in this case) you may have been choosing to ignore.
Have you been procrastinating? Is there a reason why you’ve opted to ignore rather than shift into action? Now is the time to step into full empowered feminine-spirit and draw on what your senses are telling you – those recurring thoughts and inner-signals are your guiding-force – intuitive-wisdom is key to shift those procrastination-vibes into action-steps.
goddess inspiration melody: Athena – Kelly Andrew
Dana: September
Have you been called upon to take on a leadership role? – Than who better to draw strength from than Dana (Danu), Celtic Goddess. In some capacity, your leadership-aspects have been viewed as valuable and so don’t underestimate yourself.
There are many ways in which individuals display leadership-qualities. You may be a role-model purely through your peaceful, regal nature. You may be the sort of individual who takes a hands-on approach and offers to teach or coach others.
Regardless of the situation – your empowered-self is in optimum form and much needed, not just by those around you, but also on a universal-level. Role-modeling, in particular to a younger generation, is of immense value – positive guidance on any level can only result in positive results which emanate on a global-vibration.
goddess inspiration melody: Countess Cathleen/The Women of Sidhe – Bill Whalen (Riverdance Soundtrack)
Kuan Yin: October
You’ve entered a phase where you find yourself fretting over perfectionism. Every minute detail of every corner of your life you are attempting to do and do-over – hoping that each new effort will result in this perfect outcome with which you’ve been fussing over.
Kuan Yin empathizes with your endless efforts to be your best, however, she expresses to you to let go a little and release the need to agonize to achieve, and opt to flow towards success with more ease and acceptance. And perhaps this need to flow – to find ease and acceptance is with others as well (?) As difficult as it may be for you at times, controlling outcomes is not always the answer.
Each individual has her/his viewpoint as to what works best (in their eyes.) As an example of varied perspectives; maybe you like to organize your home-décor in random-groupings while another person enjoys items that are lined-up in symmetrical fashion. We all have our vision of the ideal solutions – now is the time to learn to relax and be inspired by a more free-flowing perspective that lets you enjoy the process just as much as the results.
goddess inspiration melody: China Moon – Angels of Venice
Yemanya: November
Has your spirit been feeling overwhelmed by doomsday-energies of scarcity? Have the negative-naysayer thoughts & opinions of others been absorbing there way (their way) into your life? Than Yemanya, the African/Brazilian Goddess wants you to remember her message to you.
The universe has a multitude of opportunities for all to enjoy – rich and diverse options for your creative-spirit to thrive and explore. It’s true, sadly sometimes we find ourselves surrounded by people who place their own personal limitations upon us – they cast their own fears outward in various ways; maybe they share their naysayer-skepticism under the guise/appearance of “advice…wisdom…logic” – posing their own limitations as words in which to show “they care and don’t want to see you be disappointed”.
Yemanya knows that what may be even more disappointing (for you) is if you were to live one day with regret for not having tried – for not seizing the golden opportunities that flow towards you. Hear the song of your heart’s desires and draw on your own intuition. Really review the meanings underneath the words of those no-can-do-skeptics. More often than not – people with such strongly negative opinions are steeped in their own existence of fear, doubt, regret and possibly jealousy.
Your best navigation across the waves and tides towards those golden opportunities will come from a spirit that remains full with positive vibration & gratitude!
goddess inspiration melody: Open Sky – Ryan Faris
Maeve: December
There is a constant inhale-exhale rhythm to the universe – cycles and seasons, give and receive – and we are part of this natural flow to life. Celtic Goddess, Maeve, asks us to remember that there is a delicate balance to this rhythm.
For many of us from different lands, December is a time which can be both joyful and a tad demanding of our time – no doubt we need to heed Maeve’s advice during such a hectic month as the festive-season unfolds.
Ensure you balance all efforts for giving with sufficient time for self-nurturing. In this era, life is more busy than ever – and so often we get caught up in such a flurry of activity with the belief that high-strung, go-go-go means we’re individuals who are “capable and succeeding.” The longer our to-do lists, and the more “done-items” we cross off those lists – we believe “we’re ultimate-achievers.” All too often, we dismiss the value of a lifestyle that includes a sense of serenity, peace and blissful vibration.
Sadly, many individuals view time spent to truly “relax” as uneventful and unaccomplished.
But think about it? Do you really want your frantic pace to only be stopped via a “crash & burn” avenue??? Trust me, the crash & burn-method isn’t embracing serenity – yes you’ll be at a complete stand-still, but it will be due to your body, mind & spirit telling you “ENOUGH”. So before you reach this plummeting-spiral to the ground – schedule in time for gentle, peaceful, rejuvenating activities – a warm bubble-bath, some soft music on the stereo – a quiet candle-lit dinner with a loved-one or even with yourself!
Your nurtured, balanced-soul will thank-you for it.
goddess inspiration melody: Sailing Away – Moya Brennan
Aeracura: Bonus Message
Angelic Number-Sequence interpretation shares with us that 13 represents the goddess, the sacred feminine – with 13 moon-cycles each year, 13 inspires our feminine, intuitive side. As I shuffled my oracle-deck, one by one I drew a card for each month. Aeracura literally flew out of the deck into my lap as I began to shuffle – I knew she was destined to represent our 13th goddess.
Aeracura’s message speaks to our creative-hearts. We have dreams and goals that truly ignite our souls, and now is the time to listen, learn and be patient. Listen to the signals which inspire those new ideas – if there is a particular song that seems to set you off on a creative boost – play it frequently. Read, research, practice and learn the skills which will enhance those projects you have planned for yourself. Nothing will help build your confidence (in those chosen dreams) than a foundation of solid research and skill. And patience – this is key to watching all those fabulous dreams simmer and develop! With perseverance and patience, listening and learning – your creative-passions will begin to take shape – so chill out, and try to diminish any stress (as it will only hold you back unnecessarily.)
goddess inspiration melody: Radiance – Shaun Aston
Ronelle Roode-Brothers: Down-to-earth musings, musical-motivators and creatively-sourced mystical goddess messages – imaginatively blended…to help you feel uplifted and inspired to move forward with a more positive & refreshed outlook!
Born in Cape Town, South Africa into a family with a rich ethnic-tapestry and extensive Artistic-heritage, Ronelle has led a life of following her dreams and intuition. Tapping into every corner of her creative soul, she has provided intuitive oracle-readings for over a decade. As well, for more than 30 years, mentoring women has become a natural extension of her work as a Dance-Educator/Fitness-Professional. Known for her passionate, dynamic spirit and ability to mentor & inspire, her dance-arts career as a master teacher, adjudicator and guest speaker has taken her to Japan, Spain and throughout North America. As a writer, Ronelle has interviewed some of the most renowned dance-world legendary artists & celebrities. To learn more about Ronelle visit her website at: http://www.truegoddessrevelation.com/
* Note – The oracle messages contained in these written pieces/columns are for enhancement of the written article/column. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to assist you in your quest for emotional and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information within any/all articles for yourself, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions. These written pieces/columns/articles are not meant to be a replacement for any medical advice.